Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Mon, 20 Dec 21
[2112.09134] Eric J. Tervo, Myles A. Steiner: Semiconductor-Dielectric-Metal Solar Absorbers with High Spectral Selectivity
[2112.09163] Jacek Gosciniak: Nonvolatile plasmonics based on optically reprogrammable phase change materials
[2112.09193] Maricarmen Castro A., Víctor Muñoz: Existence of Korteweg-de Vries Solitons and Relevance of Relativistic Effects in a Dusty Electron-Ion Plasma
[2112.09204] Mengjie Yu, Christian Reimer, David Barton et al.: Femtosecond Pulse Generation via an Integrated Electro-Optic Time Lens
[2112.09211] Andrés Castillo-Castellanos, Stéphane Le Dizès: Closely spaced co-rotating helical vortices: Long-wave instability
[2112.09225] O. Borysov: The strong-field QED experiment LUXE at the European XFEL and its detector challenges
[2112.09226] Danielle J. Harper, Benjamin J. Vakoc: The relationship between axial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in optical coherence tomography
[2112.09233] R.C. Dhuley, I. Gonin, K. Zeller et al.: Design of a medium energy, high average power superconducting e-beam accelerator for environmental applications
[2112.09246] Kaikai Liu, Nitesh Chauhan, Jiawei Wang et al.: 36 Hz integral linewidth laser based on a photonic integrated 4.0-meter coil resonator
[2112.09256] Lei Wei, Francisco J. Rodríguez Fortuño: Optical multipolar torque in structured electromagnetic fields: on `helicity gradient' torque, quadrupolar torque and the spin of field gradient
[2112.09265] Niels Linnemann, Kian Salimkhani: The Constructivist's Programme and the Problem of Pregeometry
[2112.09276] Adham Naji, Gennady Stupakov, Zhirong Huang et al.: Field Analysis for a Highly-Overmoded Iris Line, with Application to THz Radiation Transport at LCLS
[2112.09283] Yifei Zhang, Baoqing Zhang, Mingming Feng et al.: Cavity Induced Extraordinary Optical Transmission and Active Modulation with Graphene
[2112.09285] Ioan Baldea: Extensive Quantum Chemistry Study of Neutral and Charged C$_4$N Chains. An Attempt to Aid Astronomical Observation
[2112.09289] Wanyue Peng, Richard Wilson: Nanoscale laser flash measurements of diffuson transport in amorphous Ge and Si
[2112.09302] Rachit Gupta, Rajeev Jaiman: Three-dimensional deep learning-based reduced order model for unsteady flow dynamics with variable Reynolds number
[2112.09303] Gengyang Mu, Nikaya Snell, Chang Zhang et al.: Observation of Silicon Nitride Nanomechanical Resonator Actuation Using Capacitive Substrate Excitation
[2112.09347] Lei Shen, Jun Zhou, Tong Yang et al.: High-throughput Discovery and Intelligent Design of 2D Functional Materials for Various Applications
[2112.09363] K. J. Brunner, N. Marushchenko, Y. Turkin et al.: Design considerations of the European DEMO's IR-interferometer/polarimeter based on TRAVIS simulations
[2112.09372] A. Abramov, A. Chepurnov, A. Etenko et al.: iDREAM: Industrial Detector of REactor Antineutrinos for Monitoring at Kalinin nuclear power plant
[2112.09375] Frederic Jolivet, Georg Schramm, Johan Nuyts: One-step inversion algorithms for spectral CT, with application to dynamic Cone Beam CT
[2112.09380] Jean-Louis Milan, Chan Yone Claudia, Rossi Jean-Marie et al.: Simulating pharmaceutical treatment effects on osteoporosis via a bone remodeling algorithm targeting hypermineralized sites
[2112.09381] Maxime Vassaux, Laurent Pieuchot, Karine Anselme et al.: Designing Optimal Scaffold Topographies to Promote Nucleus-Guided Mechanosensitive Cell Migration Using in Silico Models
[2112.09399] Davide Perrone, J.G.M Kuerten, Luca Ridolfi et al.: Network analysis of Reynolds number scaling in wall-bounded Lagrangian mixing
[2112.09470] Xiaocong Ai, Heather M. Gray, Andreas Salzburger et al.: A Non-Linear Kalman Filter for track parameters estimation in High Energy Physics
[2112.09472] E. K. J. Kilpua, S. W. Good, N. Dresing et al.: Multi-spacecraft observations of the structure of the sheath of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection and related energetic ion enhancement
[2112.09492] Huan Yang, Bernhard Reischl, Ivo Neefjes et al.: Collision-sticking kinetics of acid-base clusters and its influence on atmospheric new particle formation
[2112.09498] Nicole Walter, Maximilian Doppelbauer, Silvio Marx et al.: Spectroscopic characterization of the $\textrm{a}^\textrm{3} Π$ state of aluminum monofluoride
[2112.09504] P. Helander, G.G. Plunk: Energetic bounds on gyrokinetic instabilities. Part I: Fundamentals
[2112.09508] Janus J. Eriksen: Electronic Excitations Through the Prism of Mean-Field Decomposition Techniques
[2112.09511] Tomos W. David, Pierre Delplace, Antoine Venaille: How do CPT-like symmetries shape the stability of geophysical flows?
[2112.09513] A. Nardoa, C. De Santi, C. Koller et al.: Positive and negative charge trapping GaN HEMTs: interplay between thermal emission and transport-limited processes
[2112.09516] Luca Troise, Nikolaj Winther Hansen, Christoffer Olsson et al.: Laser stimulation of muscle activity with simultaneous detection using a diamond colour centre biosensor
[2112.09517] Naum I. Gershenzon, Thomas Skinner: Towards a simple, comprehensive model of regular earthquakes and slow slip events, part II: two-dimensional model
[2112.09520] Laura Paulucci: The DUNE Vertical Drift Photon Detection System
[2112.09538] Alexis Duchesne, Laurent Limat: Circular hydraulic jumps: where does surface tension matter?
[2112.09564] Daniele Ancora, Lorenzo Dominici, Antonio Gianfrate et al.: Single-step transmission matrix retrieval for fast imaging through multi-mode fibers
[2112.09575] J. S. Keeler, D. A. Lockerby, S. Kumar et al.: Stability and Bifurcation of Dynamic Contact Lines in Two Dimensions
[2112.09582] Tim Vogel, Alan Omar, Samira Mansourzadeh et al.: Average power scaling of THz spintronic emitters in reflection geometry
[2112.09585] H. Bonet, A. Bonhomme, C. Buck et al.: Full background decomposition of the CONUS experiment
[2112.09636] Thomas Marchal, Hugues Deniau, Jean-François Boussuge et al.: Extension of the Spectral Difference method to combustion
[2112.09642] Martin Hoeferkamp, Alissa Howard, Gregor Kramberger et al.: Response of Low Gain Avalanche Detector Prototypes to Gamma Radiation
[2112.09657] E. Prost, V. Loriot, E. Constant et al.: Air-photonics terahertz platform with versatile micro-controller based interface and data acquisition
[2112.09666] J. M. Kwolek, A. T. Black: A continuous, sub-Doppler-cooled atomic beam interferometer for inertial sensing
[2112.09681] Kenny Chowdhary, Chi Hoang, Kookjin Lee et al.: Calibrating hypersonic turbulence flow models with the HIFiRE-1 experiment using data-driven machine-learned models
[2112.09682] Uǧis Lācis, Michele Pellegrino, Johan Sundin et al.: Nanoscale sheared droplet: Volume-of-Fluid, phase-field and no-slip molecular dynamics
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 20 Dec 21","img":""}
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