US History

The first English colony was:
The primary reason for the establishment of the colony at Plymouth was the settlers' desire to:
Convert local Indian populations to Christianity
Profits from the great commercial potential evident in New England
Found a new community based on their religious values
Compete with Virginia in the production of tobacco
The Puritans of England were so named because they were trying to "purify":
English Government
English society
The Catholic Church
The Church of England
Maryland was the only English colony in North America with a substantial MINORITY of:
Connecticut and Rhode Island were both established by:
English proprietors
Religious dissenters migrating out of Massachusetts
The Dutch
Virginia and Maryland were most similar in that both came to rely on ______ cultivation:
In contrast to the Chesapeake, New England communities:
Had better relationships with the Indians
Imported indentured servants who later became freemen
Were mainly family groups
Developed self-government
New Amsterdam became a part of the British empire became:
Holland sold it King Charles II
English settlers overwhelmed Dutch merchants
Britain conquered it in an Anglo-Dutch war
Parliament passed an act claiming the colony
If you were in a stone house with a great barn, in a "heaven for farmers," with Quakers, Scots-Irish and Germans neighbors, you were probably in
The Carolinas
New Spain
The most ethnically and religiously diverse English colony by the late seventeenth century
South Carolina
New York
Both Bacon's Rebellion and Culpeper's Rebellion resulted from conflicted between
Government powers and backcountry regions of Virginia and North Carolina
Puritans and dissenters in Rhode Island and Massachusetts
"praying town" Indians and Covenant chain Indians in New England
Slave traders and those who objected to slavery
What English colony was founded as a result of Anglo-Spanish conflicts between:
In 1699, the Spanish declared this area a refuge for escaped British slaves
New Mexico
The Spanish turned to the use of Africans for labor on New World plantations because:
Slave labor was cheaper than Indian labor
Labor-intensive rice production increased
Africans resisted less than natives
Native populations had declined too rapidly to provided needed labor
About half of the slaves imported to the New World between 1701 and 1810 were delivered
The Caribbean
British North America
Which one of the following crops was NOT significant in entrenching slavery in the Americas before 1770?
The Lower South
The Chesapeake
New England
The term "Middle Passage" refers to:
Slave voyages from Africa to America
The slave trade between America and Europe
Sugar sent to New England to be distilled into rum
The transport of slaves from the West Indies to the American South
Which one of the following crops was NOT significant in entrenching slavery in the Americas before 1770?
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Middle Passage?
Africans were forced to do a bizarre routine of daily aerobic exercises
Holds were usually unsanitary and had a sickening stench
An estimated one in every six Africans perished
Slaves were treated well to get a higher price
Contemporary accounts of being enslaved depict:
Shocking scenes of enslavement in Africa
Dreadful living conditions on slave ships
The fears of slaves that they were eaten
All of the above
Olaudah Equiano is best known for:
Writings an autobiography about life as a slave
Preaching that slavery was ordained by god
Convincing George Washington to immediately free his slave
Demonstrating that the middle passage was not a very difficult one
Under a 1662 Virginia law, slavery became:
An indenture that could be worked off
Eighteenth century slave masters were reluctant to allow their slaves to become Christians because they:
Believed slaves could not understand christian teachings
Wanted to keep Africans and whites as far from each others as possible
Did not want to see Christianity influenced by African religions
Feared Christianity would give the slaves dangerous ideas about freedom and equality
One of the first groups to openly condemn slavery, by 1752 this new colony became part of the low-country slave system
The most obvious effect of slavery on the economy of the British Empire was seen in the:
Growth of ports and shipping
High unemployment rates of non-slave agricultural workers in the Empire
Decline of investment in industrial development
Lack of industrial development
This rebellion in 1739 was the largest slave revolt of the colonial period
New York city, New York
Newport, Rhode Island
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Stono, South Carolina
After an experiment with prohibiting slavery, by 1752 this new colony became part of the low-country slave system
In the culture of the enslaved, African influence in religion was especially evident in:
Baptism cermonies
Birthing customs
Singing psalms and hymns
Death and burial rituals
French interests in the Indians was bases primarily on:
Commercials concerns
Their belief that the Indians should be converted to Christianity
Their need for heavy labor from the Indians
Their desire for Indian land
The eventual success of Spanish rule of New Mexico depended on
Ruthless suppression of Indian culture
Accommodation between natives and Spanish
Forcing all the natives to mine for gold
Excluding the natives from any role in colonial society
{"name":"US History", "url":"","txt":"The first English colony was:, The primary reason for the establishment of the colony at Plymouth was the settlers' desire to:, The Puritans of England were so named because they were trying to \"purify\":","img":""}
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