Time Management

Who invented the pendulum clock in 1656?
Christiaan Huygens
Why would anyone know that?
Your mom
The answer is probably A
What liberal "science" expert invented the sundial 5000 years after it was invented?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Alexandria Ocaso-Cortez
Bill Nye
Anthony Fauci
What is track 4 on Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album?
Breathe (In the Air)
To be awarded points, how long must a bull rider stay on?
10 minutes
8 seconds
7 seconds
1 minute
What movie does Malcolm McDowell play H.G. Wells chasing Jack the Ripper with a time machine?
Time Bandits
Time After Time
In Time
Who invented the watch in the 16th century?
Peter Henlein
Why would anyone know that?
Your greasy grandma
The answer is probably A
What does Joe Biden have in common with Father Time?
They're both fictitious characters
They both used to drive 18-wheelers
They both wear diapers
They both have crackhead sons
What is track 4 on the Rolling Stones' "12x5" album?
Brown Sugar
Start Me Up
Time Is on My Side
19th Nervous Breakdown
What is the energy drink that facilitates time travel in "Hot Tub Time Machine?"
Red Bull
Which of the following happened the longest time ago?
The end of WWII
Israel was formed
Microwave oven was invented
Joe Biden was born
{"name":"Time Management", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QVZ2BIJH3","txt":"Who invented the pendulum clock in 1656?, What liberal \"science\" expert invented the sundial 5000 years after it was invented?, What is track 4 on Pink Floyd's \"Dark Side of the Moon\" album?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/88-4275010/title.jpeg?sz=1200-00000005771000005300"}
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