World Affairs Councils of America WorldQuest Weekly Quiz – Oct 10-16, 2022

Russia launched barrages of missiles against Ukrainian cities on Monday including Kyiv, which had not been attacked in four months, in likely response to THIS action.

A car bomb attack on a Russian private military contractor in Moscow
A chemical weapon attack on a Russian convoy in Luhansk
A bombing of the Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian mainland
A refusal by President Zelensky to surrender the four annexed eastern regions

OPEC and allied oil producers announced a two percent cut in output that stunned the Biden Administration with Secretary of State Blinken calling it “disappointing” because of THIS country’s energy alliance with Russia.

Saudi Arabia

Forty-four leaders from every European nation and others with interests in the community met in Prague to launch THIS new multi-lateral political association.

European Union (EU)
NATO + Five
European Political Community (EPC)
Brexit Plus

Fears that Russia could use a nuclear weapon in attacks against Ukraine has reminded the world of THIS 1962 nuclear brinksmanship between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Berlin Airlift
The Gulf of Tonkin incident
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Prague Spring
Taiwan Map 3
Last week THIS business titan was criticized for his peace proposal via Tweet calling for Ukraine to give up territory to Russia. Now he has started a new controversy over his call for Taiwan to become an administrative zone of China.
Jeff Bezos
Elon Musk
Mark Cuban
Mark Zuckerberg

The foreign minister of THIS long-suffering Caribbean nation – earthquakes, hurricanes and lawlessness – called for international police support in the face of widespread gang violence causing “great havoc.”

Puerto Rico
Dominican Republic

North Korea’s recent ballistic missile test launches, including an IRBM that passed over Japan, are said to be the “simulation of an actual war” as THIS leader threatened more provocative missile tests and observers said a nuclear test might be in the offing.

Xi Jinping
Kim Jong Un
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jong-il

The widespread demonstrations against the Iranian regime continued despite mass arrests by authorities and numerous protestors deaths. The most striking characteristic of the protests has been THIS factor.

Rural vice urban
Campus based
Female led
Economic grievances
The UK and the European Union started talks on the Northern Ireland Protocol which was a result of the British exit from the EU. The Protocol addresses THIS issue.
Fishing rights in the Irish Sea
Land border between Northern Ireland and Wales
Excessive tariffs for Northern Ireland goods to the EU
Northern Ireland-EU trade rules

The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize, named for Swedish arms manufacturer Alfred Nobel, was awarded to THESE joint recipients.

Nasrin Soutoudeh, a human rights attorney in Iran, who has been defending women’s rights
Pope Francis for his advocacy of the rights of impoverished citizens in his native Argentina
A Belarus human rights advocate and human rights organizations in Russia and Ukraine
Cindy Blackstone for championing the rights of indigenous school children in Canada
{"name":"World Affairs Councils of America WorldQuest Weekly Quiz – Oct 10-16, 2022", "url":"","txt":"Russia launched barrages of missiles against Ukrainian cities on Monday including Kyiv, which had not been attacked in four months, in likely response to THIS action., OPEC and allied oil producers announced a two percent cut in output that stunned the Biden Administration with Secretary of State Blinken calling it “disappointing” because of THIS country’s energy alliance with Russia., Forty-four leaders from every European nation and others with interests in the community met in Prague to launch THIS new multi-lateral political association.","img":""}
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