Regular Exam 1, Penta 2 ,Radius

1. Stomach has relation to all of the following structures except -
A. Diaphragm
B. Lt Suprarenal gland
C. Gallbladder
D. Transverse mesocolon
2. Which one is the nearest part of stomach to Oesophagus
A. Cardia
B. Antrum
C. Body
D. Fundus
3. Not a cause of GOO?
B. Gastric polyps
C. Pyloric stenosis
D. Large LN
4. Stomach receives blood supply from all the following except:
A. Splenic artery
B. Left gastric artery
C. Superior mesenteric artery
D. Common hepatic artery
5. True with relating to pancreas
A. Uncinated process pass anterior to superior mesenteric vessels.
B. Portal vein is formed posterior to pancreas neck
C. Tail of pancreas passes between the layers of gastro-renal ligament.
D. It is an intra-peritoneal structure
6. Following organ is retroperitoneal:
A. Liver
B. spleen
C. Stomach
D. Descending colon
7. Spleen is related to the following structures except
A. Left suprarenal glànd
B. Diaphragm
C. Stomach
D. Left colic flexture
8.  Regarding small intestine true –
A. length 1.5 m
B. Taenia present
C. wider
D. Vili present
9. Regarding large gut which is false-
A. caecum 7.5 cm breadth
B. Rectum 12 cm
C. Anal canal 38 mm
D. Ascending colon 40 cm
10. Regarding ileum true-
Walls thinner than jejunum
Windows present
Villi large
Payers patches scanty
11. Gall bladder is lined by –
A. Cuboidal epithellium
B. Columner epithelium.
C. Squamous epithelium
D. Transitional epithelium
12. Content of calot triangle
A. Cystic duct
B. Cystic artery
C. Hepatic artery
D. Hepatic duct
13. Part of pancreas developed from ventral bud –
A. Neck
B. Upper part of head
C. Uncinate process
D. tail
14. Follwing is serous gland-
A. parotid
B. submandibular
C. sublingual
D. Minor gland
15. Lymphatic drainage of stomach doesnt include-
A. Pancreatico-splenic
B. Para cardiac lymph nodes.
C. Inferior gastric
D. Right gastroepiploic
16. Regaring porta hepatis false -
A. 5 cm long
B. Peritoneal fissure
C. Contains duct ,artery ,vein
D. Is not true gateway
17. Regarding spleen which is true ;
A. intraperitoneal
B. retroperitoneal
C. Primary lymphoid organ
D. White pulp -75%
18. Regarding stomach false is -
A. Zymogenic cells: Secrete intrinsic factor .
B. Oxyntic or parietal cells: Secrete HCl & intrinsic factor of Castle.
C. Mucous neck cells: Secrete mucous
D. Argentaffin cells: Secrete serotonin
19. Brunner's glands is present in -
A. stomach
B. duodenum
C. jejunum
D. ileum
20. Regarding meckels diverticulum which is false -
A. It occurs in 2 percent of the subjects
B. It is usually 2 inches (5 cm) long
C. It is situated about 2 feet (60 cm) proximal to the ileocaecal junction
D. It is more common in women
21. Which is not a part of GB -
A. Fundus
B. Body
C. Neck
D. tail
22. Which is not the Secretions of exocrine pancreas -
A. Trypsinogen
B. Chymotrypsinogen
C. Carboxypeptidase
D. Insulin
23. Which is the most common type appendix ?
A. Retro-caecal
B. Pelvic tpe
C. Subcaecal and paracolic
D. Splenic type
24. Which is the artery supply of midgut ?
A. Coelic trunk
B. sup. Mesenteric artery
C. inf. Mesenteric artery
D. inf. Rectal artery
25. Which structure has a relation to the 4th part of duodenum?
A. Ligamntum teres
C. Superior mesenteric vessels
D. Ligament of Treitz
{"name":"Regular Exam 1, Penta 2 ,Radius", "url":"","txt":"1. Stomach has relation to all of the following structures except -, 2. which one is the nearest part of stomach to Oesophagus, 3. Not a cause of GOO?","img":""}
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