OLD_1 Minute Self Assessment - IT Service Portal Maturity

How do you think your customers would describe their self service experience?
It is poor, little useful value. I don’t use it.
There is content but it can be inconsistent, wordy & hard to find. I sometimes use it.
There is a lot of useful content I can easily access.
It is “Amazon like” – simple, beautiful and complete. It is my preferred interaction with IT.
How do you design the User Interaction (UI) for your customers?
We don’t use any user experience designers to create our UI.
We use what is out-of-the-box, or IT designs the UI.
We engaged user experience designers to create an end-to-end user experience that works well for our customers.
We did extensive studies on how agents and customers interact with our customer service tools; this knowledge is used to create the ideal service experience.
How do you interact with / get feedback from your customers?
Customers are surveyed on a periodic basis, via e-mail.
Customers are regularly surveyed post close of a Request or Incident, but surveys are not customer centric in design and analysis of results can be inconsistent.
Majority of Service interactions enable “in progress” customer feedback and interaction with IT during service delivery - closely linked with a self-service, status checking ability.
A 5 star social feedback solution is visible to all, enabling active, public two-way exchange between customer and provider during service delivery.
Which best describes the state of self-service in your Service Portal?
There is little to none. Customers must contact the service desk for 90% + of their needs.
Basic knowledge and a few self-service requests like password reset exist; but search ability, status and self-help are minimal.
A good volume of current knowledge and high value self-service Requests exist, context sensitive help is in use, search works well and ability to check status for a variety of open items is effective.
Customer experience is fully integrated with extensive, predictive help, knowledge, and suggested self-service Requests based on customer’s interactions and history. Customers can check status of any open items (both IT and non IT) in a single view.
What best describes the quality, consistency & organization of your Services?
Services and Requests are mixed together without clear structure and are not consistently designed or built. It’s confusing for customers.
While basic organization of Services / Requests is in place, end-to-end design and quality are not consistent from the customer’s perspective.
Services and Requests are well and logically organized, common service design guidelines are defined and generally enforced end-to-end - yielding more consistent, quality Services and Requests.
A complete, full lifecycle Service Design Process is in use, with front-end demand management and end-to-end process enabled in workflow.
How well are self-service and IT automation combined and used?
Self-service and automation are not used together today.
A few examples like password reset exist, but they are one offs, with no design consistency.
A good number of self-service actions combined with automation workflow driven by self-service choices are in use. We actively look for more opportunities.
We have a large number of completely automated self-service activities in place, with a process for finding new candidates, qualifying, developing and maintaining them.
What best describes the state of Service Ownership & Management in your Service Portal?
Services have no individually named owners; any tools for management of services delivery and quality metrics are not consistently applied or not in use.
Service owners are named and SLAs / OLAs defined end to end; but no consistent service ownership process with clear roles, responsibilities and performance expectations is defined / in use.
Enterprise wide Service ownership process is in place with owners named, roles and responsibilities clearly defined, and metrics for quality, delivery and availability established and in use consistently.
Service ownership processes and mindset are fully in place with consistent metrics management for all IT Services from cradle to grave. Two-way customer – service owner collaboration & 5 star social scoring are actively in use.
{"name":"OLD_1 Minute Self Assessment - IT Service Portal Maturity", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How do you think your customers would describe their self service experience?, How do you design the User Interaction (UI) for your customers?, How do you interact with \/ get feedback from your customers?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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