Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 18 Jun 21
[2106.09032] Jad C. Halimeh, Haifeng Lang, Philipp Hauke: Gauge protection in non-Abelian lattice gauge theories
[2106.09034] J. T. Monroe, D. Kowsari, K. Zheng et al.: Optical Direct Write of Dolan-Bridge Junctions for Transmon Qubits
[2106.09036] Sthitadhi Roy, David E. Logan: Fock-space landscapes across the many-body localisation transition
[2106.09039] Pasquale Marra, Daisuke Inotani, Muneto Nitta: 1D Majorana fermions and supersymmetry in quantum wires
[2106.09046] Markus Schmitt, Marek M. Rams, Jacek Dziarmaga et al.: Quantum phase transition dynamics in the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising model
[2106.09047] Pasquale Marra, Daisuke Inotani, Muneto Nitta: Dispersive 1D Majorana modes with emergent supersymmetry in 1D proximitized superconductors via spatially-modulated potentials and magnetic fields
[2106.09059] Conor Jackson, Bernd Braunecker: Spatio-temporal Spread of Fermi-edge Singularity as Time Delayed Interaction and Impact on Time-dependent RKKY Type Coupling
[2106.09073] Jie-Xiang Yu, Jiadong Zang, Roger K. Lake et al.: Discrete Quantum Geometry and Intrinsic Spin Hall Effect
[2106.09075] Mohamed Oudah, Minu Kim, Ksenia S. Rabinovich et al.: Electronic Structure of the Bond Disproportionated Bismuthate Ag$_2$BiO$_3$
[2106.09079] Jinming Lyu, Paul G. Chen, Alexander Farutin et al.: Swirling and snaking, 3D oscillatory bifurcations of vesicle dynamics in microcirculation
[2106.09102] Pedro H. Souza, Danilo Kuritza, José E. Padilha et al.: Oxidation of 2D electrenes: structural transition and the formation of half-metallic channels protected by oxide layers
[2106.09113] Felix Faisant, Benjamin Besga, Artyom Petrosyan et al.: Optimal mean first-passage time of a Brownian searcher with resetting in one and two dimensions: Experiments, theory and numerical tests
[2106.09137] Santosh Kumar Radha, Walter R. L. Lambrecht, Brian Cunningham et al.: Optical response and band structure of LiCoO2 including electron-hole interaction effects
[2106.09154] Ruslan Prozorov, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C. Canfield: Topological Magnetic Hysteresis in Single Crystals of CeAgSb2 Ferromagnet
[2106.09186] Decai Huang: Influence of grain bidispersity on dense granular flow in a two dimensional hopper
[2106.09187] Mitchell J. Knight, Harry M. Quiney, Andy M. Martin: Reduced density matrix approach to ultracold few-fermion systems in one dimension
[2106.09190] Ryo Matsumoto, Sayaka Yamamoto, Shintaro Adachi et al.: Diamond anvil cell with boron-doped diamond heater for high-pressure synthesis and in-situ transport measurements
[2106.09197] Liang He, Su Yi: Finite temperature mean-field theory with intrinsic non-hermitian structures for Bose gases in optical lattices
[2106.09221] Da Wang, Qiang-Hua Wang: Clean vs Dirty: Anisotropic Scattering Caused by Apical Oxygen Vacancies in Overdoped Cuprates
[2106.09239] Y. M. P. Gomes, Rudnei O. Ramos: Tilted Dirac cone effects and chiral symmetry breaking in a planar four-fermion model
[2106.09265] Shusaku Imajo, Shiori Sugiura, Hiroki Akutsu et al.: Extraordinary $π$-Electron Superconductivity Emerging from a Quantum Spin Liquid
[2106.09285] Sergey Smirnov: Formation of high temperature Majorana macroscopic states with fractional entropy and conductance
[2106.09290] Mohammadali Asgharzadeh, Jonas Faleskog: 3D analysis of a strain gradient plasticity material reinforced by elastic particles
[2106.09312] Babak Zare Rameshti, Silvia Viola Kusminskiy, James A. Haigh et al.: Cavity Magnonics
[2106.09318] Hui-Ke Jin, Rong-Yang Sun, Hong-Hao Tu et al.: Unveiling critical stripy state in the triangular-lattice SU(4) spin-orbital model
[2106.09321] N.A. Enikeev, I.V. Lomakin, M.M. Abramova et al.: Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the "dislocation-segregation'' interaction
[2106.09334] Robert W. Style, Ravi Tutika, Jin Young Kim et al.: Solid-Liquid Composites for Soft Multifunctional Materials
[2106.09337] Y. P. Pan, J. J. Zhu, Y. Feng et al.: Improving spatial resolution of scanning SQUID microscopy with an on-chip design
[2106.09351] Piotr Stefański: Sub-gap Fano resonances in a topological superconducting wire with on-site Coulomb interactions
[2106.09363] Johannes Bulin, Jan Hamaekers: Similarity of particle systems using an invariant root mean square deviation measure
[2106.09368] Robin J. Dolleman, Debadi Chakraborty, Daniel R. Ladiges et al.: Squeeze-film effect on atomically thin resonators in the high-pressure limit
[2106.09384] Leonardo Benini, Piero Naldesi, Rudolf A. Römer et al.: Quench dynamics of quasi-periodic systems exhibiting Rabi oscillations of two-level integrals of motion
[2106.09389] Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen: Brain, Rain and Forest Fires -- What is critical about criticality: In praise of the correlation function
[2106.09412] Muhammad, Asad, Saman et al.: Graphene FET on diamond for high-frequency electronics
[2106.09413] Satoshi Ikegaya, Shu-Ichiro Suzuki, Yukio Tanaka et al.: Fingerprints of possible even-parity superconducting states in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ detected by planar tunneling spectroscopy
[2106.09418] Utso Bhattacharya, Tobias Graß, Adrian Bachtold et al.: Phonon-induced pairing in quantum dot quantum simulator
[2106.09426] Yunlong Li, Zhao Ran, Chaozhi Huang et al.: Coexistence of Ferroelectric-like Polarization and Dirac-like Surface State in TaNiTe5
[2106.09429] Cecile Monthus: Convergence of time-averaged observables towards their steady values for Markov trajectories with application to Skew-Detailed-Balance Lifted-Markov processes
[2106.09446] Viktoriia Kornich, Frank Schlawin, Michael A. Sentef et al.: Direct detection of odd-frequency superconductivity via time- and angle-resolved photoelectron fluctuation spectroscopy
[2106.09447] L. Stoppel, S.Hayashida, Z. Yan et al.: Anomalous spin waves in CsFeCl$_{3}$ and RbFeCl$_{3}$
[2106.09492] Megan J. McCarthy, Hui Zheng, Diran Apelian et al.: Emergence of near-boundary segregation zones in face-centered cubic multi-principal element alloys
[2106.09521] T. J. Liebau: Singularities in the acoustic Casimir pressure as a function of reflectivities
[2106.09530] Dmitry Kiseliov, Mikhail Feigel'man: Theory of superconductivity due to Ngai's mechanism in lightly doped SrTiO3
[2106.09555] Davor Tolj, Trpimir Ivšić, Ivica Živković et al.: Synthesis of Murunskite Single Crystals: A Bridge Between Cuprates and Pnictides
[2106.09568] Christian Maes, Kasper Meerts, Ward Struyve: Diffraction and interference with run-and-tumble particles
[2106.09571] Daniel Mutter, Daniel F. Urban, Christian Elsässer et al.: Defects and phase formation in non-stoichiometric LaFeO$_3$: a combined theoretical and experimental study
[2106.09576] Shahab Golshan, Peter Munch, Rene Gassmoller et al.: Lethe-DEM : An open-source parallel discrete element solver with load balancing
[2106.09577] Robert C. McKay, Barry Bradlyn: Optical Response from Charge-Density Waves in Weyl Semimetals
[2106.09587] You-Zhao Lan*: Excitonic effects on the third-order nonlinear optical properties of solids: Theory and application
[2106.09600] Ivan Morera, Annabelle Bohrdt, Wen Wei Ho et al.: Attraction from frustration in ladder systems
[2106.09603] Hugo Perrin, János K. Asbóth, Jean-Noël Fuchs et al.: Two particles on a chain with disordered interaction: Localization and dissociation of bound states and mapping to chaotic billiards
[2106.09604] L. Q. Lai, Y. B. Yu, Erich J. Mueller: Emission of particles from a parametrically driven condensate in a 1D lattice
[2106.09612] Alexandra Papadogianni, Charlotte Wouters, Robert Schewski et al.: Molecular beam epitaxy of single-crystalline bixbyite (In$_{1-x}$Ga$_x$)$_2$O$_3$ films ($x \leq 0.18$): Structural properti...
[2106.09631] Tula R Paudel, Bhubnesh Lama, Parashu Kharel: Computational Optimization of MnBi to Enhance Energy Product
[2106.09648] Yan-Qing Zhu, Wen Zheng, Shi-Liang Zhu et al.: Band topology of pseudo-Hermitian phases through tensor Berry connections and quantum metric
[2106.09651] Xi Zhang*, Wei Ren*, Elliot Bell et al.: Gate-tunable Veselago Interference in a Bipolar Graphene Microcavity
[2106.09698] Alec Cao, Roshan Sajjad, Hector Mas et al.: Prethermal Dynamical Localization and the Emergence of Chaos in a Kicked Interacting Quantum Gas
[2106.09704] E. W. Huang, W. O. Wang, J. K. Ding et al.: Intertwined states at finite temperatures in the Hubbard model
[2106.09716] Nir Navon, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic: Quantum Gases in Optical Boxes
[2106.09717] Yu-Ping Lin: Higher-order topological insulators from $3Q$ charge bond orders on hexagonal lattices: A hint to kagome metals
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 18 Jun 21","img":""}
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