Which leverage character are you?

An imaginative illustration depicting various characters from a heist-themed narrative, showcasing their unique traits and styles in a vibrant, cartoonish manner.

Discover Your Inner Character

Are you a master of chaos or a beacon of compassion? Take this quiz to find out which character from the world of leverage you truly embody! Each question is designed to explore different aspects of your personality, preferences, and beliefs.

  • Multiple choice format for easy participation
  • Fun and engaging questions
  • Find out more about yourself in a light-hearted way
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SneakyThief452
Thief juice
Tastes like bad guys!
It's a mouth crime
Thoughts on CGI Yoda
I don't watch star trek :)
No. He's an insult to the puppet. I'm still mad about this
I think he's cute
Do you ever talk about your emotions
No. I would rather die <3
Yes! Communication is important for healthy relationships
I'm a closed book except for when I impulsively overshare then refuse to mention a single personal detail for the next 6 months while I recover
I prefer talking about other people's emotions, actually
Only if someone asks
What's your clue weapon of choice. Like if you were going to murder someone, hypothetically
Lead pipe
Hey. What the fuck
Do you have hobbies
Is sleeping a hobby
Yeah, a few
A wide range I'm constantly trying new ones to see what they're like
My job doubles as a hobby
[dialup noise as you realize you don't actually have any hobbies]
You're handcuffed to your friend as you run through the woods fleeing for your lives. Do you grab their hand to avoid bruising or lacerating your wrists?
I grab their hand and hold tight, to let them know all the things I can't say out loud. that I'm there for them. That we will be okay.
Obviously. For practical reasons of course. Hand injuries are the worst. I let go as soon as we escape so I don't make it any more awkward than it already is
I will preserve my thin veneer of heterosexuality no matter the cost as I'm aware that it is fragile and ready to shatter like glass at the slightest provocation. Blood does not scare me and no bruise can compare to the one inside my soul. yes I'm fine why are you asking
I would but if we make it out of here alive my friend would kill me themself unfortunately
I'm smart enough to avoid getting into this situation in the first place
Pick a leverage quote (funny edition)
"now if only I had a brain..."
"see, he thinks the flirting makes me jealous, but it doesn't. You know, but if you was like, brad pitt or denzel or somebody, oh girl it would be on, seriously."
"what, is stealing mail a crime?"
"terrorism and peanut allergies do not mix."
"i'm only gonna say this once, boys. Give me the... Teddy bear."
"ugh. I'm so glad I don't live in the real world."
"magic kits come with certificates. Does that make it cool for kids to saw their parents in half?"
[hanging stolen jewelry on a christmas tree] "happy birthday jesus."
"No, let me just tell you, all right. Meat should never be used as an adjective."
[when asked what he's doing in florida] "you know, I like the outlet malls."
Pick a leverage quote (serious edition)
"you know, my nana used to say that what's normal is whatever works for you. We all work okay."
"we agreed we all change. Better or worse, we change together."
"hey. You had to be quick because you were alone. If you get caught, that's it. I get it. But you're not alone anymore. look. Look at me. You're not alone. You're not. You have a team. You have me."
"i don't understand? I had somebody. I lost someone once, okay? and I thought I was alone, too. But you know what? I wasn't. People thought I was crazy, but I never was. I never was, and neither are you."
"well, you have no idea who I was before all this... started. That guy - kid - he had god in his heart and he had a flag on his shoulder... Clean hands. and I ain't seen him in the mirror in over 10 years. And believe me, I get up every morning looking for him. So you can trust me when I tell you, you pull that trigger, and two men die: the guy you kill, and the guy you used to be."
"you were wrong about one thing. Wanting to move on with or without you... It matters. We matter."
Which is more important
Doing the right thing
Keeping my friends safe
Pick a quote from bison by anne michaels <3
Covalent bond / impossible strength / we have never failed each other
In the cemetery I understood / we keep what belongs to us
You loved like a conspirator against everything / that has power to defeat us
I knew you were listening / perhaps / you heard
Is stabbing someone with a fork an appropriate response to them telling you that not all human life is inherently valuable
Yes but that doesn't mean it's a good idea
No. What's wrong with you
You've told your friends not to contact you while you're on vacation. One of them shows up at your door 3 days later unannounced what's your immediate reaction
I retreat out of view of the windows. when I said don't contact me I meant it bitch
I open the door in case it's bad news. If someone isn't dead or seriously injured then they're about to be
I'm sighing internally but this is exactly what I expected
I open the door but I complain loudly the entire time they're here
Why would I tell my friends not to contact me???
Do you think you're a good person?
No. There is something in my past that tortures my every waking moment and for which I will feel guilty as long as I'm alive
Yes. I make a point of helping people when I can and I care deeply about injustice
I want to be. I try to do the right thing but I don't know if I'm succeeding
No. but I can still do good things and take care of my friends
Must one really be "good"? Is it not enough to go through life enjoying fine wine and stolen art and being bisexual
Pick a love language
Cooking. Love is stored in the lasagna
Getting obvious facts about something my partner/friend cares about wrong on purpose so they have an excuse to explain it to me again
Remembering small details around things we did together years ago
Arguing performatively about things that neither of us care about except for a deep and mutual investment at winning the argument
Finding excuses to do romantic things that have plausibly deniable reasons behind them, 'baby it's cold outside' style
People really will call anything a love language these days, huh [pass]
{"name":"Which leverage character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you a master of chaos or a beacon of compassion? Take this quiz to find out which character from the world of leverage you truly embody! Each question is designed to explore different aspects of your personality, preferences, and beliefs.Multiple choice format for easy participationFun and engaging questionsFind out more about yourself in a light-hearted way","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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