Which type of hard hat is the best for our employees?

Will the employee who will be wearing the hard hat be facing any electrical hazards?
What is the highest amount of voltage the employee may potentially be exposed to during the course of their work?
Between 0 and 2,200 volts
Between 2,200 and 20,000 volts
Over 20,000 volts
Will the employee be exposed to lateral hazards as well as hazards from above? (Think moving machinery onsite or exposure to fall hazards.)
{"name":"Which type of hard hat is the best for our employees?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QW2Y90M9K","txt":"Will the employee who will be wearing the hard hat be facing any electrical hazards?, What is the highest amount of voltage the employee may potentially be exposed to during the course of their work?, Will the employee be exposed to lateral hazards as well as hazards from above? (Think moving machinery onsite or exposure to fall hazards.)","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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