What Hogwarts House do you belong based on your FanFiction habits?

A whimsical illustration of a quill and parchment surrounded by magical elements like stars, wands, and books, capturing the essence of fanfiction in the Harry Potter universe.

Discover Your Hogwarts House Through FanFiction

Have you ever wondered which Hogwarts House you belong to based on your FanFiction habits? Now is your chance to find out! Take this fun and engaging quiz designed specifically for fanfiction enthusiasts to uncover your true Hogwarts identity.

By answering a series of questions about your reading and writing preferences, you'll gain insights into your fanfiction style, what makes you tick, and which house aligns with your creative personality. Let the magic unfold!

30 Questions8 MinutesCreated by WritingWand732
How do you read fanfiction?
I read a whole longfic in one night. The urge to know more too big to let me sleep.
In my cellphone. In my car. Before the green light comes
In quiet place. With proper lightning and no one to bother me.
In my phone, while I work.
It doesn't matter which place an screen as long as it's in AO3
I kind of have a soft spot for FFN
I only read in Wattpad
Fanfiction? That's for hobos. I go to the bookstore and read actual books.
At my own pace, since the writer deserves I pay as much attention to his work as possible
Wherever I can. Distractions don't bother me and hardly affect my comprehension.
Do you write fanfiction?
Of course. It's the only way of getting the exact fic you want.
I tried, but everyone hated my fic.
I haven't dared. Bad reviews are bad for my self-esteem.
Yes. They're nothing especial though.
I do. I've gotten better with time.
Yes. I also try to pass my writing knowledge to others.
Writing? No one has time for that nonsense.
No. It's too much effort.
Of course. You should've heard of me. I'm a big deal in the world of fanfiction.
I do. I'm good enough. Shame you cannot say the same about some writers out there.
I do. I have also published original work.
Pfff, writing fanfiction is for good-for-nothings without anything better to do
I was pushed into writing without knowing shit about it. I landed on my feet and actually like it.
It took me years to do, since I was scared of bad reviews. I ended up doing and I'm doing fairly well now.
Of course. I've been a natural since my first fic.
Yes. I love it. It's a great way to express a lot of who I am.
What kind of age range do you seek in stories?
I only read General Audiences that promise "No Warnings Apply"
I do nothing more intense than Teen. I still avoid triggering warnings. MCD is a no for me.
I can do MCD and Teen, but Violence, NonCon and Underage are a No for me
I usually do Teen. Sometimes Mature. Nothing too Heavy.
I do Teen, maybe Mature. But I'm not afraid of diving on stories that don't use Warnings.
I like mature topics, but with all the triggering stuff off-screen.
I can do Teen and sometimes Explicit. I avoid Violence and NonCon, but I'm fine with Underage (as long there's no age gap)
I don't read anything under Mature. I like my fics Violent and perturbing.
Teen and Mature. I sometimes dare to put a pinch of triggering warnings in my fics. Just to spice it, though nothing too visual.
Any rating. I am not afraid of a fic not using warnings, but I do analyse it on a case by case basis. I don't want to endorse troubling warnings or with erroneous interpretations.
I don't do anything under Mature. I occasionally touch triggering warnings. More on the emotional side than on-screen gore.
I give anything a try. I don't judge. Although, I rather keep distance on some warnings
What is your favorite genre?
Heavy Fantasy
Light Humor
Full blown crack
Drama, but not too angst. That's for emos.
Anything as long as it's well written
Anything as long as it's a fun read
Anything as long as there's no one too OOC
Anything with Romance
Epic battles
I just read the newspaper
Any good plot with stakes as long as it feels wholesome and not dark
Anything not too silly and well-written.
Hurt without comfort
What is your favorite setting?
Founders era. Too much Magic Theory to explore.
Hogwarts during the Marauders' time. I'm all for pranks and mischief.
First Wizarding World. There's too much mystery and intrigue to explore
Hogwarts during any of Harry's years. Teenage drama and characters I care about.
Post-Hogwarts. Ministry restructuring, jobs and grown-up stuff is my thing.
Post-Hogwarts. Character progression of Slytherin and former DE is where the good things are.
Second Wizarding War. Away from that tent. Battles. Yeah!
Ministry during Harry's years. I like my kids more political or at least trying to defend themselves
Next Gen. I like just peaceful life with Potter-Weasley babies
Grindelwald. I find it to be a much more grey conflict. And the social layer stuff is interesting.
Some other more obscure and unexplored era or setting.
Some Muggle Cafe
Inside the DE camp during a war. I like my fics dark and with tension.
A magical creature expedition. Exploring adventures are so neglected.
A Quidditch World Cup. Or Quidditch setting in general. I like sport fics.
A Dragon reservation. I like my magical animals dangerous.
Diagon Alley. Just shopping trips and creative magical trinkets is my thing.
Domestic life. I like old married couples and their kids.
A Wizarding manor with lots of pureblood ancestral history and customs to explore
A magical School, but far from Britain. We've seen too much of Hogwarts already.
Ancient Ruins. I'm something of a cursebreaker myself.
Anywhere, as long as there's only one bed.
Hogwarts: A Mystery. It's just as good as Harry's time.
Deathly Hallows. Tent angst.
Halfblood Prince. Teenage Drama.
Triwizard Tournament. Action, International Magical Cooperation and Adventure!
Voldemort's Hogwarts years
Grindelwald time, but centered around Newt Scamander's trips.
How do you publish your work?
Again. I do not write.
One chapter at a time. I'm too lazy to edit.
One chapter at a time. I cannot wait to read reviews.
Without a beta. We die like men!
I write the whole story and only then I start publishing. I want to be able to edit everything once more before publishing.
I write the whole story and only then I start publishing. I don't want readers to be left waiting without a chapter to look forward to.
Once a week. Every weekday at a set hour of day. I have a whole schedule mapped out.
It's a mystery. Even for me. I improvise.
I have 285 active WIPs. I end up updating stuff once every other year.
I write in a frenzy. Then I start a new fic and leave the previous one in hiatus.
I write a single fic while I'm in the mood. Then I start a new fic and leave the previous one in hiatus. I make 2 updates after with false promises of returning. Then, I abandon it completely, marking it complete even when it's unfinished.
I wrote once. Never again.
I send it to my marketing expert. He knows how to publish and run my social accounts. That's why I pay him for.
I wrote everything at once. Then I upload it all at once in a batch update.
I don't know if I'll ever update again. Life is a risk. Just do it when I can #YOLO
I spend years without updating
One chapter at a time. Life is a risk. What's the point of waiting?
I have plenty of ideas, but I write one fic at a time. Trying to stay a few chapters ahead.
Have you ever entered any writing challenge?
Challenges? Of course! All the time
If a friend invites me
If it won't take much of my time
If the topic is interesting
If I have a fresh idea for it
If I like the pairing
God no! I have 285 WIPs already!
I have 285 fics already! But hell! Why not?
I haven't really, but... Are you challenging me?
Haven't I already told you that I don't write?
Pff! Challenges are for people without creativity who can't think on anything to write by themselves
I have my fair share of awards under my belt, I'll have you know
I've won awards in the past. Though that doesn't keep me from trying to improve.
I enter if I don't have any writing pending to do
If someone I know is going to enter, so we can compete
I get dragged into them without knowing
Are you crazy? Everyone would just make fun of me!
I don't like being judged
What's your tagging policy?
I tag EVERYTHING. Including the most minor of pairings. I don't want to miss anything.
Less is more. I keep it simple, and spoiler free.
I come up with some hilarious tags. Let me tell you.
I like to put clever foreshadowing in the tags.
I'm too lazy to give it much thought. I just publish. No one cares about tagging anyway.
The correct tagging is essential for AO3 to work as intended. We owe it to the filtering system to tag correctly
I purposely misstag things that never happen in my fic to get more hits.
I purposely avoid triggering tags just to mess with people.
It's tedious, but it's a task that one needs to put some effort into.
I ask a friend to tell me what tags to use. I am no expert-tagger
I like to tag properly. You never know who can get triggered by something you write and you don't want to cause distress to others.
Which of the following tags are you more likely to use or find (1-3)?
Happy Ending
First Kiss
Pureblood Society
Alternate Universe
Bad Parenting
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Canon Divergence
Found Family
Please don't think I'm weird
Eating Disorder
Dark Magic
Sexual Tension
Power Dynamics
Sharing a Bed
Lovers to Enemies
Idiots in Love
Courtroom Drama
I'm going to hell for this
Draco Needs a Hug... But Not from Voldemort
It Gets Worse Before it Get Better
Blood Magic
Severus Snape gives awkward, yet solid sexEd
Inappropriate Use of a Magic Wand
Graphic Depictions of Feelings
So Wrong it's Right
No beta, we die like Dobby
Muggle Society
Blocking of Magical Cores
Mutual Pining
Married Life
Sex Magic
World Travelling
Welcome to the Magical Jungle, baby!
Place Description Porn
Weasley is our king, flimsy pants are his thing
I blame the Nargles
Porn with feelings
Canon-Typical Miscommunication
Exploration of Magical Theory
Reforming Wizarding World Society
Real Magic only works in Black, and sometimes very, very dark grey
Unhealthy Amounts of Arithmancy
Hidden Magical Skills
Body Swap
Mentions of Pensieve Porn
[Character] is a Porn Star
Unrequited Love
Crack with a little Plot
Pranks and Practical Jokes
Unexpected Spanking
Muggle Technology
Strangers to Lovers
Veela Inheritance
Who's your favorite character (1-3)?
James I
James II
Lily I
Lily II
Albus S
Dan and Emma Granger
Dolores Umbridge
Ludo Bagman
Nicolas Flamel
G Gryffindor
H Hufflepuff
R Ravenclaw
S Slytherin
Ernie Macmillan
Susan Bones
OC Self-Insert
Ted Lupin
Newt Scamander
Anyone but Harry
Cormac McLaggen
What is your favorite Ship (1-3)?
Ship? Those things that go in the water?
Harrores (Harry+Umbridge)
Flower Pot
Filch+Mrs Figg
Pernon (Petunia+Vernon)
Harry + Muggle OC
Charmione (Not a pokemon)
Harry+OC Self-Insert
R Scamander + Luna
I prefer fics without focus on pairing
Sue Li+Colin Creevey
Fred Weasley+Amelia Bones
What's your opinion on bashing?
I am indifferent
It's lazy writing. I avoid it.
It's dishonorable to the characters. I avoid it.
It's an offense on canon. I avoid it.
It feels teenager-y. I avoid it.
I enjoy it.
It's a guilty pleasure.
I only read stories with heavy bashing.
It's okay, for certain characters.
It's okay with characters I dislike. But I hate it when used as revenge on characters I like and are perfect in canon.
People overreact. Ron clearly was a disloyal, drunk, lazy, glutton, two-faced bastard in canon (also bad in bed)
I hate it with all my being!!!
It would be better if it wouldn't exist. But I am less annoyed by it when the characters bashed are not the same everyone bashes.
Goblins are...
A race like any other
Not real!
The rightful guardians of wills and betrothals contracts
Cheap bastards
An inferior race
A racist stereotype that should be discouraged
The best plot devices! Yes! Fill my coffers with my enemies' blood!
A nation! Goblins are a Nation!
... No! Not the coffers again! (hugs legs and sways back and forth)
An interesting race to explore. Better when avoiding cliches.
Magical cores are...
Great. When a proper magic system is wisely constructed around them.
The worst thing to hit the Earth since midichlorians
... What now?
An absurdity. Canon clearly implied that the magic skill is not related to a specific intrinsic magical quality
A valid option, even if not my favorite. There's wiggle room to make them work
Something I've never bothered in reading and don't plan to start now.
Awesome! I write about them all the time!
Seen in all shapes and sizes. Though it's not in the size of your magic core, but how you use it.
Nothing! Don't even mention them to me!
Very powerful. That's why that old codger blocks Harry's
Do you like cracks?
The nerve! I'm a law abiding citizen!
They're okay, I guess.
Some of them are good, but I usually avoid them. I only have time to focus on serious stories.
There just silly pieces, I wouldn't mind if they didn't exist.
They're stupid. Whoever writes them is just a fool who is wasting time
They're awesome. I 'm reading one now.
I only read crack fics
I only write cracks fics
Depends on the fic
Silly cracks are unfunny. But crack taken seriously are great
Entertaining. But I've never been funny enough to write one.
What is your favorite plot device?
Broken Time-Turner
Flying car
Vanishing Cabinet
Chamber of Secrets
Philosopher Stone
Love (or Lust) Potions
Truth Serums
Backfired Spell
Magical Ritual
The whole Department of Mysteries
Marriage Contract!
Room of Requirement
The Veil
Dark Magic Artifact
Goblet of Fire
Something new and creative from Hogwarts
Something new and creative from the Wizarding World, but not from Hogwarts
Deathly Hallows
I have no preferences. Anything interesting will do.
The Marauder's Map
Blood Quill
Favorite pet
Peter Pettigrew
Mrs Norris
The Basilisk
Harry pet snakes
I prefer plants
Ginny's pink ball
I hate pets. They're loud and a bother.
A Nargle
A Dementor
All of them!!
What do you think about the Main Character doing morally questionable things?
No way! He's the good guy
If it's illogical for him to get out of it any other way, I'm fine with it
Sometimes is required
I'm totally on board.
I don't know any other way of writing my characters. They're all grey
No!!! That would soil his soul! Let Snape do that instead! No one cares about his soul.
My characters don't do morally questionable things. Their actions are evil as shit and there's no one questioning it
It's okay to break a rule or two, but his actions should never end with the suffering of others
What's the best animagus form for Harry?
None. As in canon
A stag, for James
A doe, for Lily and because Harry is very gay
An acromantula
A lion
A fabulous unicorn
A phoenix
A talking phoenix
A toad, I'm something of a trope subverter myself
All of the forms!!!
An owl
A badger
A snake
Is that the name of music bad?! Because I hate music
A half-cat hybrid. Like a furry
A wolf
A never-before-seen Magical Creature
Character Growth?
Yes, please.
Does the story make sense otherwise?
Nah, I'm fine.
A character doesn't have to learn shit for it to be quite a ride
Yes. And the character has to face his(her) worst fears to get there.
Yes. And the character has to realize that what he wanted is not what he needed.
Yes, and it needs to make sense with the themes and plot of the story so far
No. Real people don't grow. Everyone is an arse.
Yes, if it's a serious story. But a funny ride or a short adventure can work without it.
Please Specify:
How are the comments you leave in other fics?
Leave a comment? I have no time for that
No one is forcing me to leave a comment, so I don't. It's a free country.
I leave long explanations of what went can be improved, but I do it politely and telling the things I liked too
I just like to tell a writer how much I loved the story
Short thank you
I leave long explanations with plot holes. I don't sugar coat things.
I try to leave a short note, but I usually don't know what to write
I tell the writer what to do if he wants the story to stop sucking
I only comment on my friends' fics. I keep it short and without fake flattery.
I comment often. Fics are not free, they are paid in encouragement.
I always comment on stories from people who comment in mine
Just a Thank you. Unless my criticism ask, then I gladly give my detailed opinion.
Some blunt, random statements. Sometimes funny, sometimes people don't get them.
I put a polite and objective review of the fic. If someone is rude, then I do fight back, but with witty facts rather than yelling.
I try to be helpful and to the point, but if someone is an arse I'm not above swearing and using CAPS LOCK
Some witty joke
I can be charming. Though I can destroy an unworthy fic viciously too without resorting to all caps
Comment sections of popular fics are the perfect place to promote my own fic!!
Who is Draco?
What is Draco?
Why is Draco?
A Dragon. At least that's the latin translation
A little fuck
A cowardly ferret
A bully
A misguided kid, but who didn't really got a proper redemption
A golden hearted kid polluted by his environment. None of his wrong deeds are his fault, but his parents
Harry's one true mate
Isn't that the guy who fought Rocky in Russia?
A sadistic death eater who should've rotten in Azkaban
Privileged boy who didn't know better, caught in something bigger than him
The most good looking kid in Harry's year.
A pompous boy who thinks he can bossy everyone around only because of his last name
Best AU (1-2)
Pirate AU
Voldemort won AU
Muggle Highschool AU
Someone dies/ Doesn't die AU
Star Wars Crossover
I hate crossovers
None. I prefer Canon.
Percy Jackson Crossover
AU? What does that even stand for
Alternate Sorting AU
Someone is magical / Someone isn't magical AU
Batman Crossover
Wild West
Lord of the Rings Crossover
Game of Thrones Crossover
Anything as long as there are no plot holes
Power Rangers Crossover
Stranger Things Crossover
Twilight Crossover
Hunger Games Crossover
Pokemon Crossover
Crossover with some random romcom
SAW Crossover
Someone is a Dark Lady/Lord AU
HIMYM Crossover
Voldemort doesn't exist AU
Mortal Instruments Crossover
What would be the best execution of a WBWL?
None at all. Let that trope burn.
Isn't that a radio station?
Good, naive brother. Evil Parents. Harry is the real BWL
Entire family and some friends evil. Harry real BWL
Good parents. Hiding Harry for his own good.
Evil family. Twin is the real BWL
A GWL variation
The only one I would read is one where Neville is the BWL
WBWL is the best trope ever. In any form
I honestly would only read a well written one without plot holes and smartly crafted. Haven't found it yet. They usually suck.
I avoid it like the plague
Too much angst for me. I need more fun
Evil James. Good Lily.
How do you like your smut?
Smut? Is that short for Smoothie?
I beg your pardon? I'm a decent person. I read no such things.
Meh... Once you've read one smut, you've read them all
I'm all for it, but stick to the basics. Nothing too elaborate and weird, thanks
Curious. I'm not really into smut. I have nothing against it, but it's just not my thing
Something kinky, but tender
Lots of foreplay
Lots of talking
Something wild and spontaneous
Tentacles need to be involved
Some leather wouldn't be bad, as long as it's subtle
I need Whips and nails and some red skin.
A special occasion. With the right pairing
Tender and sweet
Kinky. Definitely kinky.
Slow and seductive, with one side taking the lead
I'm open for most of it. Though erroneous descriptions of sex or anatomy irks me.
In a way that fits with the characters' personalities, not mine. And it should always serve the plot, otherwise keep it off-screen.
Harems! Fuck yeah!
I only write angsty pieces where the SO bangs the MC's rival.
I've mostly written about someone just getting a bit "comfortable" with him(her)self
What would make you to drop a fic you follow?
First sign of bad grammar, I'm out of here
"let out a breath he didn't know he was holding"
Repeated use of the word "said"
Notorious avoidance of the word "said"
"tongues battling for dominance"
OOC actions
Jarring plotholes
Stupid characters without agency
Boring plots not going anywhere
Canon rehashing
Nothing. Once I started reading a fic, I'll finish it no matter how stupid it gets
Stupid plot twists
Too violent things
Unexpected stuff that wasn't tagged. That's betrayal to my trust
Politically Incorrect representation of races
Validation of topics such as slavery or torture
Lazy and uninspired worldbuilding
Not enough violence
Best fanfic you've read (1-2)?
I only re-read mine
My Immortal
I don't think any fic has the quality I demand
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
The Pureblood Pretense
A Better Man
Harry Crow
Seventh Horcrux
All the Young Dudes
Oh God Not Again!
A Black Comedy
Delenda Est
Alexandra Quick Series
Backward with Purpose
The Arithmancer
A Cadmean Victory
Contractual Invalidation
Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time
Strangers at Drakeshaugh
Albus and Harry World Trip
Harry the Hufflepuff
Harry's a dragon, and that's okay
Hermione, Queen of Witches
Not From Others
The First Day
The Original Naked Quidditch Match
Vitam Paramus
Luna Lovegood and the Dark Lord's Diary
When in doubt, Obliviate
Harry Potter: The Last Avatar
Harry Potter and the Forest of Valbone
Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived
Grow Young With Me
The Second String
Petunia, Tomb Rider
He will have power the dark lord knows not
What You Leave Behind
The Red Knight
The Prince of Slytherin
To Know you is to Love You
Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness
Favorite Things
Ice Cream
Where the air is Rarefied
Anything by Robst! Pure genius!
Dark Prince
Post Tenebras, Lux
A Chance in Time
The Syntax of Things
The Sum of their Parts
Any sick and disturbing fic there is
Justice, Justice Shall you Pursue
How do you do research for a fic?
Research is too much work. But no one cares if you did a mistake with owl eating habits anyway.
I spent hours researching just to get one line correctly, and at the end, that line doesn't make it to the final draft.
I only do basic research. I don't want to look like someone who doesn't know what he's doing.
When I have doubts about something I ask a friend if why I wrote is right
I don't care about research. If my beta doesn't notice anything wrong, then it should be fine.
I don't do full-blown research. I just goggle small doubts quickly.
Research? I thought this was fanfiction writing, not a college paper.
Research is overkill. I just avoid lines and topics that could make me sound dumb and focus on what I do know.
Research is for insecure fools. If you state a fact with enough confidence, people will believe it. No matter if it's true or not.
I do exhaustive research. From several sources. And keep notes.
I pay someone to do the research for me, or ask in a forum. I can't waste my talent in such a low-skill task.
I do basic research. I don't want my readers to get an incorrect fact. If I don't know something, I clearly state it in the A/N.
I like research. But never lose myself on things I am not going to use (that is unless it's something I'm interested in)
What kind of writer do you see yourself becoming?
I'm something of a big deal myself already
One publishing original works eventually. I'll self-publish
I would be good to get riches and fame one day
I just write for myself. I don't feel like I need to improve my writing
I would like to improve my craft. But I have no ambitions of being a celebrated author. I'll stick to fics
I would like my fics to become well known and famous. But I'm not interested in writing original stuff
Writing is for lazy people without real jobs
I just want to continue enjoying my writing. I'll be happy wherever that leads me
One publishing original works eventually. I'll seek a publishing company, the conventional way.
I would like to stick to fanfiction. Bring more attention to the tropes and ships I like
How do you like your endings?
Happy. Bright colored and with everyone alive and paired with their one true love
Bittersweet. Success at a major level, but not without some losses. I like to feel the sweet pain
I mean, if no one dies, is kind of unrealistic, isn't it?
An open ending. Uncertain future
It was all a dream!
Sad ending for the sacrificing protagonist. But success
The bad guys win and the good guys die
I like the good guys, but bad guys winning is more realistic
I like to end things with a good smut scene
Ending? Ha... err... I rarely get to those on my fics
I like to end with an epic battle
I like endings when reader thinks the good guys won and then BAAAM! An epilogue with the bad guy getting away with it
I like things to have an ending. Like this quiz, it has taken forever
The characters I like get to live their life as they want. The characters who tried to controlled them suffer, realizing their mistakes.
Not rosy. But on a happy note.
{"name":"What Hogwarts House do you belong based on your FanFiction habits?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which Hogwarts House you belong to based on your FanFiction habits? Now is your chance to find out! Take this fun and engaging quiz designed specifically for fanfiction enthusiasts to uncover your true Hogwarts identity.By answering a series of questions about your reading and writing preferences, you'll gain insights into your fanfiction style, what makes you tick, and which house aligns with your creative personality. Let the magic unfold!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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