Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 4 Aug 21
[2108.01079] Celia Tandon, Nicole Lloyd-Ronning: Understanding Gamma-ray Burst Jet Structures from Afterglow Light Curves
[2108.01082] Yubo Su, Dong Lai: Dynamics of Colombo's Top: Tidal Dissipation and Resonance Capture, With Applications to Oblique Super-Earths, Ultra-Short-Period Planets and Inspiraling Hot Jupiters
[2108.01084] Ryan Endsley, Daniel P. Stark, Xiaohui Fan et al.: Radio and Far-IR Emission Associated with a Massive Star-forming Galaxy Candidate at z$\simeq$6.8: A Radio-Loud AGN in the Reionization Era?
[2108.01085] Yonadav Barry Ginat, Hagai B. Perets: Binaries are softer than they seem: Effects of external potential on the scattering dynamics of binaries
[2108.01088] Travis S. Metcalfe, Jennifer L. van Saders, Sarbani Basu et al.: Magnetic and Rotational Evolution of $ρ$ CrB from Asteroseismology with TESS
[2108.01090] Yuichi Harikane, Yoshiaki Ono, Masami Ouchi et al.: GOLDRUSH. IV. Luminosity Functions and Clustering Revealed with ~4,000,000 Galaxies at z~2-7: Galaxy-AGN Transition, Star Formation Efficiency, a...
[2108.01092] Z. Eker, F. Soydugan, S. Bilir et al.: Standard stellar luminosities; what are typical and limiting accuracies in the era after Gaia?
[2108.01100] Fraser A. Evans, Tommaso Marchetti, Elena Maria Rossi et al.: Comparing hypervelocity star populations from the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way
[2108.01102] Joohyun Lee, Eun-jin Shin, Ji-hoon Kim: Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies And Their Member Star Clusters Form Simultaneously During High-velocity Galaxy Collisions In 1.25 pc Resolution Simulations
[2108.01113] Tiziana Trombetti, Carlo Burigana, Matteo Bonato et al.: A search for candidate strongly-lensed dusty galaxies in the Planck satellite catalogues
[2108.01130] Ankur Kushwaha, V. K. Agrawal, Anuj Nandi: AstroSat and MAXI view of Cygnus X-1: Signature of an `extreme' soft nature
[2108.01140] Joseph Rossi, Juan Servin, Michael Kesden: Two regimes of tidal-stream circularization by supermassive black holes
[2108.01143] Valeriia Liakh, Manuel Luna, Elena Khomenko: Large-amplitude longitudinal oscillations in solar prominences simulated with different resolutions
[2108.01164] C. M. Wyenberg, B. Lankhaar, F. Rajabi et al.: Generalisation of the Menegozzi & Lamb Maser Algorithm to the Transient Superradiance Regime
[2108.01167] Stanislav Babak, Martin Hewitson, Antoine Petiteau: LISA Sensitivity and SNR Calculations
[2108.01172] James M. Cordes, Stella Koch Ocker, Shami Chatterjee: Redshift Estimation and Constraints on Intergalactic and Interstellar Media from Dispersion and Scattering of Fast Radio Bursts
[2108.01173] Naoki Seto: Search for Galactic Civilizations Using Historical Supernovae
[2108.01201] R. Scaramella, J. Amiaux, Y. Mellier et al.: Euclid preparation: I. The Euclid Wide Survey
[2108.01212] Weijia Sun, Xiao-Wei Duan, Licai Deng et al.: Exploring the stellar rotation of early-type stars in the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey. I. Catalog
[2108.01213] Weijia Sun, Xiao-Wei Duan, Licai Deng et al.: Exploring the stellar rotation of early-type stars in the LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey. II. Statistics
[2108.01231] Maoli Ma, Guifré Molera Calvés, Giuseppe Cimò et al.: VLBI data processing on coronal radio-sounding experiments of Mars express
[2108.01241] Marc Hon, Daniel Huber, James S. Kuszlewicz et al.: A 'Quick Look' at All-Sky Galactic Archeology with TESS: 158,000 Oscillating Red Giants from the MIT Quick-Look Pipeline
[2108.01277] Yuhiko Aoyama, Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Masahiro Ikoma et al.: Comparison of planetary Hα-emission models: A new correlation with accretion luminosity
[2108.01282] Shivani Bhandari, Kasper E. Heintz, Kshitij Aggarwal et al.: Characterizing the FRB host galaxy population and its connection to transients in the local and extragalactic Universe
[2108.01284] Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Paul D. Lasky, Eric Thrane: Signs of eccentricity in two gravitational-wave signals may indicate a sub-population of dynamically assembled binary black holes
[2108.01299] Ting Li, Anqin Chen, Yijun Hou et al.: Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Non-potentiality of Active Regions in Eruptive and Confined Solar Flares
[2108.01303] Noam Soker: A twin-jet structure rather than jet-rotation in the young stellar object OMC 2/FIR 6b
[2108.01313] Yue Cao, Keping Qiu, Qizhou Zhang et al.: Core mass function of a single giant molecular cloud complex with ~10^4 cores
[2108.01331] Dorit Glawion, Alicja Wierzcholska: Is PKS 0625-354 another variable TeV active galactic nucleus?
[2108.01340] Shinsuke Kawai, Jinsu Kim: Primordial blackholes from Gauss-Bonnet-corrected single field inflation
[2108.01346] A. R. Yeates, A. J. B. Russell, G. Hornig: Evolution of Field Line Helicity in Magnetic Relaxation
[2108.01348] Daisuke Takaishi, Yusuke Tsukamoto, Yasushi Suto: A new formation scenario of a counter-rotating circumstellar disk: spiral-arm accretion from a circumbinary disk in a triple protostar system
[2108.01349] Guang-Lei Wu, Yun-Wei Yu, Jin-Ping Zhu: Does a long-lived remnant neutron star exist after short gamma-ray burst GRB 160821B?
[2108.01357] Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Lijing Shao: Prospects for detecting exoplanets around double white dwarfs with LISA and Taiji
[2108.01379] Hannah Dalgleish, Heike Prokoph, Sylvia Zhu et al.: Astronomy outreach in Namibia: H.E.S.S. And beyond
[2108.01396] Vikrant Jadhav, Annapurni Subramaniam: Blue Straggler Stars in Open Clusters using Gaia: Dependence on Cluster Parameters and Possible Formation Pathways
[2108.01412] Wei Guo, Jie Jiang, Jing-Xiu Wang: a dynamo-based prediction of solar cycle 25
[2108.01423] Nicolas P. Cimerman, Roman R. Rafikov: Planet-driven density waves in protoplanetary discs: numerical verification of nonlinear evolution theory
[2108.01426] Prasad Mani, Shravan Hanasoge: Investigating toroidal flows in the Sun using normal-mode coupling
[2108.01444] Andrea Zonca, Ben Thorne, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff et al.: The Python Sky Model 3 software
[2108.01480] J.R. Pardo, C. Cabezas, J.P. Fonfría et al.: Magnesium radicals MgC$_5$N and MgC$_6$H in IRC+10216
[2108.01491] A. F. A. Bott, L. Arzamasskiy, M. W. Kunz et al.: Adaptive critical balance and firehose instability in an expanding, turbulent, collisionless plasma
[2108.01493] Arooj Asif, Merlin Barschke, Benjamin Bastian-Querner et al.: Design of the ULTRASAT UV camera
[2108.01505] J. Saponara, P. Benaglia, I. Andruchow et al.: Investigation of the double-lobed sources of the Cygnus constellation core
[2108.01528] Mikhail A. Kreslavsky, Anastasia Yu. Zharkova, James W. Head et al.: Boulders on Mercury
[2108.01530] Michael Larson, Jason Koskinen, Alex Pizzuto et al.: Searching for Neutrino Transients Below 1 TeV with IceCube
[2108.01534] Yu Sang, Hai-Nan Lin: Statistical similarity between soft gamma repeaters and the repeating fast radio bursts
[2108.01541] Robert J. Teed, Henrik H. Latter: Axisymmetric simulations of the convective overstability in protoplanetary discs
[2108.01575] Hong-Ming Zhu, Tian-Xiang Mao, Ue-Li Pen: Cosmic Tidal Reconstruction with Halo Fields
[2108.01600] M. Gatti, S. Pandey, E. Baxter et al.: Cross-correlation of DES Y3 lensing and ACT/${\it Planck}$ thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect I: Measurements, systematics tests, and feedback model constraints
[2108.01601] S. Pandey, M. Gatti, E. Baxter et al.: Cross-correlation of DES Y3 lensing and ACT/${\it Planck}$ thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect II: Modeling and constraints on halo pressure profiles
[2108.01604] Deniz Soyuer, Ravit Helled: Linking Uranus' temperature profile to wind-induced magnetic fields
[2108.01640] Michal Čokina, Viera Maslej-Krešňáková, Peter Butka et al.: Automatic classification of eclipsing binary stars using deep learning methods
[2108.01641] William V. Dixon, Pierre Chayer, Marcelo Miguel Miller Bertolami et al.: Observations of the Bright Star in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)
[2108.01663] Noah Sailer, Emmanuel Schaan, Simone Ferraro et al.: Optimal multi-frequency weighting for CMB lensing
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 4 Aug 21","img":""}
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