Street Safe Defense CCW Examination

STOP!  If you have not already completed the online training consisting of the PowerPoint, training video, and CCW Manual, please go back and do so before continuing to the quiz. The PowerPoint, training video, and CCW Manual are mandatory components of the CCW and CCW Renewal training course. You may use the link below or go back to the signup page and use the links there.
Please note that a passing score is 80% or higher.  If you do not receive 80% or higher, please re-review the training material and retake the quiz.
You will not receive an automatic confirmation once you complete the quiz.  Your results will be automatically submitted to Street Safe Defense upon completion.  Please contact us if you would like a copy.
STOP!  If you have not already completed the online training consisting of the PowerPoint, training video, and CCW Manual, please go back and do so before continuing to the quiz. The PowerPoint, training video, and CCW Manual are mandatory components of the CCW and CCW Renewal training course. You may use the link below or go back to the signup page and use the links there.
Please note that a passing score is 80% or higher.  If you do not receive 80% or higher, please re-review the training material and retake the quiz.
You will not receive an automatic confirmation once you complete the quiz.  Your results will be automatically submitted to Street Safe Defense upon completion.  Please contact us if you would like a copy.
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The No. 1 Cardinal Rule of Safety is to always treat every firearm you see as if it is loaded.
Proper and safe gun handling requires the shooter to always keep the ____ pointed in a safe direction.
Support Hand
Pistol Grip
Every person who keeps any firearm within any premise which is under their control is morally and legally required to lock up their firearms and to keep them beyond the reach of children and adults.
Tragedies with firearms occur due to poor safety habits and a lack of knowledge in manipulating firearms.
The 5 fundamentals of modern pistolcraft and shooting are (choose 5):
Shooting Stance
Get Close to the Target
Breathing Control
Using a Flashlight in the Dark
Sight Alignment
Trigger Control
Which of these two shooter errors is considered to be the No. 1 shooting error?
Sight Alignment
Trigger Control
When you are shooting at a target, where must you always focus on?
The Target
The Front Sight
The Rear Sight
The subconscious mind is responsible for all motor functions and long-term memory and firearms safety. Each time you carry and use a firearm safe handling must become a subconscious routine that is used 100% of the time.
The mental rehearsal “What if” game anticipating possible high-risk encounters and courses of action enhances your ability to quickly react and survive a potentially lethal confrontation.
Moderate to high levels of stress will not interfere with fine muscular controls or decision making.
Which Color Zone of Awareness indicates that you are vigilant, fully aware of your surroundings and conditions in general?
What two color Zones of Awareness should you NEVER be in? (Select two)
The responsible armed citizen should not draw or exhibit their firearm unless the totality of circumstances creates a reasonable belief that they are at risk of imminent harm or death.
Other than the waistband and the ankle, name another likely body location for carrying a concealed handgun.
Inside Groin Area
Shoulder Area
The general rule in selecting a firearm to be carried concealed is to choose a gun that you can comfortably handle and fire.
A shoulder holster has many tactical advantages and should be used as a primary carry location.
The three stages of the Drawing Stroke are: (Select three)
Step to the Side
Put Hands & Gun to Chest
Clear Holster
It is tactically safe and technically correct to look at your holster when re-holstering.
The use of force/deadly force requires a(n) _______ standard of proof and belief that one is at ______ risk of personal harm or death. (Select 2)
The underlying philosophy behind the use of physical deadly force is that the amount of force used to control a subject is considered _________________ when compared to the level of violence displayed by the aggressive subject confronting you.
Under CA Penal Code §417, any person who, except in self-defense in the presence of any other person, draws or exhibits any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, in a rude, angry or threatening manner; or who in any manner, unlawfully uses a firearm in any fight is guilty of a misdemeanor.
A person who uses deadly force; or uses any less lethal force after the threat has stopped; or the threatening person has stated they no longer intend to harm you; or is fleeing, becomes the “aggressor” and loses their legal argument of “self-defense.”
As used in CA Penal Code §25105(d), the term “locking device” means a device that is designed to prevent a firearm from functioning and, when applied to the firearm, renders the firearm inoperable.
As per CA Penal Code §25125(b), in any action or trial commenced under CA PC §25100, the fact that the person who allegedly violated this section attended a firearms safety training course prior to the purchase of the firearm that was obtained by a child in violation of this section shall be admissible.
A CA CCW permit issued by a city or county in the State of California is valid throughout the state including those jurisdictions which do not provide for CCW permits for their citizens.
Video Question: How many magazines for pistols and speed loaders for revolvers do you need for the CCW/CCW Renewal courses?
2 pistol magazines or 2 revolver speed loaders
3 pistol magazines or 2 revolver speed loaders
2 pistol magazines or 1 revolver speed loaders
3 pistol magazines or 1 revolver speed loaders
Video Question: The "OODA Loop" refers to a safety protocol of:
Observe, orient, disengage, awareness
Orient, observe, decide, anxiety
Observe, orient, distance, action
Observe, orient, decide, act
Video Question: When charging your pistol, you grasp the slide by:
Using thumb and forefinger to pull slide rearwards and letting go
Grabbing the top of the rear of the slide with your whole hand, pushing gun forward while pulling slide rearwards
Pointing muzzle of gun to the side, stepping into the weapon, pulling slide back and letting go
Video Question: "Getting off the 'X'" refers to:
Not stepping in front of the firing line while everyone is shooting
Walking directly towards your target while shooting
Moving off the line of attack while shooting
Stepping backwards and disengaging while shooting
Video Question: The "Economy of Motion" while shooting refers to:
Scoot, Shoot, and Scoot in a smooth and fluid manner
Shoot, Scoot, and Shoot in a smooth and fluid manner
Shoot, Shoot, and Shoot as quickly as possible
Shoot, Shoot, and Scoot as quickly as possible
Video Question: "Indexing" the firearm refers to:
Holding the firearm dead center to your body and punching out towards the target
Aligning the holstered firearm down your pants leg
Keeping your trigger finger pointed along the slide of the gun and also using it to point towards the threat with the finger off the trigger
Pulling the pistol slide to the rear when clearing and showing safe
Acknowledgment of Proper Equipment:  I acknowledge that I have reviewed what to bring to class and the FAQ page for the proper holsters.  I am aware that my holster must be outside-the-waistband ONLY while at the range.  I acknowledge that if I do not bring the proper gear and safety equipment (eye/ear protection) to class I will be removed from class without refund and I will have to pay to attend another class at a later date.
I acknowledge that will bring the proper equipment to class or be removed
No-Show Acknowledgment:  I acknowledge that if I cannot attend a class, I will give at least least 48 hours prior notice to be rescheduled or be refunded.  I acknowledge that if I do not show up on the day of the class, I will not be refunded for the class and I will have to pay to attend another class at a later date.
I acknowledge that if I do not show up to class without prior notice, I will not be refunded and must pay again for a new class
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