How well do you know Halloween?

When was Halloween first celebrated?
1,000 years ago
3,000 years ago
2,000 years ago
4,000 years ago
Who originally made Halloween?
Freddy Krueger
John Carpenter and Debra Hill
Machel Myers
Where did trick-or-treating come from?
Scotland and Ireland
Salm Massachusetts
Why was Halloween invented ?
To get candy
To ward off ghosts
To dress up
Where does the term "jack o lantern" come from
Salm Massachusetts
What was candy corn Originally Called ?
Chicken Feed
butter cream
chicken corn
What is the most popular Halloween movie ?
Hocus Pocus
Halloween town
What is October 30 ?
National candy day
National costume day
National hunted house day
Who invented candy corn
George Renninger
Tim burton
Edgar Allen Poe
who is the most famous Halloween Author
R.L. Stine
Edgar Allen Poe
Stephen King
H. P. Lovecraft
{"name":"How well do you know Halloween?", "url":"","txt":"When was Halloween first celebrated?, Who originally made Halloween?, Where did trick-or-treating come from?","img":""}
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