Issues and Debates - Psychodynamic expl. of OCD

The Psychodynamic explanation supports the Idiographic approach
What is the assumption of the Idiographic approach
While there can be a lot of differences between people, behaviour can be understood through data collected from a large group of people as it is the most representative
While there can be a lot of similarities between people, behaviour can only be understood through unique insight and detailed information
What is the name of the 1909 study by Freud?
Rat man
Little Hans
Little Albert
What did the patient feel the need to do to avoid being gnawed by rats?
Locking himself, his father and girlfriend in a small room
Drawing pentagrams
Ritualistic counting and praying
What led to the improvement of his symptoms ?
Releasing repressed sexual desires and hatred for his girlfriend
Releasing repressed sexual desires and hatred towards PP’s father
Releasing repressed sexual desires towards his father
What stage of sexual development was the PP stuck in based on Freud’s theories ?
What is the name of the complex the PP was experiencing ?
Oedipus complex
Electra complex
Why would the nomothetic approach be a weakness in this case ?
Learning on a larger group of PPs could affect the generalisability of the results making them less applicable
Learning on larger groups of PPs could take away the significant personal context that affects the treatment course
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