Drivers License Study Guide 1A

To obtain a driver’s license in the CNMI, the person must be at least__years old
When driving a vehicle upon any public street or highway, you must:
Have a valid driver’s license
Show your driver’s license on demand by a police officer
All of the above
Carry your license with you
An individual who has qualified by age and passed the written exam may only drive on public streets and highways when accompanied by:
A person age 21 or older
A parent
An adult
A licensed driver
When you take a road test for a driver’s license:
You must provide the vehicle
The vehicle must be in a safe operating condition free of safety defects
All of the above
Must accompanied to the testing station by a licensed driver
When will the license of a driver in the CNMI expire?
On the driver’s birthday
CNMI driver’s license never expire
Every three years on the driver’s birthday
After five (5) years from the date it was issued
(2 answers) Which of the following personal information is included on a driver’s license?
Your age
Your height and weight
Your signature
When a vehicle is registered in the CNMI, the department issues an ownership certificate to the legal owner and a registration card to the registered owner. The law requires that this registration card:
Be kept by the driver in his wallet or her purse
Be kept at home in a safe place
Be displayed in or on the vehicle where it can be read when the car is unoccupied
Be renewed every three years
When must the registration of a vehicle be renewed?
Annually, the date falling in the month corresponding to the last digit of the licensed plate number
Every three years on the owner’s birthday
Every year, the date falling in the month that the vehicle was purchased
The vehicle registration never needs to be renewed
How long does the owner of the motor vehicle have to renew the vehicle registration sticker on the license plate?
Twenty days
Thirty days (one month)
Five days
Ten days
The sale or transfer of a motor vehicle must be reported to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV):
Within 5 days
Within 10 days
Within 20 days
Safety belts are life belts. They:
Need to be worn only if riding in the front seat of the vehicle
Should be worn loosely ao as not to restrict movement
Should be worn only when driving at higher speeds
Should be worn at all time when driving or riding in a vehicle
The seat belt should be adjusted so that it:
Is loose
Keeps the seat belt buzzer or light from operating
Is hidden beneath the seat
Is buckled snugly across your hip bones and lower abdomen
Small children when riding in a vehicle:
May be safely held by a strong adult
Must never be allowed to ride standing on a seat
Will not be hurt in an accident because they are small
Will be safe if standing on the floor in the front or back of an auto
A child under 2 years old, in a moving automobile, must be fastened in a safety seat or child restraint:
At the parents’ discretion
Only on long trips
Only when seated in the front seat
(2 answers) As a driver, you may be challenged by other drivers to demonstrate your driving capabilities and your vehicle’s capabilities on the highway. You should:
Resist the desire to exhibit and compete
Take on only those challenges which you know you can safely win
Decline all challenges to prove you and your vehicle’s capabilities
Which of the following influence your driving actions most?
The environment
Your reaction time when driving
Your attitude when driving
The vehicle you are driving
To ensure that your physical condition does not cause you to drive in an unsafe manner you should:
Drive within your physical imitation
Know the effect of any medicine on your driving ability
All of the above
Keep physically fit and have regular physical examination
The boss chews you out just before quitting time. You don’t say much, but you think he is unfair and you are angry! When you get to your car you should:
Play the radio loud so you won’t think about it
Drive fast on the highway so you can let steam off
Stop in your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home
Take a few minutes to cool off before you drive home
Information you need to drive safely is gained primarily from:
Talking to yourself
Following other traffics
Turning on the radio
An inattentive driver is a driver who:
Daydreams or gazes at objects off the roadway while driving
Carries on an eye-contact conversation with a passenger while driving
All of the above
You should try to avoid when driving
An aggressive driver is who:
Is purposely in a hurry, competing with other traffic
You should try to avoid when driving
Shows little or no respect for traffic laws, or the right-of-way of others
All of the above
You are driving behind another vehicle. You notice that the driver is driving with one hand, talking to a passenger. You as a driver:
Know that you should avoid this bad habit
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing his safety margin by being an inattentive driver
Know that you should give the vehicle ahead extra room
All of the above
Defensive driving is a driving technique in which you as a driver:
Defend against poor drivers by getting ahead of them in traffic
Identify dangerous driving situations and take action to avoid an accident
Defend yourself against accidents by following close to the vehicle ahead
Defend against accidents by driving your vehicle fast enough to stay ahead of traffic congestion.
To practice defensive driving you should:
Be aware of developing traffic situations around you
Look well ahead of your vehicle and maintain a proper following distance
Have an alternate plan of action ready (Always leave yourself a way out)
All of the above
Driving safely means:
Properly adjusting your speed for road and traffic conditions
Being attentive to your driving
Complying with all traffic signs
All of the above
Traffic laws apply to motor vehicle operations and:
Motorcycle and motorbike operations
All of the above
(2 answers) Who is required to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle?
The operator of the motorcycle
The passenger on the motorcycle
Helmets are not required in the CNMI
Bicycles should generally be ridden:
On the far right side of the road
On the sidewalk
On the far left side of the road
Only on bicycle path
Bicyclist are required:
Ride in the center of the traffic lanes
Ride on the sidewalk in business districts
Obey traffic signs, signals, and other traffic laws except those which by their nature cannot apply
All of the above
You must look for a bicycle riders in the same lanes as motor vehicle because they:
Must ride facing oncoming traffic
Always have the right-of-way
All of the above
Are entitled to share the road with you
As a pedestrian you should know that:
When you are in a crosswalk you should always insist on the right way over a vehicle
You have to use crosswalks only when they are convenient
You can enter a crosswalk at any time and it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility to stop
You must never enter the street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching
Pedestrians crossing a highway in an area NOT marked by a crosswalk:
Are not permitted to cross the highway except at intersections
Must cross only at a marked crosswalk
Must yield the right-of-way to all vehicles
Drivers must yield because pedestrians always have the right-of-way
As a pedestrian, you should:
Look for crossing vehicles before crossing the street
Walk on the left side of the street facing the traffic
Never run or dash across the street
All of the above
(2 answers) Pedestrian signals consist of the lighted words “WALK” and “DON’T WALK” and the symbols of a walking person and an upraised palm. A stead “DON’T WALK” or upraised palm signal means
Pedestrians already in the intersection facing the “DON’T WALK” or upraised palm signals may continue to the nearest sidewalk, traffic island or safety zone
Pedestrians must not enter the roadway towards the “DON’T WALK” or upraised palm signal
Pedestrian already in the intersection facing the “DON’T WALK” or upraised palm signal must run to the nearest sidewalk
Before you change lanes or make a left turn you must always look carefully for motorcycles because they:
Always have the right of way when sharing the road
Are hard to notice
Are always driven so fast
Persons driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor are:
Every driver’s problem whether they drink or not
Only a problem for those who drink alcohol
A police problem only
Not a problem in the CNMI
In the CNMI, every person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, who drives or in actual physical control of any vehicles guilty of a misdemeanor and will:
Be imprisoned for not less than three days nor more than one year
Lose the privilege to operate a motor vehicle for less than thirty days, nor more than six months
Receive a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1000
All of the above
You may drink alcoholic beverages on a public highway
As long as you don’t drive
Only if you ride in the back of a pick-up truck
It is against the law to drink alcoholic beverages on a public highway
Only if you ride in the back seat
”Zero Tolerance” for individuals under the age of 21 in the CNMI means:
No alcohol consumption while driving a vehicle
No alcohol consumption is allowed
Drivers may not operate a vehicle under the age of 21
The BAC may no exceed 0.02 while operating a vehicle
The effect that alcohol has on your reflexes and judgment:
Depends on the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream
It less if you were only drinking beer
Is greater if you were drinking whiskey or hard liquor
It less if you were only drinking wine
A few drinks after work before driving home:
Is good because they help to release the day’s tenison and make you a safer driver
Should be avoided because they may make you a dangerous driver
Is good because you miss the rush traffic
Alcoholic beverages will affect you:
Only if you have more than two drinks
More rapidly on an empty stomach
More rapidly just after eating
Always the same way
After the alcohol has entered your blood you can lessen its effect by:
There is nothing you can do to lessen the effect
Taking a cold shower
Drinking black coffee
Both “a” and “b”
You have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, and have refused to take the required test for blood alcohol. You may lose your driver’s license:
You won’t lose your license
Only if you are convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol
Because you have refused to take the test
Only if you are convicted of a traffic violation
A police officer stops you, charges you with driving under the influence of alcohol and tells you you must take a test to determine the amount of alcohol in your blood. You as the driver:
Don’t have to do anything
Must take the test or risk losing your driver’s license
Don’t have to take the test of you have not violated any traffic rule
Don’t have to take the test if you can prove you weren’t drinking
The consumption of alcohol while taking drugs can:
Have a more pronounced effect than either taken separately
Help cure your illness
Improve your driving ability
Have a less pronounced effect than either taken separately and is always safe
Drugs may interfere with a person’s ability to drive safely:
Only when driving at night
Only when taken while drinking
And it is important to ask your doctor about any effects that the prescribed drugs may have on your driving ability
Only if the drugs are prescribed by a doctor
Which of the following types of over-the-counter medicines is most likely to impair a driver’s ability by causing drowsiness:
Diet pills
If an over-the-counter drug states that it “may cause drowsiness”, you may drive:
Only after the effects of the medications have worn off
Only if your doctor approves
Yourself only, no passengers
Only if you have had nothing alcoholic to drink
In the CNMI, a police officer who is in uniform or who exhibits a badge or other sign of authority may stop any vehicle, upon request or signal:
To impact the vehicle registration card
All of the above
To inspect manufacturer's serial number and engine number
To impact the operator of the vehicle’s license or permit and signature
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