Proctoring Cetfification

When is the earliest that you can pick up proctoring packs?
The day of the test
How should you deal with students using phones?
Put your phone away
Please put your phone away
If this were the real SAT, you would be removed from the test. However, I am not going to do that. Please put your phone away
If this were the real SAT, you would be removed from the test. Because this is supposed to be a simulation of the SAT, I will have to ask you to sit out for this section.
If you encounter a logistical problem on test day, what should you do?
Call the main office, try and find people on site, problem solve independently
Call the person on call, try and find people on site, problem solve independently
Problem solve independently
Call the main office
Which of these characterize the role of a proctor? Select all that apply.
The first in person interaction with The Princeton Review
Someone who provides good customer service
Totalitarian overlord
Sympathetic overseer of SAT testing
Impartial enforcer of official SAT rules
Part of proctoring is responding to unexpected situations. Suppose the first student who arrives at a test has not registered for the free test but would like to take it anyway. Every student who had registered showed up, so there are no more seats in the room. Another student shows up claiming to be a tutoring student. There is no way to get more seats; you have to turn someone away. Who do you turn away and why? Select all that are correct.
Tutoring student: They showed up late. I don't know if they are a tutoring student or not.
First student: They were not registered for this test.
Always try and find a way to include a student; give up your seat if you can.
A student wants to leave early. What do you do?
Let them go, but only if they have a commitment they need to keep. Tell them the real SAT would not allow this.
Let them go. They are done!
Keep them there; they committed to the full test.
Keep them there; they should not disturb others
When do you need to check in by?
30 minutes before the test begins.
When the test is scheduled to begin.
Who do you check in with?
Main office phone 206-204-4924
Main office
Robbie, via text
The person on call, as specified in the reminder email
When will students get their scores back?
About a week
About two weeks
Check when you get home
Call the main office
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