Drivng Test (SMITH System Knowledge Check)

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What are the 5 keys to the SMITH System?
1. Aim High in Steering 2. Get The Big Picture 3. Keep Your Eyes Moving 4. Leave Yourself an Out 5. Make Sure They See You.
1. Get The Big Picture 2. Be Prepared 3. Leave Yourself an Out. Make Sure They See You 4. Keep Your Eyes Moving 5. Aim High in Steering.
1. Get The Big Picture 2. Aim High in Steering 3. Leave Yourself an Out 4. Keep Your Eyes Moving 5. Back up with a spotter.
1. Aim High in Steering 2. Get the big picture 3. Leave Yourself an Out 4. Keep Your Eyes Moving 5. Get Out And Look
Driving Prepared is a reason why the SMITH System is so successful. Which one of these is a good example of Driving Prepared?
Ironing your clothes.
Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep the day before you drive.
Putting an address in your GPS while you're at a stoplight
Eating a good dinner the night before
Keeping your vision high and in the center of the lane refers to which one of these SMITH System keys?
Aim High In Steering
Get the Bigger Picture
Leave Yourself an out
Keep Your Eyes Moving
What are the 2 basic elements for creating space?
Speed Control, Determining a safe following distance
Maintaining a safe following distance, Keep you Eyes Moving
Leave Yourself an out, Aim High in Steering
Get The Bigger Picture
What are the 3 L's
Lifting, Lacerations, Liftgate
Live, Laugh, Love
Look, Listen, Learn
Live, Listen, Liftgate
True or False. It is ok to leave the Liftgate unattended.
Which one of these answers is a good reason why you should know the height of your truck?
Low Bridges
Low tree branches
Low telephone wires
All of the above
When is it required to fill out a pre and post trip DVIR?
Once a week
Every other day
Every time you drive the truck
Twice a week
What is the proper following distance for a box truck on the highway?
6-8 seconds
4-6 seconds
3-5 seconds
5-7 seconds
Tom is driving on the street, to the left of him is another box truck, to the right of him, on the sidewalk, is a cat. What key would be important to understand here?
Key 3: Keep Your Eyes Moving
Key 4: Leaving Yourself an Out
Key 2:Get the Bigger Picture
Key 1: The Key of C
Tom realizes that his brakes are not working! What should Tom do?
Gently apply emergency brake, look for open ground, shift into a lower gear, notify his manager
Turn the ignition off whilst it is still in motion
Immediately apply emergency brake at a fast pace
None of the above
At a stop sign Tom is waiting for another vehicle to move forward before he can turn. Tom decides to use his headlights to signal to the vehicle. What key is this an example of?
Key 5: Make sure they see you
Key 2: Get the bigger picture
Key 3: Keep your eyes moving
Key 4:Leaving yourself an out
Tom is approaching a green traffic light, he needs to turn right but a pedestrian is about to go straight, what should Tom do?
Honk at the pedestrian because he has the right away
Slow to a stop, let the pedestrian go and then turn
Go around the pedestrian
All of the above
Tom is driving to a customer's home and he decides to eat his lunch on the road. What category does this distraction fall into?
Mental distraction
Auditory distraction
Mobile distraction
Physical distraction
Multitasking is a ___________
Fun activity
Everyday skill
New trend
Tom is on cruise control as the weather takes a turn and it starts raining, Tom starts to slow his speed and has a firm grip on the steering wheel. What is Tom forgetting to do?
To turn on his hazards
To call his manager
Turn off cruise control
To pull over
What is the number one cause of distracted driving accidents?
Cell phones
Lack of sleep
Eating while driving
None of the above
What is your sweater hoodie size ?
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