Are you a fit?

A graphic representation of a welcoming gaming community, showing diverse players playing together, smiling, and engaging in friendly competition.

Are You a Fit for Our Guild?

Discover if you align with our guild values and community spirit through this engaging quiz! We value teamwork, skill development, and a friendly environment. Answer a series of thought-provoking questions and find out how well you fit into our guild culture!

  • Evaluate your gaming habits
  • Understand our community dynamics
  • See where you could thrive alongside fellow gamers
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by GamingGuru432
Our in-game guild has only 1 slot available and 2 new members have applied. Which one would you accept?
Player A: Has a lot of free time to play and seems to be very good at their class. They have little interest in talking to guildmates but they contribute a ton of gold each week to the guild.
Player B: Is eager to meet new friends in discord. They are less skilled at the game, but they are very friendly and enjoyable to be around.
Are you 18 or older?
You've come home from work and are ready to game, but no one else seems to be on. What do you do?
Use an LFG to matchmake with pugs.
Jump in discord and play until the others get on.
We're partied up and ready to play when you get a private message from a personal friend you haven't heard from in a while, asking if you'd like to join them instead. What do you do?
Join your old friend for a game or two.
Invite your personal friend to The Locals.
Do you plan to publicly post NSFW content?
You log in, and everyone is in 1 channel. You join the channel and they seem to be talking and playing a game you aren't interested in. What do you do?
Ask if anyone wants to play your game instead. If they don't, leave the channel.
See what they're talking about and try giving their game a fair shot.
If your speech patterns were a movie, what would they be rated?
You decided to start livestreaming your gameplay to twitch. Once you mentioned that you were doing so, the channel become noticeably quieter. What would you do?
Continue streaming. They can switch channels if they aren't comfortable with it.
Offer to create a new channel to stream in so everyone feels comfortable.
You notice a fairly new player being picked on for not doing well in-game. The new player has become more and more quiet the longer the game goes on. Which of the following suggestions do you consider more important?
Remind the experienced players of how new they are and to cut them some slack.
Offer the new player some suggestions for improving their gameplay.
You notice some of the #general chat getting political. What would you add to the conversation?
Remind them that we're here to make friends and play games, not solve all of the world's issues.
Remind them why your political party is clearly superior and how little sense their viewpoints make to you, or any other sober human being with a 3 digit IQ.
{"name":"Are you a fit?", "url":"","txt":"Discover if you align with our guild values and community spirit through this engaging quiz! We value teamwork, skill development, and a friendly environment. Answer a series of thought-provoking questions and find out how well you fit into our guild culture!Evaluate your gaming habitsUnderstand our community dynamicsSee where you could thrive alongside fellow gamers","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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