Safer Internet day quiz

A vibrant and colorful illustration depicting various digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops connected by a web, along with symbols representing online safety like locks, shields, and check marks.

Safer Internet Day Quiz

Test your knowledge about the importance of online safety and the responsible use of digital technology. This quiz covers various aspects of the internet, from recognizing trustworthy information to understanding online challenges.

Join us in promoting a safer online environment! Here’s what you’ll find in this quiz:

  • Engaging questions about online safety
  • Tips for identifying reliable information
  • Advice on handling online interactions
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by SafeSurfing101
The Internet and digital technology provide us with amazing opportunities and endless possibilities. Tick the things that you use digital technology for:
Video calls
Watching videos/TV
Playing games
Communicating via text
Communicating via email
Listening to music
Hobbies and interests
Helping with your school work
Can we trust what we see online?
Yes. Everything and everyone online is trustworthy.
We can trust some things but we need to check other things.
No. Nothing and no one can be trusted.
Some information online is not reliable even if it is presented as factual. Which of these pieces of information do you think sounds trustworthy?
A pop-up box saying you have won £1,000,000.
Information on an educational website saying King Henry VIII had six wives.
A message saying you need to forward it to ten friends so you don’t get ten years of bad luck.
News on a website you’ve never heard of claiming that dinosaurs still roam the earth.
When we see something online that we think might not be reliable, we need to check it. Which of these options are good ways to check information?
Speak to a trusted adult.
Check the information on other websites.
Check the information in a book.
Check the URL – is this a reputable site you have heard of?
All of the above.
Something else online that we need to watch out for is ‘phishing’. This is when people or companies ask us for personal information. What sort of personal information should we never share online?
Our full name
Our address
Our favourite song
The football team we support
Our email address
Our passwords
A photo of our pet
The name of our school
Imagine someone who you play games online with asks to meet you. You have chatted to them online for nearly a year but you don’t know them offline. What should you do?
Say no because they might not be who they say they are.
Say yes because they have become your friend.
What is the minimum age you have to be to play Fortnight?
What is the minimum age you have to be to set use Whatsapp?
Mona has a friend online who she normally gets on with really well. Recently their friendship hasn’t been so good. Mona’s friend makes jokes about her to other people, but always seems to focus on things that Mona finds particularly hurtful. When Mona asks them to stop, they say she is being too sensitive. What should Mona do?
Unfriend, report and block. This is bullying and is not okay
Start doing the same back to see how they like it
Just ignore it – it’s probably just a misunderstanding
Yaz and Jake join a new server on an online game together. After a while, Yaz has to log off but Jake continues playing. Some of the other plays on the server make unkind comments about Yaz and how rubbish female players are. What should Jake do?
Stand up for Yaz and let the other players know that they’re in the wrong
Leave the server and find a new one to join
Ignore them – at least they had enough respect not to say it to Yaz’s face
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