Crisis Quiz v3 (prototype) feedback wanted

A vibrant, visually striking image depicting a healthy Earth contrasted with scenes of environmental destruction, highlighting the impact of climate change and the importance of ecological preservation.

Crisis Quiz: Test Your Environmental Knowledge

Are you aware of the current state of our planet? Take this quiz to understand the urgency of climate and ecological issues facing us today.

This quiz will help you:

  • Learn surprising facts about climate change
  • Test your knowledge on ecological facts
  • Understand the importance of taking action
17 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ActivatingEarth42
The UK government has set a target for ‘zero carbon’ by 2050. Scientists say meeting this target will:
Save us from climate breakdown
Minimise the damage done by climate breakdown
Be nowhere near enough to prevent climate breakdown
Insects feed many birds. Since 1986, the total weight of flying insects in nature reserves has declined by:
Under the ‘Paris agreement’, 197 countries made pledges that try to keep the global average temperature rise to less than 2 degrees C by 2100. How many developed countries have initiated plans that meet their pledges?
Only a few
Almost half
Over half
Nearly all
2 degrees C warming doesn’t sound like much. Why does it matter?
It doesn't matter
It will increase levels of sunburn and skin cancer
Extreme droughts, floods and hurricanes, will cause destruction, reduce food production, and create refugees
It will increase the hole in the ozone layer
If all countries keep their Paris pledges what will be the average global temperature by 2100?
1.2 C
1.7 C
2.0 C
2.2 C
3.0 C
In Europe, how many people were killed by the 2003 heatwave?
Is the cost of avoiding climate breakdown more or less than the cost of all the subsidies paid to the fossil fuel industry?
About the same
A lot more
Which is cheaper, preventing climate breakdown, or dealing with its consequences?
Preventing it
Dealing with it
Costs are about the same
Extinction is taking place 10 to 100 times faster than normal. How many animal and plant species are threatened with extinction?
Half a million
One million
Insects are vital for pollinating our crops. What percentage of global food crops at least partly rely on such pollination?
Vertebrate animal populations have declined by an average of 60%. Has this happened in the last
500 years
200 years
100 year
50 years
Since 2003, what percentage of ocean fish stocks have remained under-exploited?
What humankind does over the next 10 years or more to address the climate and ecological crises will have effects that last:
50 years
100 years
1000 years
More than 1000 years
If the global average temperature rises above 1.5 C there is a risk of triggering tipping points that release unstoppable and irreversible changes leading to climate breakdown. If carbon emissions are cut by 45% in the next 10 years, and reach zero by 2050, what are the chances of staying below 1.5 C?
Pretty good
Half-half (50/50)
Pretty poor
Very poor
You put your children and grandchildren on a plane if there was only a 50% chance it would crash?
{"name":"Crisis Quiz v3 (prototype) feedback wanted", "url":"","txt":"Are you aware of the current state of our planet? Take this quiz to understand the urgency of climate and ecological issues facing us today.This quiz will help you:Learn surprising facts about climate changeTest your knowledge on ecological factsUnderstand the importance of taking action","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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