Jewish News Quiz: April 14, 2023

Israel and Poland recently agreed to resume Israeli school trips to Poland. What element of the agreement has provoked fury?
The trips will be required to use Poland's flag carrier, LOT Polish Airlines, rather than El Al
The Israeli government will pay an admission fee for its students to visit concentration camps
The trips will be required to visit sites that whitewash Poland's role in the Holocaust
As part of the agreement, Netanyahu agreed to tone down criticism of Polish Holocaust distortion, according to leaked memos
What is likely motivating the hit Christian TV show The Chosen's emphasis on Jesus' Judaism, according to scholars?
Guilt about rising antisemitism
Christian Zionism
A desire to tap into funding sources for Jewish content
Cultural pressure to improve historical accuracy
Three women were murdered by Palestinian terrorists during Passover this year. What does Jewish law say about mourning during holidays?
Mourning must be suspended until the holiday is over
Mourners sitting shiva should not hold Seders so as to not mix happiness and grief
Mourners sitting shiva may choose which Passover traditions to observe, as their grief takes precedence
The Talmudic guidance is unclear and, some say, contradictory, leading to much debate
Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old charged with leaking classified intelligence on the Ukraine War, posted antisemitic memes on what platform?
What notable event happened this week at the Haredi Mishpacha magazine?
Its website was hacked and replaced with a Nazi flag for several hours
It announced that a woman will join its masthead for the first time as managing editor
It published a photo of a woman
Its offices were evacuated following a credible threat of antisemitic violence
Which Jewish figure is NOT on Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of 2023?
Deborah Lipstadt, U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine
Evan Gershkovich, the reporter for The Wall Street Journal detained in Russia
Judy Blume, author of young-adult books that have been banned
This week's Bintel Brief features a letter from a woman who converted for a marriage that later failed and who now feels insecure about her faith. What does Jewish law say about converts?
That it is forbidden to remind them that they were ever not Jewish
That they may remain Jewish after a divorce by going before a beit din to declare their faith
That if they are not sufficiently observant, their shul may initiate a process to nullify their conversion
That it is forbidden to criticize them for a lack of observance
A Texas billionaire who owns a copy of Mein Kampf signed by Hitler has connections to which political figure?
George W. Bush
George Santos
Brett Kavanaugh
Clarence Thomas
What announcement did the Israeli government make about the Temple Mount this week?
That Jews will now be allowed to pray there
That the temple will no longer be reserved exclusively for Muslims at certain times
That the IDF will increase its security presence there
That Jews and tourists will be banned from visiting through the end of Ramadan
{"name":"Jewish News Quiz: April 14, 2023", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, Israel and Poland recently agreed to resume Israeli school trips to Poland. What element of the agreement has provoked fury?, What is likely motivating the hit Christian TV show The Chosen's emphasis on Jesus' Judaism, according to scholars?","img":""}
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