Final Practice

8846: Why is high nickel chromium steel used in many exhaust systems?
High heat conductivity and flexibility
Corrosion resistance and low coefficient
Corrosion resistance and high heat conductivity
8847: What parts of a Reciprocating engine exhaust system are designed to provide for ease of installation and or allow for expansion and contractions?
Spring loaded ball joints, Slip Joints, Bellows
Flexible Joints, Slip Joints, Flexible Metal Joints
Slip joints, Ball Joints, Flexible Metal Joints
What type of nuts are used to hold an exhaust system to the cylinders?
Brass or heat-resistant nuts
High temperature fiber self locking nuts
HIgh temperature aluminum self locking nuts
8866: Augmenter tubes are part of what system in reciprocating engines?
8856: How should ceramic coated exhaust components be cleaned?
With alkali
By degreasing
By spraying a cleaning agent
8870: How may reciprocating engine exhaust system leaks be detected?
An exhaust trail aft of the tail pipe on airplane exterior
Fluctuating manifold pressure indicator
Signs of exhaust soot inside cowling and on adjacent components
8855: On aircraft that utilizes an exhaust heat exchanger as a source of cabin heat, how should the exhaust system be inspected?
X-rayed to detect any cracks
Hydrostatically tested
With the heater air shroud removed
8867: Dislodged internal muffler baffles on small reciprocating aircraft engine may cause
Excessive exhaust back pressure
An engine over speed problem
High oil consumption
8812: The action of a carburetor air scoop is to supply air to the carburetor, but it may also
Cool the engine
Keep fuel lines cool and prevent vapor lock
Increase the pressure of incoming air by ram effect
8808: in addition to causing accelerated wear, dust or sand ingested by a reciprocating engine may also cause
Silicon fouling of spark plugs
Sludge formation
Acid formation
8810: if a fire starts in the induction system during the engine starting procedure, what should the operator do?
Get the checklist and let the fire continue
Turn off fuel pump switches
Turn off magneto switches
Answer not given
8811: on small aircraft engines, fuel vaporization may be increased by
Cooling the air before it enters the engine
Circulating the fuel and air mixture through passages in the oil pump.
Heating the fuel before it enters the carburetor
8793: The differential pressure controller in a turbocharger system
Reduces bootstrapping during part-throttle operation
Positions the waste gate valve for maximum power
Provides a constant fuel to air ratio
8793-1: The pressure between the turbo and the throttle valve is called
Turbocharger boost pressure
Induction manifold pressure
Upper deck pressure
8795: what is used to drive a supercharger?
Exhaust gases
Gear train from camshaft
Belt driven with a pulley system
Answer not given
8786: If the turbocharger waste gate is completely closed,
None of the exhaust gases are directed through the turbine
The turbocharger is in the OFF position
The exhaust gases are directed through the turbine
8776: True or false: Carburetors can ice before any other part on the aircraft
8773: At what temperature is Carburetor ice most severe
Air temperatures between 30 - 40*F
Air temperatures between 20 - 40*F
In any temperature in high altitudes
8777: Carburetor icing may be eliminated by which of the following methods?
Alcohol spray and electrically heated induction air
Ethylene glycol spray and heated induction air
Alcohol spray and heated induction air
8778: where would a carburetor air heater be located in a fuel injection system?
At the intake
Between the venturi and intake
Not required in fuel injection system
8780: during full power output of an non-supercharged engine equipped with a float -type carburetor, in which of the following areas will the highest pressure exist?
Intake manifold
Carburetor scoop
8775: Carburetor icing on an engine equipped with a constant-speed propeller can be detected by
A decrease in power output with no change in manifold pressure or RPM
An increase in manifold pressure with constant RPM
A decrease in manifold pressure with a constant RPM
8772: A method commonly used to prevent carburetor icing is to
Preheat the intake air
Mix alcohol with fuel
Electrically heat throttle valve
8779: An increase in manifold pressure when carburetor heat is applied indicates
Ice was forming
Mixture too lean
Overheating of cylinder heads
8804: When starting an engine equipped with a carburetor air heater, in what position should the heater be placed?
8803: If carburetor or induction system icing is not present when carburetor heat is applied with no change in the throttle settings, the
Mixture will become richer
Manifold pressure will increase
Engine RPM will increase
8806: The application of carburetor heat will have which of the following effects
The manifold pressure will be increased
The mixture will become leaner
The mixture will become richer
8871: Compared to normally aspirated engines, turbochargers engine exhaust systems operate at
Similar temperatures and higher pressures
Higher temperature and higher pressures
Similar temperature and pressures
8785: What is a function of the automatic propeller synchronizing system on multi engine aircraft?
To control the tip speed of all propellers
To control engine RPM and reduce vibration
To control the power output of all engines
8774: Into what part of a reciprocating engine induction system is deicing alcohol normally injected?
The supercharger or impeller section
The airstream ahead of the carburetor
The low-pressure area ahead of the throttle valve
Where is the deicing fluid sprayed for the removal/prevention of ice in the carburetor?
Inlet from the airstream
Inlet from the fuel
Inside the chamber where fuel and air is mixed
Why is fuel evaporation ice not a problem for fuel injected reciprocating engines?
Fuel is injected near the intake port of each cylinder
The heat from the cylinders will the melt the ice that forms
The engineers did not consider icing would be a problem for these types of systems
Where does the CAT gauge take it’s reading?
Carburetor entrance
Carburetor outlet
Before the throttle valve
How is alcohol used for deicing purposes in a carburetor?
With an electrical pump in a reservoir
With a hydraulic pump in a reservoir
Alcohol is not used as an alternative deicing method
What is a possible cause for an engine to lose full power?
Improperly rigged Carburetor Heat Control
Wrong type of mixture from the carburetor
Too much air in the intake stage in the otto cycle
True or False: As an aircraft climbs power from the engine typically decreases
A supercharger main purpose is to?
Increase manifold pressure
Decrease velocity entering intake ports
Cause a rich mixture to enter the engine
True or false: A supercharger only has one general classification
Where is the manifold pressure gage installed on a supercharger?
After the supercharger
Inlet of the supercharger
Inside the supercharger
What is one downside of a ground boost blower?
As the aircraft climbs power still decreases
Produces little boost compared to other superchargers
Does not work well on radial engines
How does a two speed supercharger switch between the low blower setting and the high blower setting?
Through a switch in the cockpit
By a sensor that determines the right altitude
Changes automatically on its own through centripetal force
What device fixes the problem with gear driven superchargers using a lot of engine power to produce higher amounts of engine power?
Turbo Supercharger
Connecting a belt with a pulley system
There is no downside
What is critical altitude?
Highest altitude for turbochargers to produce rated horsepower
Highest altitude of the aircraft engine can produce ideal thrust
8861: power recovery turbines used on some reciprocating engines are driven by the
Exhaust gas pressure
Velocity of the exhaust gases
8862: reciprocating engine exhaust systems that have repairs or sloppy weld beads which protrude internally are unacceptable because they cause
Base metal fatigue
Localized cracks
Localized hot spots
8791: What is the purpose of a turbocharger system for a small reciprocating engine?
Hold cabin pressure constant after aircraft has reached critical altitude
Maintains constant air velocity in the intake manifold
Compress air to maintain manifold pressure constant
8863: ball joints in reciprocating engine exhaust systems should be
Tight enough to prevent any movement
Disassembled and the seals replaced every engine change
Loose enough to permit some movement
Tight enough to prevent any movement
Disassembled and the seals replaced every engine change
Loose enough to permit some movement
How are turbochargers cooled?
Through the flow of oil
An electrically operated air cooler
Air is taken from the cooler air entering the turbo to cool the rest of the turbo
8790: What directly regulates the speed of a turbocharger?
What can prevent early detonation when the turbocharger raises the temperature of the induction air?
An intercooler
Heat exchanger with oil
A fan
What helps prevent overboosting?
Exhaust gas is limited
8792: What are the 3 basic regulating components of a sea level boosted turbocharger?
Exhaust bypass
Pump and bearing casing
Density controller
Differential pressure
What controls the wastegate/ engine oil in a turbocharger?
APC (absolute pressure control)
APU (Auxiliary power unit)
Capillary tube
True or False: The Wastegate is fully closed at critical altitude
8787: Boost manifold pressure is generally considered to be any manifold pressure above
14.7 “ of Hg
50” of Hg
30” of Hg
29.92” of Hg
8788: What is the purpose of the density controller in a turbocharger?
Limits the maximum manifold pressure that can be reduced at other than full throttle conditions
Limits maximum manifold pressure that can be produced by the turbocharger at full throttle
Maintains constant air velocity at the carburetor inlet
8793-3: Which of the following is a function of the differential pressure controller?
It limits the maximum manifold pressure that can be produced by the turbocharger at full +throttle conditions
It controls all positions of the waste gate except at fully open positions
It controls the position of the waste gate after the aircraft has reached critical altitude
8789: What is the purpose of the rate of change controller in a turbocharger?
Limits the maximum manifold pressure that can be produced by the turbocharger at full throttle conditions
Controls the rate of change at which the turbocharger discharge pressure will increase
Controls the position of the wastegate after the aircraft has reached critical altitude
8782: As manifold pressure increases in a reciprocating engine, the
Volume of air in the cylinder increases
Weight of the fuel/air charge decreases
Density of the air in the cylinder increases
True or False: Sea level boosted engines create boost greater than sea level at all altitudes
What functions similar to a wastegate in a sea level boosted turbocharger?
Exhaust bypass valve
Density controller
Differential pressure controller
What helps limit the amount of air entering the cabin from the turbocharger?
Sonic venturi accelerates air to transonic speed to produce a shock wave
Sonic venturi accelerates air to subsonic speeds to create cabin pressure
Turbochargers do not allow air into the cabin
Induction Systems consists of what 4 major components
Air intake
Induction air filter
Fuel delivery system
An induction manifold
Alternate air source
Ice removal or prevention system
Temperature indication system
8868: What is the purpose of an exhaust outlet guard on a small reciprocating engine?
To prevent dislodged muffler baffles
to reduce spark exit
To shield adjacent components from excessive heat
What are the three types of ice?
Impact ice
Fuel evaporation ice
Throttle ice
Carburetor ice
What is the formula to convert celsius to fahrenheit?
Multiply 1.8 plus 32
Multiply 5/9 plus 32
True or false: Power recovery turbine uses exhaust gas to turn the crankshaft.
{"name":"Final Practice", "url":"","txt":"8846: Why is high nickel chromium steel used in many exhaust systems?, 8847: What parts of a Reciprocating engine exhaust system are designed to provide for ease of installation and or allow for expansion and contractions?, What type of nuts are used to hold an exhaust system to the cylinders?","img":""}
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