Join Us to Blaze A Trail to Gender Equality

Join Us to Blaze A Trail for Gender Equality

The success of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup shows what's possible if we invest in women and girls in sport.

However, there is still work to do if we are to achieve genuine equality.

Join us to Blaze a Trail and make a commitment to gender equality in sport and beyond. You will be supported with resources and ways to get involved to make a difference for gender equality.

Now it's time to blaze a trail....HIT NEXT


Please share some details before taking the pledge to Blaze A Trail...
Gender (skip if preferred)
Thank you!
We all have a role to play by: 
• Supporting or watching women's sport 
• Encouraging women and girls to participate 
• Speaking up and taking action on gender equality in clubs and organisations 
• Raising awareness with family and friends about the issues and opportunities for change
Now's it's time to take our pledge to support women and girls in sport. 
I am making a commitment to 'Blaze a Trail' for gender equality in sport.

Please add your name

By providing your email, you will be sent actions, resources and news from Trailblazers Film. 

Your responses may be used for evaluation purposes.

Personal information will stay confidential & you can unsubscribe at anytime. 

By providing your email, you will be sent actions, resources and news from Trailblazers Film. 

Your responses may be used for evaluation purposes.

Personal information will stay confidential & you can unsubscribe at anytime. 

Now it's time to take action
To get some ideas on how to Blaze a Trail for gender equality please tell us a bit about yourself. 
I am a:
Teacher or Educator
Professional in an organisation
Member of a sports club (player, coach, volunteer, employee)
Part of a professional sporting organisation (player, coach, volunteer, employee)
Please Specify:

Tell us some of the things you have been inspired to do (you can tick as many as you like!)


SHARE THE FILM with my club, school, workplace or community
SUPPORT and watch women's sport 
PARTICIPATE by playing, coaching or volunteering
EDUCATE & use the film and lesson plans
SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT correct inaccurate media coverage of women's sports
SPEAK UP for gender equality and investment in women's sport
LEAD on gender equality in my club or organisation
Please Specify:
Thank you for taking part - is there anything else you'd like to share with others about Trailblazers? 
{"name":"Join the movement and blaze a trail for gender equality in sport", "url":"","txt":"Seen Trailblazers on Stan and feeling inspired to take action? Perhaps you’re wondering how you can get involved in football or what you can do to support the growth of women and girls’ sport?    This quiz takes 5 minutes to complete and will connect you to campaigns and resources to take action and drive gender equality., The Trailblazers film impact campaign is supported by:         With partners:, Name:","img":""}
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