What Kind of Villain Are You?

A dramatic and moody illustration of a high school setting, featuring diverse students representing various stereotypical roles such as the popular kid, the quirky outcast, and the mysterious loner, all against a backdrop of dark colors and shadowy elements to evoke a sense of intrigue.

What Kind of Villain Are You?

Discover your inner villain with this fun and intriguing quiz! Answer a series of thought-provoking questions that reveal where you fit in the realm of classic high school stereotypes and what makes you tick as an anti-hero.

Unleash your dark side and explore:

  • Your friendships and rivalries
  • Your response to attractive strangers
  • Your opinion on authority figures
  • Your style choices and desire for revenge

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SneakyShadow57
What classic high school stereotype would you fit in to?
Popular gal/guy
The shady dude that everyone thinks could be a school shooter
The really hot girl/guy; everyone wants to be with you, or at least get in your pants
The weird kid that everyone kinda avoids-
How many friends do you have?
Hahahahaha funny joke I don’t have friends
A few that I hang out with, they may come and go.
Two or three close friends, but can easily make more 😉
I get along very well with everyone!
How many enemies do you have?
People think I’m annoying, but I wouldn’t really say I have enemies.
That one group of people who‘ve made my life miserable.
Surprisingly, only a few.
Oh, most people don’t like me, but I only have one or two TRUE enemies....
Why do you think your enemies dislike you?
Because they’re sick and twisted, and their minds have been corrupted-
Because I never gave them a good reason to like me
They’ve accused me of something I’ve never done/they don’t know the real me
They’re jealous
You see an attractive stranger crossing the street, what do you do?
Think to yourself “Ooh, fancy”/“They lookin’ FINE”
Ignore them
Shout at/catcall them
Walk up, start praising them, tell them how beautiful they are, ask for their number/ask them out
What do you do in your free time?
Any typical hobby; reading, drawing, listening to music, anything
Partying and/or shopping
Sneak out, go hang out with friends or something similar
Watch porn/masturbate
Why would you be a villain?
Opposing political views;
I’m gonna lose if I’m the hero
Sometimes I have to take drastic measures to get what I want
What would your crimes be?
Disturbing the peace, vandalism, gang activity, etc.
W-what? I’m the victim of a crime!
Physical Assault, arson, battery, manslaughter, possibly murder
Sexual assault, rape, manslaughter, sexual harassment, theft
The protagonist is making you mad, what do you do?
Fight them right there on the spot
Glare at them/let them know you’re upset
Get your friends to fight them for you
When you get mad, you get horny....
Are you going to heaven (or an equal paradise?)
Yes, because I’ve never done anything bad
Yes, because I’m ultimately doing the right thing, and I deserve it
Probably not tbh
*laughes* probably wouldn’t be able to whip my dick out in heaven would I..?
Someone tells you to go fuck yourself, you say;
You ignore them
The classic “fuck me yourself, coward!”
*chuckles and pulls up a porn site* “I gladly would!”
What is your opinion on doctors?
They save lives! They’re awesome!
I mean, it’s another job that can help people...
What about them?
I- I’m not crazy I swear.... they- they’re gonna lock me up.. I’m not crazy... I don’t need drugs.... I don’t need therapy... I’m not crazy I swear!
Would you get punished for your crimes?
No! I never did anything!
No, they never knew it was me.
Naw bro they ain’t taking me alive
Eventually, yes.
Fashion style?
Trench coat, fedora, formal attire
Anything that makes me look good!
Everyday casual clothing
Pick one just because
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