Are You Cate or Are You Jacob?

A vibrant and whimsical illustration depicting two characters, one embodying warmth and nurturing traits, and the other displaying adventure and boldness, set in a colorful neighborhood environment with playful elements and a sunny sky.

Are You More Like Cate or Jacob?

Discover your true personality with this fun and engaging quiz! Are you more of a caring soul like Cate, or do you possess the adventurous spirit of Jacob? Answer a series of quirky questions and find out which character aligns more closely with your traits!

  • Interactive multiple-choice questions
  • Fun and relatable scenarios
  • Share your results with friends
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CaringCat123
What's your name?
You're walking around the neighborhood at noon. You hear a puppy whining under a nearby bush. It's definitely abandoned. What do you do first?
You palm the puppy and bring it home in your hands.
You take off your sweatshirt and bundle the puppy up to keep it warm.
You're in high school and you see someone cheating on an important exam. This class curves. What do you do?
You see what they put for number two.
You make sure to angrily tell everyone about it after
Your home-cooked omelette splats on the ground. How do you react?
Sob but eat it anyway
Sad, but I'll whip up a new one
Oceans or Mountains?
How many lesbian exes do you have?
At least 1
What's your chipotle protein?
What's your longest toe?
The big toe
The second toe
You're rock climbing and your underwear snags on a rock. You're risking a tier-4 tear. What do you do?
I would never rock climb.
I unhook my underwear!!!
You're on a subway. The old man sitting next to you, clutches his chest and falls to the ground. What do you do?
I can 911, but there's no connection, so he dies
I exhibit the CPR I've been rehearsing in my mind for years
How good are you at accents?
Average, maybe slightly above average?
I'm fookin amazin mate
Who would win one-on-one, Kobe or Jordan?
Kobe said not to compare
Pineapple on pizza?
Oh yeaaaah
What's a conspiracy theory you can get behind?
Alien communication is being hidden from the public
Which answer are you more inclined to select?
Rooby dooby doo
Mantequilla de cacahuete
{"name":"Are You Cate or Are You Jacob?", "url":"","txt":"Discover your true personality with this fun and engaging quiz! Are you more of a caring soul like Cate, or do you possess the adventurous spirit of Jacob? Answer a series of quirky questions and find out which character aligns more closely with your traits!Interactive multiple-choice questionsFun and relatable scenariosShare your results with friends","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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