Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 26 Oct 21
[2110.11958] Marcin Jarzyna, Raul Garcia-Patron, Konrad Banaszek: Ultimate capacity limit of a multi-span link with phase-insensitive amplification
[2110.11965] Karthik Siva, Yijian Zou, Tomohiro Soejima et al.: A universal tripartite entanglement signature of ungappable edge states
[2110.12027] Edson C. M. Nogueira, Lucas Queiroz, Danilo T. Alves: Repulsive lateral van der Waals force
[2110.12031] Seyed Mahmoud Manjegani, Shirin Moein: Characterization and Preservation of Majorization on $L^1(X)$ with Some Applications in Quantum Information Theory
[2110.12048] Andreson L. C. Rego, Alessandra N. Braga, Jeferson Danilo L. Silva et al.: Dynamical Casimir effect enhanced by decreasing the mirror reflection
[2110.12071] Kianna Wan, Mario Berta, Earl T. Campbell: A randomized quantum algorithm for statistical phase estimation
[2110.12077] Nicholas P. Bauman, Karol Kowalski: Coupled Cluster Downfolding Methods: the effect of double commutator terms on the accuracy of ground-state energies
[2110.12082] Bhavika Bhalgamiya, M. A. Novotny: Example Exact Solutions of the Time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii and Schrodinger Equations
[2110.12105] Wern Ng, Hao Wu, Mark Oxborrow: Continuous Cooling of a Microwave Mode on a Benchtop using Hyperpolarized NV$^-$ Diamond
[2110.12155] Miloslav Znojil: Quantum mechanics using two auxiliary inner products
[2110.12158] Saúl González-Bermejo, Guillermo Alonso-Linaje, Parfait Atchade-Adelomou: GPS: Improvement in the formulation of the TSP for its generalizations type QUBO
[2110.12230] Xiao Chen: Non-unitary free boson dynamics and the boson sampling problem
[2110.12280] Lukas Wawer, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer: Quantized single-particle Thouless pump induced by topology transfer from a Chern insulator at finite temperature
[2110.12318] Michael Zurel, Cihan Okay, Robert Raussendorf et al.: Hidden Variable Model for Quantum Computation with Magic States on Any Number of Qudits of Any Dimension
[2110.12346] Yusef Maleki, Jiru Liu, M. Suhail Zubairy: Quantum eraser from duality--entanglement perspective
[2110.12354] Bin Yan, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn: Analytical solution for ground state estimation by a nonadiabatic quantum annealing to arbitrary Ising spin Hamiltonian
[2110.12355] Joseph Harris, Bin Yan, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn: Benchmarking Information Scrambling
[2110.12379] Claudio Conti: Boson sampling discrete solitons by quantum machine learning
[2110.12438] Yu-Qing Cui, Tian-Ming Zhao, Rong-Xin Miao et al.: Schrödinger's cat state of optical parallel universes
[2110.12458] Bar Ezra, Ronnie Kosloff, Shimshon Kallush: Simulating photo-dissociation in strong field by the random phase thermal wavefunction approach
[2110.12487] Ayush Tambde: A Programming Language For Quantum Oracle Construction
[2110.12494] M. I. Samar, V. M. Tkachuk: Scattering solution of Schrödinger equation with $δ$-potential in deformed space with minimal length
[2110.12505] Romain Veyron, Vincent Mancois, Jean-Baptiste Gerent et al.: Quantitative absorption imaging of optically dense effective two-level systems
[2110.12527] Mahathi Vempati, Saumya Shah, Nirman Ganguly et al.: A-unital Operations and Quantum Conditional Entropy
[2110.12548] Yusef Maleki: Quantum phase estimations with spin coherent states superposition
[2110.12557] L. L. Ping, W. Li, C. J. Zhu et al.: Parametric interaction induced avoided dressed state crossings in cavity QED:generation of quantum coherence and equally weighted superposition of Fock states
[2110.12560] Nguyen H. Le, Max Cykiert, Eran Ginossar: Robust optimal control of interacting multi-qubit systems for quantum sensing
[2110.12570] Peng Zhao, Kehuan Linghu, Zhiyuan Li et al.: Quantum crosstalk analysis for simultaneous gate operations on superconducting qubits
[2110.12616] Rajat Mittal, Sanjay S Nair, Sunayana Patro: Lower bounds on quantum query complexity for symmetric functions
[2110.12624] Samantha Koretsky, Pranav Gokhale, Jonathan M. Baker et al.: Adapting Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) for Unit Commitment
[2110.12694] Huaizhi Wu, Xin-Yu Lin, Zong-Xing Ding et al.: Fast spin squeezing by distance-selective long-range interactions with Rydberg molecule dressing
[2110.12754] Gerd Niestegge: A generic approach to the quantum mechanical transition probability
[2110.12756] V. Armaos, Dimitrios A. Badounas, Paraskevas Deligiannis et al.: Efficient Parabolic Optimisation Algorithm for adaptive VQE implementations
[2110.12779] Gabriel Jaumà: Design of Novel Coupling Mechanisms between Superconducting Flux Qubits
[2110.12792] Mitchell Chiew, Sergii Strelchuk: Optimal fermion-qubit mappings
[2110.12793] Debajyoti Bera, Sagnik Chatterjee: Quantum Boosting using Domain-Partitioning Hypotheses
[2110.12832] Paula Cutipa, Maria V. Chekhova: Bright squeezed vacuum for two-photon spectroscopy: simultaneously high resolution in time and frequency, space and wavevector
[2110.12930] Andrea Aiello: A Simple Field Theoretic Description of Single-Photon Nonlocality
[2110.12955] G. H. S. Camargo, V. A. De Lorenci, A. L. Ferreira Junior et al.: Anisotropic motion of a dipole in a photon gas
[2110.12961] Ole A. Iversen, Thomas Pohl: Self-Ordering of Individual Photons in Waveguide QED and Rydberg Atom Arrays
[2110.12982] Davide Rei, Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis: Parallel Gate Operations Fidelity in a Linear Array of Flip-Flop Qubits
[2110.13022] Jiteng Sheng, Cheng Yang, Haibin Wu: Realization of a coupled-mode heat engine with cavity-mediated nanoresonators
[2110.13025] Andrew Shaw: Benchmarking Quantum Simulators
[2110.13046] Shane Thompson, George Siopsis: Quantum Computation of Phase Transition in the Massive Schwinger Model
[2110.13086] Yanlin Chen, Ronald de Wolf: Quantum Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Linear Regression with Norm Constraints
[2110.13124] Anubhav Chaturvedi, Marcin Pawłowski, Debashis Saha: Quantum description of reality is empirically incomplete
[2110.13134] Dmytro Bondarenko: Constructing k-local parent Lindbladians for matrix product density operators
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 26 Oct 21","img":""}
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