Word Learning Experiment

Word Learning Experiment Quiz
Welcome to the Word Learning Experiment Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to assess your understanding of various words, ranging from very easy to very tough. Participants will learn new vocabulary through definitions and usage examples, and then classify the difficulty of these words based on their learning experience.
Join us in this experimental study aiming to enhance our understanding of the cognitive processes involved in word learning. Here's what to expect:
- 25 carefully selected words
- Different difficulty levels
- Time-limited responses for each classification
This test is conducted for an experimental study on word learning. The findings of the experiment will contribute for a term paper on Bayesian Cognition at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
1. The words to be learned are picked from different difficulty level. There are 5 classes : very easy, basic, average, advance and very tough.
2. First, you will be presented with 25 words from different categories with their meaning. You should try to remember the words with their meaning.
3. Next, a quick survey will follow asking to classify the difficulty of some of the sampled learned words. You are encouraged to classify the words in the classes - very easy, basic, average, advance and very tough, based on your learning experience. The response time is limited to 10 second per question.
4. Kindly use the entire scale of classes while submitting responses to spread even judgement.
Thank You
This test is conducted for an experimental study on word learning. The findings of the experiment will contribute for a term paper on Bayesian Cognition at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
1. The words to be learned are picked from different difficulty level. There are 5 classes : very easy, basic, average, advance and very tough.
2. First, you will be presented with 25 words from different categories with their meaning. You should try to remember the words with their meaning.
3. Next, a quick survey will follow asking to classify the difficulty of some of the sampled learned words. You are encouraged to classify the words in the classes - very easy, basic, average, advance and very tough, based on your learning experience. The response time is limited to 10 second per question.
4. Kindly use the entire scale of classes while submitting responses to spread even judgement.
Thank You
Word Learning
1. lofty - great and worthy of praise
Usage : The football players have set a lofty goal in their bid to win all their home games this year.
2. mercurial - subject to sudden changes of mood
Usage : While my uncle is as predictable as the sunrise, my aunt is very mercurial.
Usage : While my uncle is as predictable as the sunrise, my aunt is very mercurial.
3. calumny - a false statement designed to injure the reputation of someone
Usage : The editor refused to publish the calumny that could possibly destroy the politician’s career.
Usage : The editor refused to publish the calumny that could possibly destroy the politician’s career.
4. circumlocution - a roundabout or indirect way of speaking
Usage : His admission came after years of circumlocution.
5. concourse - a crowd or assembly of people
Usage : A mound of earth was raised to slaughter the victim in presence of the concourse of spectators.
Usage : A mound of earth was raised to slaughter the victim in presence of the concourse of spectators.
Word Learning
1. lofty - great and worthy of praise
Usage : The football players have set a lofty goal in their bid to win all their home games this year.
2. mercurial - subject to sudden changes of mood
Usage : While my uncle is as predictable as the sunrise, my aunt is very mercurial.
Usage : While my uncle is as predictable as the sunrise, my aunt is very mercurial.
3. calumny - a false statement designed to injure the reputation of someone
Usage : The editor refused to publish the calumny that could possibly destroy the politician’s career.
Usage : The editor refused to publish the calumny that could possibly destroy the politician’s career.
4. circumlocution - a roundabout or indirect way of speaking
Usage : His admission came after years of circumlocution.
5. concourse - a crowd or assembly of people
Usage : A mound of earth was raised to slaughter the victim in presence of the concourse of spectators.
Usage : A mound of earth was raised to slaughter the victim in presence of the concourse of spectators.
Word Learning
1. frugal - careful in spending money
Usage : I wanted front row seats, but my frugal husband wanted to save by purchasing back row seats.
Usage : I wanted front row seats, but my frugal husband wanted to save by purchasing back row seats.
2. carp - to find fault or complain querulously or unreasonably
Usage : Bringing in more revenue than most African governments is hardly reason to carp.
3. clobber - treat or deal with harshly
Usage : The recession clobbered other parts of the business.
Usage : The recession clobbered other parts of the business.
4. sudorific - causing sweat
Usage : We must regard it rather as a sudorific for feverish blood and brains.
5. discreet - not attracting attention
Usage : Hoping to avoid detection, the murderer tried to be discreet while walking through the store.
Usage : Hoping to avoid detection, the murderer tried to be discreet while walking through the store.
Word Learning
1. frugal - careful in spending money
Usage : I wanted front row seats, but my frugal husband wanted to save by purchasing back row seats.
Usage : I wanted front row seats, but my frugal husband wanted to save by purchasing back row seats.
2. carp - to find fault or complain querulously or unreasonably
Usage : Bringing in more revenue than most African governments is hardly reason to carp.
3. clobber - treat or deal with harshly
Usage : The recession clobbered other parts of the business.
Usage : The recession clobbered other parts of the business.
4. sudorific - causing sweat
Usage : We must regard it rather as a sudorific for feverish blood and brains.
5. discreet - not attracting attention
Usage : Hoping to avoid detection, the murderer tried to be discreet while walking through the store.
Usage : Hoping to avoid detection, the murderer tried to be discreet while walking through the store.
Word Learning
1. competent - having adequate ability or skill in a certain area
Usage : Hugh is a competent goalie who rarely allows the opposing team to score.
Usage : Hugh is a competent goalie who rarely allows the opposing team to score.
2. veracious - speaking or representing the truth
Usage : We elect our leaders in the hope that every world they speak will be veracious.
3. imbue - to inspire with feelings or opinions
Usage : The new political leader was imbued with the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
4. venerate - regard with great respect
Usage : The town plans to venerate the former president by naming a street after him.
5. flummox - to confuse or perplex
Usage : What wine to serve at Thanksgiving can flummox even the heartiest of gourmands.
Word Learning
1. competent - having adequate ability or skill in a certain area
Usage : Hugh is a competent goalie who rarely allows the opposing team to score.
Usage : Hugh is a competent goalie who rarely allows the opposing team to score.
2. veracious - speaking or representing the truth
Usage : We elect our leaders in the hope that every world they speak will be veracious.
3. imbue - to inspire with feelings or opinions
Usage : The new political leader was imbued with the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
4. venerate - regard with great respect
Usage : The town plans to venerate the former president by naming a street after him.
5. flummox - to confuse or perplex
Usage : What wine to serve at Thanksgiving can flummox even the heartiest of gourmands.
Word Learning
1. pulchritude - physical beauty
Usage : Although she is not a woman of great pulchritude, she has achieved a status of stardom.
2. amenable - open and responsive to suggestion
Usage : As a wedding planner, I prefer to work with women who are amenable to hearing my ideas.
3. fawn - a light brown colour
Usage : The interior of his house was of soft shades of pale green and fawn.
Usage : The interior of his house was of soft shades of pale green and fawn.
4. gumption - resourcefulness and determination
Usage : The president would hire almost any young man who had the gumption to ask for a job.
5. decree - an official order issued by a legal authority
Usage : The queen issued a decree which stopped people from visiting the royal gardens during the holidays.
Word Learning
1. pulchritude - physical beauty
Usage : Although she is not a woman of great pulchritude, she has achieved a status of stardom.
2. amenable - open and responsive to suggestion
Usage : As a wedding planner, I prefer to work with women who are amenable to hearing my ideas.
3. fawn - a light brown colour
Usage : The interior of his house was of soft shades of pale green and fawn.
Usage : The interior of his house was of soft shades of pale green and fawn.
4. gumption - resourcefulness and determination
Usage : The president would hire almost any young man who had the gumption to ask for a job.
5. decree - an official order issued by a legal authority
Usage : The queen issued a decree which stopped people from visiting the royal gardens during the holidays.
Word Learning
1. material - considered as having qualities suited to a particular sphere of activity
Usage : The boy's teachers did not think he was college material.
2. xenophilia - an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs
Usage : This revived a sense of xenophilia among the Chinese population that originated in colonial days.
3. impertinent - being disrespectful
Usage : Because he would only give impertinent answer to his questions, the attorney dropped him as a client.
4. aberration - deviating from what is normal or desirable
Usage : Shelley’s angry retort was an aberration from her normally quiet appearance
5. bier - platform for carrying a coffin or body
Usage : So they laid her on a bier, and all seven of them sat down beside it and wept for three whole days.
Usage : So they laid her on a bier, and all seven of them sat down beside it and wept for three whole days.
Word Learning
1. material - considered as having qualities suited to a particular sphere of activity
Usage : The boy's teachers did not think he was college material.
2. xenophilia - an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs
Usage : This revived a sense of xenophilia among the Chinese population that originated in colonial days.
3. impertinent - being disrespectful
Usage : Because he would only give impertinent answer to his questions, the attorney dropped him as a client.
4. aberration - deviating from what is normal or desirable
Usage : Shelley’s angry retort was an aberration from her normally quiet appearance
5. bier - platform for carrying a coffin or body
Usage : So they laid her on a bier, and all seven of them sat down beside it and wept for three whole days.
Usage : So they laid her on a bier, and all seven of them sat down beside it and wept for three whole days.
Each following question contains one of the learned words. Rate the words based on your learning experience.
Kindly ensure to use the 1–5 scale judiciously to spread your judgments out evenly across the scale.
Each question must be answered in 10 seconds.
1 - Very Easy
2 - Basic
3 - Average
4 - Advance
5 - Very Tough
Each following question contains one of the learned words. Rate the words based on your learning experience.
Kindly ensure to use the 1–5 scale judiciously to spread your judgments out evenly across the scale.
Each question must be answered in 10 seconds.
1 - Very Easy
2 - Basic
3 - Average
4 - Advance
5 - Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
Very Easy
Very Tough
{"name":"Word Learning Experiment", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Word Learning Experiment Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to assess your understanding of various words, ranging from very easy to very tough. Participants will learn new vocabulary through definitions and usage examples, and then classify the difficulty of these words based on their learning experience.Join us in this experimental study aiming to enhance our understanding of the cognitive processes involved in word learning. Here's what to expect:25 carefully selected wordsDifferent difficulty levelsTime-limited responses for each classification","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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