Quiz 2.2: Exceptions

A visually appealing illustration that represents programming and exceptions, featuring code snippets and error symbols in a modern tech environment.

Quiz 2.2: Exceptions in Programming

Test your knowledge on exceptions in programming with our engaging quiz! Dive into the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions, understand runtime exceptions, and learn how to handle errors effectively.

  • 5 challenging questions
  • Covers key concepts about exceptions
  • Ideal for programmers and students
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by CodingException42
Atunci cand programul creeaza prea multe obiecte, fara a fi dereferentiate la un moment dat pentru a fi eligibile pentru garbage collection, este posibil sa ajungem in situatia in care se arunca:
Exceptiile pot fi:
Compile-time exceptions
Runtime exceptions
Checked exceptions
Unchecked exceptions
La compilare:
Se verifica toate exceptiile
Se verifica exceptiile checked
Suntem obligati sa tratam exceptiile checked ce ar putea fi aruncate de o metoda
Se verifica toate exceptiile ce extind Throwable
Se verifica toate exceptiile ce extind Exception, dar nu fac parte din ierarhia lui RuntimeException
O exceptie de runtime:
Este o clasa ce implementeaza RuntimeException
Este o clasa ce extinde RuntimeException
Nu e verificata la compilare
Este Throwable si Exception
Poate fi anuntata in semnatura unei metode prin intermediul clauzei "throws"
Nu poate fi prinsa cu clauza "catch"
Face masina virtuala sa crape intotdeauna
Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt adevarate?
Daca avem nevoie de un tip nou de exceptie, cream o clasa noua, extinzand intotdeauna Exception
Este de preferat sa declaram in metodele noastre exceptii de tip RuntimeException, in detrimentul tipului Exception
De obicei, cand cream un nou tip de exceptie, e de preferat sa extindem RuntimeException
Atunci cand aruncam o exceptie dintr-o metoda, facem lucrul acesta cu notatia NumeExceptie.class
Atunci cand aruncam o exceptie dintr-o metoda, facem lucrul acesta instantiind exceptia cu new NumeExceptie()
{"name":"Quiz 2.2: Exceptions", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on exceptions in programming with our engaging quiz! Dive into the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions, understand runtime exceptions, and learn how to handle errors effectively.5 challenging questionsCovers key concepts about exceptionsIdeal for programmers and students","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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