
Using the piano in conventional and unconventional ways to produce sounds that are other than what is expected
This Technological device allowed listeners to hear music whenever they wanted without the performers present
Singing in a manner that is halfway between speech and song; literally ' speech-voice '
When notes appear at regularly spaced intervals that oppose the underlying beat
A brief musical idea or group of ideas that is repeated and varied incrementally over a long span of time, with a relatively slow rate of change.
This composer writes scores for video games such as ' Journey '
One of the greatest film composer of all time, credited with such movies as ' Jaws' and ' Star Wars'
This ' ism ' was closely connected to Germany and Austria and sought to give voice to the unconscious, to make apparent humanity's deepest and often darkest emotion.
This big band leader was a master of the style of swing jazz
This virtuoso saxophone player advanced the style of bepop, a jazz form similar to swing but not intended for dancing.
American composer whose music struggles between tonal and atonal ; he made his living as an insurance agent.
This figure was a major composer, conductor, pianist, and music educator ; the first American-born conductor of a major symphony orchestra
This Russian-born composer often utilized polytonality ( 2 or more keys center at once ), and his famous ballet caused riot at its 1913 Paris premiere.
This 'ism' was begun in France with painters like Monet and Degas and utilized in music by Debussy
A modern era architect and the name of a famous museum of modern art in New York
This French composer's music has an ambiguous quality that gives the impression different ideas, often accomplished by using the whole tone scale.
This Austrian composer was connected to expressionism and composed often in completely atonal modes using a 12-tone system of notes.
This American composer was known as the ' king of ragtime'
This quintessential composer of American Music whose sound evoked the open spaces of the western United States
This genre evolved from opera and operetta and includes such works as ' West Side Story' and ' The sound of Music'
Literally ' robbed time ' , when the tempo is unsteady.
The first great master of orchestration; wrote much program music, including Symphonie fantastique
Wrote nine symphonies and was deaf by the last one.
The greatest italian composer of the 19th century.
An instrumental work that is in some way associated with a story, event, or idea.
A brief musical phrase or idea connected dramatically to some person, event or idea in the drama.
A period when artists were fascinated by dreams, contemplation and the infinite, as well as shared a love for nature and a fascination with the supernatural.
A ' neo-classic' German composer who was always looking to history for inspiration, especially with the music of Bach and Beethoven
Livet only 31 year but wrote over 600 songs, including the Erlkoning
Bohemian-born composer who lived in America for three years and drew from this folksong heritage in this music.
" Festival drama house", which Wagner designed specifically to present only his work.
Polish composer of many character piano pieces.
A child prodigy, considered a cosmopolitan composer, speaking fluent English, French, German and Italian.
Private gatherings in home specifically to hear the music of Franz Schubert.
The quintessential Romantic painter.
American virtuoso pianist.
The use of music traits that reflects a county's culture, language or identity
Polish dance in triple meter for the piano.
The greatest German opera composer ever
An instrument that became common place in most middle-class homes.
Highest instrument in a string quartet.
Short section at the end of sonata form, Italian for ' tail '
The first part of sonata form.
The percussion instrument usually featured in a classical symphony.
The prince for whom Haydn worked for nearly 30 years.
This composer was a child prodigy in the classical era.
This form used in the first movement of most string quartets and symphonies in the classical era.
This composer was born in Boston
The musical center of Europe
A type of opera, Italian for ' comic '
The third part of sonata form
The musical era spanning 1750 to 1800
Song by William Billings for the American struggle for independence
Number of movements in a classical symphony
Father of the String Quartet and Symphony
The lowest instrument in a string quartet.
A lively, stylized dance in a triple meter, usually the 3rd movement of a string quartet or symphony.
From the head or ' from the top '
An opportunity for the soloist to show virtuosity in a concerto.
Haydn last 12 symphonies were written for this city.
This choral piece means ' that which is sung'
Type of Aria in the baroque era which means ' from the top '
A drama sung from beginning to end.
This oratorio is perhaps the best known oratorio ever
The period of music that falls between 1600 and 1750
Famous violin maker of the baroque era
The small group of instruments that accompanies the singer in Baroque opera
This type of music is explicitly connected in some way with a story, person, or idea outside the music itself.
This genre was begun when the church banned opera during Lent and Advent.
Music performed in small rooms with one player to part.
Claudio Monteverdi's life spanned this era and the Baroque Era
This composer was sometimes called ' the red priest' and worked at an orphanage for girls.
This word refers to the full orchestra
The more lyrical number in opera that conveys deeper feeling.
This word comes from 'fugitive' and refers to the tendency of voices to chase another.
The type of opera singing that lies somewhere between singing and speaking.
An instrumental work for a soloist or soloists and a large ensemble.
Sometime called the king of instrument because of its size, power , and variety of tone.
The ' principle ' features alternating sections of full orchestra and soloist.
This composer wrote for all major genres except opera
This class of orchestral instruments features keys that are fingered in varying combinations.
Instrumental group in the orchestra that function with valves and slides.
This mode strikes more listeners as darker, more somber, and less optimistic.
A melody moving in this manner moves in step-wise motion.
These instruments in the orchestra are either bowed or plucked.
A melody moving in this manner moves by leap.
A melody with supporting accompaniment is said to be this type of texture
The color of music; the character of sound
The structure of musical work
Often called ' the tune in music', a single line of notes in succession as a coherent unit.
The category of a musical work, determined by a combination of its performance medium and its social function.
These orchestral instrument are struck in one manner or another.
The sound created by multiple note played or sung simultaneously
The smallest unit of music, the building block out of which larger structures are created.
Like a period in a sentence; it signals the end of a ( musical ) unit that can stand on its own.
Melodies using this mode seem to sound brighter and somehow happier
Term used to indicate the volume of sound
The order of music through time
Can range from thick to thin
The first book printed from moveable type was produced in Rome in 1372
The portative organ was held in one's lap with the right hand playing the keys while the left arm a pumped below
Relatively little secular music was written in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods
Two or more voices of equal importance combined in such a way that each voice retains its own identity is called chant.
Courtly love is a code of behaviour in medieval courts in which the knight worshipped a lady from afar.
This type of texture is used in chant of the Middle Ages so that sacred texts could be heard clearly
A significant factor in the growth of the arts during the Renaissance was
Economic growth in Europe due to colonization and invention of the printing press.
Outcry from musicians and artists for better working condition and more work.
A collapse of leadership within the Catholic church which created a market for more secular music
Composer create musical form using all of the following EXCEPT
The Renaissance figure that began the Protestant Reformation movement is
Francesco Landini
Giovanni Palestrina
William Byrd
Martin Luther
Vocal music that is sung without instrumental accompaniment is
A song of courtly love
A mass
A Cappella
A timbrel
In early operas, female roles were often played by males because.
Men's voice were better suited to women's roles
Women had no desire to sing in operas
Impresarios had to pay women more than men
Women could not be on stage with men
In Baroque opera, the group of instruments accompanying the singer is called
Greek chorus
Basso continuo
Prima prattica
During the baroque era, there were
Virtually no professional prospects for women composers
Many opportunities for women composers
Only organist position in the church available for women composer.
A concero is an
Chamber work for two violin and basso continuo
Instrumental work for soloist and large esemble
Vocal work for soprano and alto
How is the baroque trumpet different from the modern trumpet
Made of wood
Had no bell
Had no valves
There were no trumpets in the Baroque era
Which genre of music did Bach compose for the weekly Lutheran worship servides
Chamber music
An oratorio
Is musically very similar to an opera, but is unstages and based on a sacred topic.
Is not at all like opera
Was banned due to theatrics in the church and does not exist today
It is widely believed that while attending the London premiere of Messiah, King George II
Became tired of sitting and stood near the end of the oratorio
Was moved by the beauty and majesty of the music and stood in respect
Thought that the work was too long and walked out after the second act.
Broke into tears and called out to Handel during the final aria.
The baroque era is from
Music came to Felix Mendelssohn very slowly due largely to the fact that he spoke only German and never left the country
Spillville, a town in northeast Iowa, was a summer home for Antonin Dvorak during the summer of 1893
Program music is an instrumental work that is in some way associated with a story, event or idea.
Shubertiades are private gatherings in homes specifically to hear the music of Richard Wagner.
Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata is an example of the opera genre.
Louis Gottchalk's Union is an example of the string quartet.
The instrument that became common place in most middle-class homes was the
The quintessential Romantic painter of the 19th century was
Claude Debussy was a champion of French impressionistic music
Stravinsky's Rite of Spring caused a riot in 1913 premiere in Paris
Ragtime was a genre that always featured a saxophone quartet.
20th century musicals were an outgrowth of operetta, known as ' little opera '
Phillip Glass is best known for his contribution to the style known as ;
Prepared Piano
Expressionism, a movement in which musicians and artists tried to give a voice to humanity's deep emotions through music and art was musically championed by
The composer who was known as the " King of ragtime " was
A piano that has been " prepared " could have which of the following inserted its strings
Various bolts
Metal screws
All of the above
The first book printed from moveable type was the Gutenburg bible in 1455
Handel never traveled outside of Germany
The virtuoso was a growth from the Notre Dame school in the Middle Ages period
The texture of opera is exclusively monophonic.
A compostition in sonata form uses all of the following EXCEPT
A cadenza
Which percussion instrument was common in the symphony during Haydn's time
Snare drum
Crash symbols
Wood blocks
{"name":"Music", "url":"","txt":"Using the piano in conventional and unconventional ways to produce sounds that are other than what is expected, This Technological device allowed listeners to hear music whenever they wanted without the performers present, Singing in a manner that is halfway between speech and song; literally ' speech-voice '","img":""}
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