The Ultimate The Curse's Light Quiz

Why is Skylar isolated?
She is awful, so everyone hates her
Everyone hates her for no reason
Everyone thinks she's crazy because she believes the town is cursed
Because of her sexuality
Logan loves Skylar, but doesn't believe her about the curse.
How did Will get into town?
Strange vortex
Drove through by accident
Always dreamt of going to Lawnsdale
Why did Will stay in town?
Car problems
Wanted to explore
Decided to move there
Invisible barrier stopped him
Who is Andrea to Skylar?
Her enemy
Her accquantince
Her ex girlfriend
Her childhood best friend
How did David propose to Logan?
In his house
At dinner
With his teammates after a game
At his job
Who is Alethia's sister?
How is Altheia related to James?
Why does Will help Skylar?
He was intrigued by her
He wants to figure out what's going on
He was bored
He felt bad for her
Why did Logan not like Will?
Logan didn't trust Will
Logan didn't want Will to make Skylar believe her 'delusions'
Will flirted with Logan's fiance, David
Logan thought Will was a bad influence
Choose All That Apply: Which affects were about of the curse?
People get their life force/ energy sucked and die
No one can enter or leave the town
No one can know about the curse.
Magic was floating in the air
Things were disappearing
The houses and trees srinking
How did Skylar find out Altheia is James' daughter?
By realizing they all have a red tint in their eyes
By piecing together all that she knew
Altheia told her
James told her
Who kidnapped Altheia?
Why was Altheia kidnapped?
Altheia's relations with Sidney and James
Altheia's evil.
Sidney was bored.
So Altheia can't tell Skylar what she knows
How did Skylar find out she was the Chosen One?
By uncovering the prophecy.
Altheia told her.
Sidney told her.
An old book told her.
What weapon are Skylar and Andrea masters at?
Bow and Arrow
What was James' true goal?
To steal souls to survive
To destroy the town
To cause chaos
To become immortal
How did Will defend himself against Sidney's magic?
Stabbed her
Shot her with a gun
Used his own magic
Shot her with an arrow
At the end of The Curse's Light, which side does Sidney choose?
The side of good
The side of bad
How did Skylar discover her magic?
When she shot pure light out of her hands toward James
Altheia told her
The prophecy told her
When pure light surrounded her
What did James do to Skylar?
He stabbed her
He shot her
He yelled at her
He punched her
What did Will confess to Skylar when she was dying?
That he borrowed her book and lost it
That he cheated on her
That she was his best friend
That he was in love with her
What happened when Skylar was in a coma?
She coded
She died for a few minutes
She was never in a coma
What did Sidney find in a cage in James basement?
Several corpses
Several skeletons
The skeleton of Skylar's mom
The skeleton of her mom
Why did James kill Skylar's mom?
He thought she was the chosen one
He was jealous of her
He hated her
She rejected him and he got mad
What is the light the prophecy talked about?
A ball of light
The sun
It was a metaphor
Skylar Prescott is the light
What was the first thing Skylar dd when she left the hospital?
Preparing to rescue Altheia
Got plenty of rest
Stress clean her entire house
Went to her work
What did Skylar do get away from Sidney?
Outsmart her
Use her light magic
User her bow and arrow
Fist fight her, knocking her out
How did Skylar rescue Altheia?
With her light magic
Breaking the cage
Finding the key
Tricking Sidney to unlock it for her
What did Skylar do that she wasn't supposed to be able to do, proving her true power?
Use magic
Uncover the prophecy
Used her light magic inside the cages that are magic proof
Blow up the house
Why hadn't Andrea talked to her parents for over a year?
They had abused her physically
They disowbed her for being a Lesbian
They had abused her emotionally
They died.
What was Altheia's surprise for Andrea?
A proposal
A car
Passports to travel the world
A candlelit date
How did Altheia find out James was going after Skylar?
Sidney finally told her, choosing the side of good
Altheia figured it out on her own
Altheia saw James
Skylar figured it out and told her
When Sylar was kidnapped, who did she think in her dream sequence?
Why did Skylar not let Sidney rescue her?
Because Skylar wanted to rescue herself
Because Skylar didn't trust Sidney
Because Skylar had a plan where she needed to be a prisinor a little longer
Because Skylar hated Sidney
Why did James kidnap Skylar instead of killing her?
He needed her for his ritual
He wanted to torture her
He couldn't kill her
He was afraid of her
What was the last ingredient for James ritual?
Why was Skylar (her blood) the last ingredient for James ritual?
Because the prophecy states that Skylar can either save the world or destroy it, her blood being key
Because she's secretly evil
Because of the light inside her
Because she's the chosen one
How were the group able to sneak up on James during the ritual?
He didn't know Sidney was now on the side of good
They were too good/ smart for him
He was too preoccupied by Skylar
He forgot all about them
Why did Altheia not tell Skylar the other part of the prophecy?
She didn't know it
She didn't want to worry her
She was afraid to reveal the truth
Because if Skylar thought she was only the hero, then she would be the hero world needed
How was Altheia able to use magic in the basement?
Using her connection with her twin sister
She always could
She focused intently
Her mother's spirit coursed through her
What did Skylar realize she might have to do to save the town?
Destroy the potion
Kill James
Blow up the house
Destroy the last ingridient (aka herself)
Who did James kill?
How did Altheia die?
Killed herself to save the town
James killed her for revenge of her betrayl
She ran in front of Sidney, protecting her, as James threw a sword, stabbing her
She was sacrificed in the ritual
What was the reasoning of Altheia giving Andrea her necklace?
So that Andrea and Sidney would be bonded after her death
To give Andrea luck
As a parting gift
To keep it safe for her during the battle
Who gave Sidney the courage and power to fight James after Altheia's death?
How did Andrea free Sidney from her magical binds?
Untying her
Sidney enchanted one of her arrows to cut the binds
What did Skylar's ultimate plan turn out to be?
To kill James
To imprison James
To destroy the town
To burn James, herself along with it
How did Skylar defeat James?
Killing him
Imprisoning him
Tricking him into drinking his own blood rather than hers
She didn't, his sickness killed him
How did Skylar survive losing so much blood?
Blood transfusion
Her light magic
Sidney's magic
{"name":"The Ultimate The Curse's Light Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Why is Skylar isolated?, Logan loves Skylar, but doesn't believe her about the curse., How did Will get into town?","img":""}
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