Which Principal Are You?

An illustration of various principal characters in an educational setting, emphasizing different personality traits like organization, creativity, and leadership. Use vibrant colors and a friendly tone.

Discover Your Principal Persona

Are you curious about which type of principal best represents you? This engaging quiz is designed to reveal your unique personality traits based on your preferences, decision-making styles, and social interactions.

Take a moment to explore questions about your meeting preferences, lunch habits, favorite characters, and more! You'll gain insights into your style and how it aligns with various principal archetypes.

14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by OrganizingStar25
What is the earliest time you would choose to schedule a formal meeting on a Monday after a holiday weekend?
If it's important enough, 5 am
8 am
8:30 am
9 am
10 pm
What is the latest time you would choose to schedule a formal meeting on a Friday before a holiday weekend?
5 pm
5:30 pm
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
If it's important enough, 11 pm
When you are assigned a task, at what point do you actually start to have questions about it?
Immediately, right when I'm assigned the task
A few minutes after the conversation is over
Whenever I start the task
Two hours into starting the task
I have questions the entire time
I never have questions
It's a party! Are you more likely to:
Host the party
Bring a side dish
Bring drinks
Split the bill with the host
Show up but that's it
Bail on the party at the last minute
It's lunchtime! What time is lunch on a typical workday?
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
After all my calls
What is lunch?
What's your favorite part of UDA's typical design process?
Finding the job
Winning a job
Listening to the community
Coming up with ideas
Gettin paid, baby
What Harry Potter character do you most identify with?
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
What is your favorite color?
You're hosting a big retirement party. How do you invite everyone to your fancy soiree?
Email a big group
Create a Facebook page/landing page to announce the event
Tell people individually and in person
Send a card with snail mail
Send a doodle poll to determine the best time for everyone
Forget to invite people until the last minute and text everyone you know
Pick one:
I need context to answer this
A local community leader is one of the biggest opponents of your project, but you are towards the end of the project and they were MIA for the last month. Before you publish the report, what do you do?
Cold call them to check in
Ask the Town Board/City Planning dept to intervene
Set up a stakeholder meeting with them
Pretend they don't exist
Secure extra funding from the client for an added service to extend the project and ensure all voices are heard
Send the leader a preview of the report as a courtesy but don't set a meeting
Pick your favorite email sign-off format.
-First Name
Full Name + Title
Sent From My iPhone
What's your biggest graphic pet peeve in the typical UDA indesign presentation format?
I want my images to be full bleed
When the size of fonts is inconsistent
When the logos are broken links and I have to go deep in the server to find them
I hate hyphenation in the text boxes
When diagrams are done half in photoshop and half in indesign
Exporting times
Which weekday is the worst day of the week?
{"name":"Which Principal Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about which type of principal best represents you? This engaging quiz is designed to reveal your unique personality traits based on your preferences, decision-making styles, and social interactions.Take a moment to explore questions about your meeting preferences, lunch habits, favorite characters, and more! You'll gain insights into your style and how it aligns with various principal archetypes.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5107083/img-0pzmh4h4uxtdbccsnixvei6z.jpg"}
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