Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 16 Feb 22
[2202.06951] Satish Ramakrishna: Implications of a holographic density of states on inflation
[2202.06955] Jens Hoppe: Integrability in the dynamics of axially symmetric membranes
[2202.06957] Vijay Balasubramanian, Pawel Caputa, Javier Magan et al.: A new measure of quantum state complexity
[2202.06959] Justin Kaidi, Mario Martone, Leonardo Rastelli et al.: Needles in a haystack: An algorithmic approach to the classification of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs
[2202.06965] Timothy Cohen, Nathaniel Craig, Xiaochuan Lu et al.: On-Shell Covariance of Quantum Field Theory Amplitudes
[2202.06966] Erez Y. Urbach: String Stars in Anti de Sitter Space
[2202.06970] Stefano Cremonesi, Stefano Lanza, Luca Martucci: Semiclassics of three-dimensional SCFTs from holography
[2202.06972] Clifford Cheung, Andreas Helset, Julio Parra-Martinez: Geometry-Kinematics Duality
[2202.06977] Nemanja Kaloper: Hidden Variables of Gravity and Geometry and the Cosmological Constant Problem
[2202.06990] M. Billo, M. Frau, A. Lerda et al.: Three-point functions in a $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal gauge theory and their strong-coupling limit
[2202.07004] Matteo Moretti, Francisco Gil Pedro: Environmental selection of the cosmological constant and electroweak scales
[2202.07048] Mudassar Sabir, Tianjun Li, Adeel Mansha et al.: The Supersymmetry Breaking Soft Terms, and Fermion Masses and Mixings in the Supersymmetric Pati-Salam Model from Intersecting D6-branes
[2202.07163] Rajesh Gopakumar, Eric Perlmutter, Silviu S. Pufu et al.: Snowmass White Paper: Bootstrapping String Theory
[2202.07226] Ulf Lindström, Özgür Sarıoğlu: Uses of Killing and Killing-Yano Tensors
[2202.07413] Kang-Sin Choi, Jeong-Hyuck Park: Post Newtonian Feasibility of the Closed String Massless Sector
[2202.07590] Vishnu Jejjala, Washington Taylor, Andrew Turner: Identifying equivalent Calabi--Yau topologies: A discrete challenge from math and physics for machine learning
[2202.07607] Ning Su: The Hybrid Bootstrap
[2202.07627] Simone Giombi, Shota Komatsu, Bendeguz Offertaler: Large Charges on the Wilson Line in $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM: II. Quantum Fluctuations, OPE, and Spectral Curve
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 16 Feb 22","img":""}
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