Quiz 2 ( 2nd sec )

Name :
شبرا الخيمه ( توب 4 )
شبرا سنتر الراعي يوم السبت
مدينه نصر ( بايونيرز )
الهرم ( مكه )
الزيتون ( سنتر الزيتون 1 )
المهندسين ( سنتر النخبل )
شبرا سنتر الراعي يوم الحمعه
شبرا سنتر الراعي يوم الاثنين
شبرا سنتر الراعي يوم الاربعاء
Code :
From the oppossite graph determine the value of amplitude
3 cm
6 cm
5 cm
12 cm
The periodic time
10 sec
12 sec
6 sec
3 sec
The frequency is
12 Hz
0.33 Hz
0.0833 Hz
3 Hz
If this pendulum was left to vibrates for 1 minute then the number of complete oscilation done is
10 cycles
5 cycles
6 cycles
3 cycles
What will happen to frequency if the periodic time decrease to third
Decrease to half
Increases three times
Not affected
A tuning fork vibrates at the rate of 120 cycle /minute then its periodic time is
0.5 sec
0.00083 sec
12 sec
2 sec
From the oppossite graph if the vibrating body took 500 milli sec to move from point A to B what is its periodic time
2 sec
200 sec
20 sec
What is its frequency
0.5 mHz
0.5 Hz
5 Hz
50 HZ
If it distance between point A and B is 4 cm then the distance moved to make 1 complete cycle is
16 cm
8 cm
4 cm
12 cm
Which of the following is used to measure frequency
Hz / sec
{"name":"Quiz 2 ( 2nd sec )", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Name :, group, Code :","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/45-1473726/1.jpg?sz=1200"}
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