Night By: Elie Wiesel

Who agrees to help teach Kabbalah to Elie?
His father
Moishe the Beadle
His mother
Which of the following events did NOT happened to Elie?
He and his family are sent off to live in a small ghetto
His mother and sister are separated from him when they arrive in Birkenau
He gets whipped 25 times
He does not pass selection and fears getting killed
What does Elie tell Stein about his children?
He tells them they died
He tells him they have been hung due to poor discipline
He tells him they are doing well and tells him they have been hearing from them in the past
He tells him he has no recollection of his children
Mrs. Schachter insists on seeing something in the distance, what does she see? What do the passengers in the car do to keep Mrs. Schachter quiet?
She sees flames and they kill her to keep the peace
She sees clouds of smoke and the passengers leave her alone
She sees flames and the passengers don't do anything to her
She sees flames and they beat her up to keep her quiet
Describe how Elie's personality has been taken away from him throughout the book. Give specific examples in the novel.
Why is Elie called to the dentist?
Elie has a gold crown that needs to be taken out
The dentist needs to do some operations on Elie that he doesn't know about
Elie has a toothache and the dentist will heal him
Elie doesn't need to go to the dentist, it was just a misunderstanding
Who says the following, "By driving out despair, you will move away from death. Hell does not last forever... And now, here is a prayer, or rather a piece of advice: let there be camaraderie among you. That is the only way to survive."?
Moishe the Beadle
Dr. Mengele
Mr. Wiesel
A young Pole
In the novel, Elie describes two hangings. Describe them. How are each of them significant and how have they left a mark on his life?
Elie had a novel experience one day. He ran into Idek and a young Polish girl making out. What is the result of this?
He gets beaten almost to death
Idek humiliates him in front of everyone by making him work harder
Idek whips him 25 times on the back
He gets sent to the crematoriums
In the cattle car Mrs. Schachter say, "I see flames! Jews, listen to me! I see flames, huge flames!". What literary device does Elie use in this quote?
When did Elie's dad die?
What decision did Elie and his dad have to make towards the end of section four?
They decide to stay in the infirmary
They think it is best for them to evacuate with the rest of the camp
They choose to run away from the camp but get caught
They are too old and tired to think for themselves and are left at the camp
Who does Elie not want to become? What has this person done that makes Elie pray to God to give him the strength to never do what he did?
Who plays the violin for everyone in the block?
The Blockalteste
What are the last lines of the novel?
"Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God himself. Never"
"So many events had taken place in just a few hours that I had completely lost all notion of time.When had we left our homes? And the ghetto? And the train? Only a week ago? One night? One single Night?
"Surely it was all a dream."
"From the depth of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me."
{"name":"Night By: Elie Wiesel", "url":"","txt":"Who agrees to help teach Kabbalah to Elie?, Which of the following events did NOT happened to Elie?, What does Elie tell Stein about his children?","img":""}
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