Physio first & second

A visually appealing infographic that illustrates various aspects of human physiology, including fluid balance, hormonal regulation, and cardiovascular dynamics. Use bright colors and engaging graphics to attract attention.

Physiology and Homeostasis Quiz

Welcome to the Physiology and Homeostasis Quiz where you can test your knowledge on important physiological concepts! This quiz includes a wide variety of questions that cover aspects of body fluid volumes, hormonal functions, coagulation, and cardiovascular dynamics.

Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to refresh your knowledge, this quiz is designed for you. Key features:

  • 35 challenging multiple-choice questions
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
  • Improve your understanding of physiology
35 Questions9 MinutesCreated by LearningWave327
A person weighs 70 kg, %10 of which are fat. What is the total water volume in his body?
47 L
30 L
52 L
7 L
Aldosterone functions by:
Causing more resorption of water
Decreasing Na concentration
Affecting baroreceptors sympathetically
Increasing hepatic secretion of Na ions
All following tracers used to measure total body fluids volume, except:
Tritium water
Which of the following homeostatic functions are driven by positive feedback:
Blood clotting
Blood O2 concentration
Blood formation
Blood reuptake
All of the following are natural defenses agains Edema, except:
Low compliance of the interstitial compartment
Ability of the lymphatic vessel to increase its efficiency
Ability of lymphatic vessel to washout proteins (albumin) from the interstitium
Inability of cells to stretch over-size
Addition of 2L of pure water makes the ECF:
Hypernatremia is cause by all of the following except:
Loss of water from ECF
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes mellitus
Excessive sweating
The last instinct to appear in human beings is:
Food intake
Worship of god
Baroreceptors are best described as:
Found in walls of carotid artery and arch of the aorta
Found in every single vein
Found in every single capillary
Found in inferior and superior vena cava
Baroreceptors take action by:
Blocking sympathetic stimulation
Increasing parasympathetic stimulation
Decreasing Ca ion concentration, therefore blocking platue of heart cells.
Increasing Na ion concentration, therefore blocking platue of heart cells.
Most homeostatic functions are driven by:
Positive feedback system
Negative feedback system
Genetic control system
For two solutions separated by a semi-permeable membrane; (A: saline, and B: H2O), which of the following statements is true?
A hydrostatic pressure can be shown.
An osmotic pressure is applied in direction from (A) to (B).
The fluid level in (B) will go up.
None of the above.
Rapid infusion of 2 liters of normal saline would cause:
Increased ECF, increased ICF and decreased [Na+].
Increased ECF, unchanged ICF and increased [Na+].
Unchanged ECF, increased ICF and increased [Na+].
Increased ECF, unchanged ICF and unchanged [Na+].
Gibbs-Donnan effect leads to: From the textbook
The equality of non-diffusible ions between two sides.
The equality of diffusible ions between two sides.
An osmotic gradient.
Equal concentrations of ions on both sides.
Equal passive diffusion.
The obligatory amount of daily water loss in a 70-kg man is about:
300 ml in feces.
200 ml from lungs.
500 ml from urine.
None of the above.
The total osmotic pressure of plasma is:
From 25 to 28 mmHg
From 258 to 308 mOsm/l
300 kPa
5900 mmHg
None of the above.
Coagulation factor ---- is activated by thromboplastin along with ------- at the intrinsic pathway.
VII -- none.
X -- Ca2+, VIIIa and IXa.
X -- Ca2+ and VIIa.
X -- none.
VII -- Ca2+, VIIIa and IXa.
VII -- Ca2+ and VIIa.
The activation of platelets does NOT occur without:
Vessels wall damage.
Factor VIII.
Two answers are correct.
The viscosity of blood:
Is independent upon the white cells count.
Falls as hematocrit rises.
Is independent upon the diameter of vessels.
Falls as flow rate rises.
Is independent upon fibrinogen concentration.
In an Rh-negative pregnant mother previously sensitized by the Rh antigen, what are the approximate values of the hematocrit of the placenta before and immediate-after birth, respectively?
0.36, 0.65
0.36, 0.10
0.40, 0.65
Hematocrit remains constant; because antibodies are not able to cross placenta.
In an Rh-negative pregnant mother previously sensitized by the Rh antigen, what are the approximate values of the hematocrit of the placenta before and immediate-after birth, respectively?
0.36, 0.65
0.36, 0.10
0.40, 0.65
Hematocrit remains constant; because antibodies are not able to cross placenta.
In a case of a patient who suffers heart failure, which of the following medical statements is CORRECT?
It is usually followed by spastic contractions.
Potassium-related effects are included.
He is probably given digitoxin.
An increased cardiac output is diagnosed
Regarding brain death cases, the least likely occurrent effect is:
Normal heart pumping.
Clinical death.
Effected brain cells.
Reversible loss of brain function.
Two answers are correct.
If a patient of hypertension was recommended to be given catopril, that would be, medically, true because:
Catopril is considered an ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme).
Pre-hypoaldosteronism is followed.
Blockage of angiotensin-II occurs.
Catopril causes pre-loads to fluctuate increasingly.
None of the above.
Vasopressin (ADH) and Oxytocin are considered neurohormones because:
They are directly controlled by the hypothalamus.
They are synthesized inside neurosecretory cells.
They are stored inside the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
They affect the neural functions of the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus inhibits the release of:
All of the following regarding Insulin’s act are incorrect EXCEPT:
Its receptor’s site is intracellular.
It triggers protein kinase activity.
It activates transport protein to increase glucose influx.
It acts via voltage-gated ion channels.
All of the above are incorrect.
When moving from a supine to an erect position:
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) increases.
Renin-angiotensin-II decreases.
ADH secretion increases.
Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR) increases.
Which part of the heart has the fastest conduction?
AV node
His bundle
Purkinje fibers
SA node
Baroreceptors are located in all of these EXCEPT:
Carotid sinus
Right atrium
Aortic arch
None of the above.
Which of the following is the most likely to decrease renin’s release?
Baroceptors stimulation
Two answers are correct
Which of the following correlations of ECG waves is mismatched?
The QRS duration ---- a propagation of depolarization only.
The T wave ---- repolarization from ventricular epicardium to endocardium.
The S-T segment ---- normally without deviations.
The P wave ---- atrial depolarization.
Starling’s law of the heart:
Explains the increase in heart rate due to exercise.
Explains the increase in cardiac output when the sympathetic nerves supplying the heart are stimulated.
Explains the increase in cardiac output that occurs when venous return is increased.
Does not operate in the failing heart.
Two answers are correct.
When a pheochromocytoma, tumor of the adrenal medulla, suddenly discharges a large amount of epinephrine into the circulation, the patient’s heart rate would be expected to ------ because ------------. The correct completions, respectively, are:
Increase, the increase in blood pressure stimulates the carotid and aortic baroreceptors.
Increase, epinephrine has a direct chronotropic effect on the heart.
Decrease, of increased tonic parasympathetic
Decrease, of decreased tonic sympathetic
All of the above are correct.
A 35-year-old woman saw her physician to report a weakness in muscles of the extremities. She was treated with an anticholinesterase inhibitor, and she noted an immediate return of muscle strength. Her physician would diagnosed her with:
Muscular dystrophy.
Myasthenia gravis.
Lambert–Eaton syndrome.
All of the above are possible.
{"name":"Physio first & second", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Physiology and Homeostasis Quiz where you can test your knowledge on important physiological concepts! This quiz includes a wide variety of questions that cover aspects of body fluid volumes, hormonal functions, coagulation, and cardiovascular dynamics.Whether you're preparing for exams or just want to refresh your knowledge, this quiz is designed for you. Key features:35 challenging multiple-choice questionsImmediate feedback on your answersImprove your understanding of physiology","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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