Hunter Biden's Laptop

Where did an extremely intoxicated Hunter Biden abandon his laptop?
In a brothel
In a crack house
At a computer repair shop
At an art exhibition
What was Hunter Biden's laptop password?
What is Joe Biden's name in Hunter's iPhone contact list?
Papa Joe
Pedo Pete
Papa ATM
Joe Obama
Between December 2018 through January 2019, how much money did Joe Biden give his son Hunter for Russian hookers and crack?
What is Hunter Biden's pet name for his stepmom Jill
F*cking Moron & Entitled C*nt
Dr. Jill
Girl Daddy
What sexually transmitted disease did Hunter Biden worry he gave to his dead brother's wife?
Monkey pox
What is Hunter Biden's favorite racial slur when texting?
Towel head
When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, how did the liberal media treat it?
Like it was newsworthy
As proof of Biden family corruption and debauchery
As a legitime scandal
Like Russian disinformation
Who is the underage girl Hunter Biden is pictured naked in bed with on photos found on the laptop?
His niece Natalie
Younger sister of the Olsen twins
12-year-old unaccompanied minor
The Gerber Baby
Who is the "Big Guy" that Hunter Biden says is entitled to a cut of his corrupt foreign business dealings?
Bob's Big Boy
The Big Bopper
Biggie Smalls
Joe Biden
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