High День 5. СГ 3.0

1. Choose the correct translation: To meet tight deadlines
вкладатися у жорсткі терміни
пільги та переваги
перспективи підвищення
2. Choose the correct translation: To travel solo
подорожувати по
подорожувати самостійно
відпочивати вдома (відпустка вдома)
3. Choose the correct translation: To be within easy reach of sth
насолоджуватися місцевою кухнею
витрачати багато грошей (транжирити)
бути у межах легкої досяжності чогось
4. Choose the correct translation: To splash out
витрачати багато грошей (транжирити)
жити за коштами
дуже дешевий
5. Choose the correct translation: To hit it off with smb
сподобатись один одному при першій ж зустрічі
мати злети і падіння
6. Choose the correct definition: To lean on
to rely on someone for support
to take a break
to have a disagreement with someone
7. Choose the correct definition: To live within means
to spend more money than you earn
to spend only as much money as you earn or can afford
to save a lot of money each month
8. Choose the correct definition: Promotion prospects
the potential or opportunities for advancing to a higher position in a job
to cover your own costs and expenses
to save money over time
9. Choose the correct definition: To cost a fortune
to monitor your spending
to be very cheap
to be very expensive
10. Choose the correct definition: To fall out
to have a disagreement or argument with someone
to rely on someone for support
to experience both positive and negative moments
11. What do you see when you tour around Maui?

You see a European heritage influence.
You see a blend of Polynesian heritage and modern American lifestyle.
You see ancient ruins and modern architecture.
12. Choose the correct option: From the first meeting, they ____ it off and became best friends.
13. Choose the correct option: During our trip, we decided to ____ in the local cuisine and try everything.
14. Choose the correct option: He is happy to have a ____ income, which allows him to plan for the future.
15. Choose the correct option: Despite the high prices, we found some ____ items at the market.
cost a fortune
dirt cheap
{"name":"High День 5. СГ 3.0", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QWFW905LK","txt":"1. Choose the correct translation: To meet tight deadlines, 2. Choose the correct translation: To travel solo, 3. Choose the correct translation: To be within easy reach of sth","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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