Join the Fight: Gears of War Character Quiz

A detailed illustration of a diverse squad of soldiers in futuristic armor preparing for battle against monstrous creatures, in a dark and war-torn landscape, emphasizing themes of loyalty, courage, and teamwork.

Join the Fight: Gears of War Character Quiz

Are you ready to discover your true identity as a soldier in the Gears of War universe? This engaging quiz will help you uncover your personality traits, values, and strengths as you navigate through the challenges of battle.

Find out where you fit in the Coalition of Ordered Government and how you would tackle various combat situations:

  • Choose your fighting style
  • Identify your leadership abilities
  • Reflect on your survival instincts
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by BraveWarrior42
Would you join the Coalition of Ordered Government?
It would be an honour to serve!
Its my Duty whether I like it or not
They'll have to conscript me to get me to fight
Screw those fascists!
Serving runs in the family, of course I would
Yeah but I'm going to complain the whole time
Its in my programing
I can't fight
How would you run a Squad.
Strictly by the book.
I'd try to keep everyone safe even if it meant breaking procedure
Screw procedure! We have to survive
I wouldn't want to run a squad
Ruthlessly in my own way.
Efficiently but not too rigidly by the books
In anyway I can win
What is your best quality.
Natural Leader
Family oriented
Survival instinct
My usefulness
How do you handle stress.
I bottle it up
Confide in a friend
Distract myself with entertainment
Pass it off jokingly
I don't
Take it out on someone or something
Talk to my partner
Focusing on the mission
Through faith
I dont get stressed
Are you spiritual?
Yes very
I dont really think about it often
Im more of a person of science
I believe in principles than anything else
There's a higher power we just don't know what
I believe in survival
Not at all
How do you handle family Drama
I talk it out with them every time
I dont know how to talk to Family about feelings
Its hard, but needs to be done
Too many family issues to talk about
We don't usually have drama
I dont have family
With Coldness
What's your favourite Gears of War weapon
Retro Lancer
Gnasher shotgun
Sawed-off shotgun
Snub pistol
Boltok pistol
Gorgon pistol
Torque bow
Hammer of Dawn
An Officer gives you a direct order that might cost you your life.
Carry out the order even if it means death
If someone's gotta do it, its best if its me
I can handle it
Disobey the Officer
Punch the Officer
Leave the army, they clearly don't care about human lives
What do you do in your spare time
Tinker with equipment
Watch sports
Clean my armour and weapons
I dont need spare time, keep me busy
Hang out with family
Seek solitude
Hang out with my partner and kids
Practice some science!
A Locust E-Hole emerges what do you do?
Close that E-hole with an explosive!
Shoot as many as I can!
Evacuate any Civilians nearby!
Protect my people
Hide, I can't fight them
Rev my chainsaw its time to get up close and personal
Whatever my commanding officer tells me to do
One of your squad mates is killed in battle, how do you react?
Internalise it, now is not the time for grief
Cry, probably...
Get revenge on the Locust
Im desensitised to corpses these days
I dont think about it, I have a job to do
No point being sad for the dead
Its war, such is the nature.
I dont have any particular feelings
What was your favourite school subject
All of them! I love school!
Science class
The Arts
I hated school
I didnt go to school
Business class
I didnt hate school but I dont have a favourite
Who would you want as your second in command?
Someone loyal
Someone who can boost moral
A Ruthless badass
Someone calm under pressure
Anyone really
Someone good with tech and machinery
Someone who follows procedure
Where is your preferred location in a war
The front lines
In enemy territory
Back at base where its safe
Jacinto, far away from the fighting
With my own community hidden somewhere
Anywhere with my family
Behind a desk
Anywhere with machinery
Are you male or Female?
{"name":"Join the Fight: Gears of War Character Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to discover your true identity as a soldier in the Gears of War universe? This engaging quiz will help you uncover your personality traits, values, and strengths as you navigate through the challenges of battle.Find out where you fit in the Coalition of Ordered Government and how you would tackle various combat situations:Choose your fighting styleIdentify your leadership abilitiesReflect on your survival instincts","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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