Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 8 Dec 20
[2012.02795] Jonas Richter, Arijeet Pal: Simulating hydrodynamics on NISQ devices with random circuits
[2012.02803] Corentin Bertrand, Daniel Bauernfeind, Philipp T. Dumitrescu et al.: Quantum Quasi-Monte Carlo algorithm for out-of-equilibrium Green functions at long times
[2012.02810] Moloud Tamadonpour, Heshmatollah Yavari: Effects of hybridization and spin-orbit coupling to induce odd frequency pairing in two-band superconductors
[2012.02820] E. S. Klyushina, J. Reuther, L. Weber et al.: Signatures for Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless critical behaviour in the planar antiferromagnet BaNi$_2$V$_2$O$_8$
[2012.02822] Michael J Zachman, Jacob Madsen, Xiang Zhang et al.: Interferometric 4D-STEM for Lattice Distortion and Stacking Sequence Measurements of Few-layer Two-dimensional Materials
[2012.02827] I. Nagy, I. Aldazabal: $Z_1$-oscillation in the retarding force of metals for slow ions: Comparative study of theoretical modelings
[2012.02834] Vassilios Yannopapas, Nikolaos G. Fytas, Vicky Kyrimi et al.: Light scattering by a metallic nanoparticle coated with a nematic liquid crystal
[2012.02842] Amit Aharon-Steinberg, Arthur Marguerite, David J. Perello et al.: Long-range nontopological edge currents in charge-neutral graphene
[2012.02873] L. J. Stanley, Hsun-Jen Chuang, Zhixian Zhou et al.: Low-Temperature 2D/2D Ohmic Contacts in WSe$_2$ Field-Effect Transistors as a Platform for the 2D Metal-Insulator Transition
[2012.02878] Hyojeong Kim, Lothar Schimmele, S. Dietrich: Wetting behavior of a colloidal particle trapped at a composite liquid-vapor interface of a binary liquid mixture
[2012.02879] Matthew Ko, Elliot Padgett, Venkata Yarlagadda et al.: Revealing the Nanostructure of Mesoporous Fuel Cell Catalyst Supports for Durable, High-Power Performance
[2012.02881] D. Barbalas, S. Chatterjee, D. G. Schlom et al.: Terahertz Electrodynamics of Mixed-Valent YbAl$_3$ and LuAl$_3$ Thin Films
[2012.02900] Rosalba Garcia-Millan, Gunnar Pruessner: Run-and-tumble motion: field theory and entropy production
[2012.02905] Jinhyuk Lim, J. S. Kim, Ajinkya C. Hire et al.: A15 Nb$_3$Si -- A "high" Tc superconductor synthesized at a pressure of one megabar and metastable at ambient conditions
[2012.02915] John D. Treado, Dong Wang, Arman Boromand et al.: Bridging particle deformability and collective response in soft solids
[2012.02920] Gowoon Cheon, Lusann Yang, Kevin McCloskey et al.: Crystal Structure Search with Random Relaxations Using Graph Networks
[2012.02921] Jinho Yang, Iksu Jang, Jae-Ho Han et al.: Role of generic scale invariance in a Mott transition from a U(1) spin-liquid insulator to a Landau Fermi-liquid metal
[2012.02923] Kyung-Yong Park, Iksu Jang, Ki-Seok Kim et al.: Inhomogeneous Kondo destruction by RKKY correlations
[2012.02934] Isaías Rodríguez, Renela M. Valladares, Alexander Valladares et al.: Superconductivity versus magnetism in the palladium 'ides': Pd$_{1-c}$(H/D/T)$_{c}$
[2012.02941] Matheus A. Tunes, Cameron Quick, Lukas Stemper et al.: A contamination-free electron-transparent metallic sample preparation method for MEMS experiments with in situ S/TEM
[2012.02953] Sugata Chowdhury, Heather M. Hill, Albert F. Rigosi et al.: Examining Experimental Raman Mode Behavior in Mono- and Bi-layer 2H-TaSe$_{2}$ via Density Functional Theory
[2012.02969] Paromita Dutta, Sudhir K. Pandey: Electronic correlations effect on nontrivial topological fermions in CoSi
[2012.02977] Caterina Czibula, Tristan Seidlhofer, Christian Ganser et al.: AFM-based low frequency viscoelastic characterization of wood pulp fibers at different relative humidity
[2012.02980] Luiza Angheluta, Zhitao Chen, M. Cristina Marchetti et al.: The role of fluid flow in the dynamics of active nematic defects
[2012.02984] Lei Tang, Runzhang Xu, Junyang Tan et al.: Modulating Electronic Structure of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Substitutional Nb-Doping
[2012.02988] Michiel Sprik: Electric field based Poisson-Boltzmann: Treating mobile charge as polarization
[2012.03000] G. Misguich, Th. Jolicoeur: DMRG study of FQHE systems in the open cylinder geometry
[2012.03001] V. I. Gerasimenko, I. V. Gapyak: Dynamics of correlations in a system of hard spheres
[2012.03007] M.Ciavarella: On the Afferrante-Carbone theory of ultratough peeling
[2012.03037] Caterina Czibula, August Brandberg, Megan J. Cordill et al.: Estimation of the in-situ elastic constants of wood pulp fibers in freely dried paper via AFM experiments
[2012.03067] Anna Moliterni, Davide Altamura, Rocco Lassandro et al.: Synthesis, crystal structure, polymorphism and microscopic luminescence properties of anthracene derivative compounds
[2012.03077] J.Baranski, M.Baranska, T.Zienkiewicz et al.: Dynamical leakage of Majorana mode into side-attached quantum dot
[2012.03095] Dainius Kilda, Alberto Biella, Marco Schiró et al.: On the stability of the infinite Projected Entangled Pair Operator ansatz for driven-dissipative 2D lattices
[2012.03099] Rodrigo Jaeschke-Ubiergo, Eric Suarez Morell, Alvaro Sebastian Nunez: Theory of magnetism in the van der Waals magnet CrI3
[2012.03101] Yipin Su, Ray W. Ogden, Michel Destrade: Bending control and instability of functionally graded dielectric elastomers
[2012.03109] Ramil M. Khusnutdinoff, Anatolii V. Mokshin: Elastic Properties and Glass Forming Ability of the Zr$_{50}$Cu$_{40}$Ag$_{10}$ Metallic Alloy
[2012.03113] Kazuma Nagao, Ludwig Mathey: Fluctuations of squeezing fields beyond the Tomonaga--Luttinger liquid paradigm
[2012.03136] Maya Glinchuk, Anna Morozovska, Lesya Yurchenko: Origin of ferroelectricity and multiferroicity in binary oxide thin films
[2012.03142] Thomas Vojta, Alex Warhover: Probability density of fractional Brownian motion and the fractional Langevin equation with absorbing walls
[2012.03146] Kristjan Haule, Kun Chen: Single-particle excitations in the uniform electron gas by diagrammatic Monte Carlo
[2012.03159] Enesio Marinho Jr, Pedro A. S. Autreto: Me-graphane: tailoring the structural and electronic properties of Me-graphene by hydrogenation
[2012.03175] Hailong Chen: Carbon riveted Pt/MnO2-Graphene catalyst prepared by in situ carbonized L-ascorbic acid with improved electrocatalytic activity and stability
[2012.03180] Ya Feng, Henan Li, Taiki Inoue et al.: One-dimensional van der Waals heterojunction diode
[2012.03183] Zhenisbek Tagay, Fahad Mahmood, Anaelle Legros et al.: BCS $d$-wave behavior in the THz electrodynamic response of an electron-doped cuprate superconductor
[2012.03184] Debjyoti Bhattacharya, Tarak K Patra: dPOLY: Deep Learning of Polymer Phases and Phase Transition
[2012.03186] Zhao Zhang, Yanna Chen, Dehong Yu et al.: Ultrafast ferromagnetic fluctuations preceding magnetoelastic first-order transitions
[2012.03189] Tomonari Mizoguchi, Tohru Koma: Bulk-edge correspondence in two-dimensional topological semi-metals: A transfer matrix study of anti-chiral edge modes
[2012.03191] Mao-Sen Qin, Peng-Fei Zhu, Xing-Guo Ye et al.: Strain Tunable Berry Curvature Dipole, Orbital Magnetization and Nonlinear Hall Effect in WSe2 Monolayer
[2012.03219] Bablu Mukherjee, Ryoma Hayakawa, Kenji Watanabe et al.: ReS2/h-BN/Graphene Heterostructure Based Multifunctional Devices: Tunnelling Diodes, FETs, Logic Gates & Memory
[2012.03231] Kaushal K. Kesharpu, Vladislav D. Kochev, Pavel D. Grigoriev: A method to estimate the volume fraction and shape of superconducting domains in organic superconductors
[2012.03251] Kentaro Ueda, Hikaru Fukuda, Ryoma Kaneko et al.: Evolution of possible Weyl semimetal states across the hole-doping induced Mott transition in pyrochlore iridates
[2012.03274] Yuxing Zhou, Bin Li, Zhefeng Lou et al.: Bulk Superconductivity in the Dirac Semimetal TlSb
[2012.03278] Dahvyd Wing, Guy Ohad, Jonah B. Haber et al.: Band gaps of crystalline solids from Wannier-localization based optimal tuning of a screened range-separated hybrid functional
[2012.03287] Teng Man, Herbert E. Huppert, Ling Li et al.: Finite Size Analysis of the Collapse of Axisymmetric Dry Granular Columns
[2012.03291] Luchan Zhang, Xiaoxue Qin, Yang Xiang: Continuum model for dislocation structures of semicoherent interfaces
[2012.03296] Mathias Augustin, Sarah Jenkins, Richard F. L. Evans et al.: Properties and dynamics of meron topological spin textures in the two-dimensional magnet CrCl3
[2012.03299] Mariana Verezhak, Steven Van Petegem, Angel Rodriguez-Fernandez et al.: X-ray ptychographic topography, a new tool for strain imaging
[2012.03333] Zhesen Yang: Non-perturbative Breakdown of Bloch's Theorem and Hermitian Skin Effects
[2012.03335] J. C. G. Henriques, M. F. C. Martins Quintela, N. M. R. Peres: Optical polarizability and the observation of dark np states in WSe2
[2012.03360] Mnerh Alqahtani, Tobias Grafke: Instantons for rare events in heavy-tailed distributions
[2012.03374] P.J. Lloreda-Jurado, E. Chicardi, A. Paul et al.: Effect of processing parameters on the properties of freeze-cast Ni wick with gradient porosity
[2012.03382] Qiang Luo, Jize Zhao, Xiaoqun Wang et al.: Unveiling the phase diagram of a bond-alternating spin-$\frac12$ $K$-$Γ$ chain
[2012.03410] Wenqing Chen, Lulu Liu, Wentao Yang et al.: Evidence of topological nodal lines and surface states in the centrosymmetric superconductor SnTaS2
[2012.03442] Nikolai I. Lebovka, Mykhailo O. Tatochenko, Nikolai V. Vygornitskii et al.: Connectedness percolation in the random sequential adsorption packings of elongated particles
[2012.03444] Xu-Ping Yao, Gang Chen: Topological chiral spin liquids and competing states in triangular lattice SU($N$) Mott insulators
[2012.03464] Shama, Goutam Sheet, Yogesh Singh: Weak Anti-localization in thin films of the Topological Semimetal Candidate Pd$_{3}$Bi$_{2}$S$_{2}$
[2012.03471] Takuya Taira, Yusuke Kato, Masanori Ichioka et al.: Spin Hall effect generated by fluctuating vortices in type-II superconductors
[2012.03493] Yeonjeong Koo, Yongchul Kim, Soo Ho Choi et al.: Tip-induced nano-engineering of strain, bandgap, and exciton dynamics in 2D semiconductors
[2012.03495] Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Akira Akamine, Yoshinori Sawae: On/off switching of adhesion in gecko-inspired adhesives
[2012.03497] Peng Zou, Huaisong Zhao, Lianyi He et al.: Dynamic structure factors of a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid near an orbital Feshbach resonance across the phase transition from BCS to Sar...
[2012.03526] Shin-ichi Fujimori, Ikuto Kawasaki, Yukiharu Takeda et al.: Core-Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of UTe$_2$
[2012.03529] Takanori Taniguchi, Kota Kudo, Shun Asano et al.: Fermi-liquid state in $T$*-type La$_{1-x/2}$Eu$_{1-x/2}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ revealed via element substitution effects on magnetism
[2012.03545] M. Pietrow, R. Zaleski, A. Wagner et al.: Detection of light emission produced in the process of positronium formation
[2012.03546] Yurong Su, Xinlu Li, Meng Zhu et al.: Van der Waals Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions
[2012.03556] Marcin Maździarz: Molecular potentials for 2D molybdenum disulphide: transferability and performance
[2012.03559] R. D. Dawson, K. S. Rabinovich, D. Putzky et al.: Approaching two-dimensional superconductivity in ultrathin DyBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$
[2012.03570] Lev V. Ginzburg, Carolin Gold, Marc P. Röösli et al.: Superballistic electron flow through a point contact in a Ga[Al]As heterostructures
[2012.03571] P.J. LLoreda-Jurado. Jesus Hernandez, E. Chicardi, A. Paul et al.: Pore morphology evolution and atoms distribution of doped Fe2O3 foams developed by freeze-casting after redox cycling
[2012.03604] T. Schäfer, A. Toschi: How to read between the lines of electronic spectra: the diagnostics of fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems
[2012.03607] P. Schering, G. S. Uhrig: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of nonequilibrium steady states in quantum dots
[2012.03627] Hiroyuki Tajima, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Takahiro M. Doi et al.: Cooper Triples in Attractive SU(3) Fermions with an Asymptotic Freedom
[2012.03634] Karina González-López, Eran Bouchbinder, Edan Lerner: Minimally disordered glasses
[2012.03644] Oded Zilberberg: Topology in quasicrystals
[2012.03645] Keke Chang, Yong Du: Development of Si based anodes for Li-ion batteries from a rational component design
[2012.03657] J. K. Dewhurst, S. Shallcross, P. Elliott et al.: Where does the spin angular momentum go in laser induced demagnetisation?
[2012.03664] Subhajit Rakshit, Akshay S. Pakhare, Olivia Ruiz et al.: Measurement of Volume Changes and Associated Stresses in Ge Electrodes Due to Na/Na$^+$ Redox Reactions
[2012.03668] Sandra Carillo, Maria Grazia Naso, Elena Vuk et al.: Non rectification of heat in graded Si-Ge alloys
[2012.03685] Giovanni A. Oakes, Jingyu Duan, John J. L. Morton et al.: Automatic virtual voltage extraction of a 2xN array of quantum dots with machine learning
[2012.03703] Gregor T. Leuthner, Toma Susi, Clemens Mangler et al.: Chemistry at graphene edges in the electron microscope
[2012.03722] Charles Manière, Shirley Chan, Geuntak Lee et al.: Sintering dilatometry based grain growth assessment
[2012.03723] Ali Raza, Faaiq Waqar, Arni Sturluson et al.: Towards explainable message passing networks for predicting carbon dioxide adsorption in metal-organic frameworks
[2012.03724] Muhammad Nadeem, Iolanda Di Bernardo, Xiaolin Wang et al.: Overcoming Boltzmann's Tyranny in a Transistor via the Topological Quantum Field Effect
[2012.03748] Eirik G. Flekkøy, Alex Hansen, Beatrice Baldelli: Hyperballistic superdiffusion and explosive solutions to the non-linear diffusion equation
[2012.03794] Matthias Wuttig, Carl-Friedrich Schoen, Mathias Schumacher et al.: Halide perovskites: third generation photovoltaic materials empowered by metavalent bonding
[2012.03824] Mainak Pal, Laetitia Bettmann, Andreas Kreisel et al.: Magnetic anisotropy from strain-induced dislocations in correlated electron systems
[2012.03832] Jean-Baptiste Thomazo, Benjamin Le Révérend, Léa-Laetitia Pontani et al.: The Ciliated Structure as a Particle Detector
[2012.03838] Francesco Calavalle, Paul Dreher, Ananthu P. Surdendran et al.: Tailoring Superconductivity in Large-Area Single-Layer NbSe2 via Self-Assembled Molecular Adlayers
[2012.03840] Qiantan Hong, Margarita Davydova, Patrick J Ledwith et al.: Superscreening by a Retroreflected Hole Backflow in Tomographic Electron Fluids
[2012.03841] Daniel S. P. Tanner, Eric Bousquet, Pierre-Eymeric Janolin: Methodologies for the calculation of electrostrictive properties from first-principles
[2012.03852] M.Ciavarella, A.Papangelo, G.Cricri: A comment on "Discussion on the use of the strain energy release rate for fatigue delamination characterization"
[2012.03866] J. Belhadi, F. Ravaux, H. Bouyanfif et al.: Quantification and Mapping of Elastic Strains Ferroelectric BaZrO3/BaTiO3 Superlattices
[2012.03870] D. S. Smirnov, A. V. Shumilin: Electric current noise in mesoscopic organic semiconductors
[2012.03871] Munish Sharma: Stability, Tunneling Characteristics and Thermoelectric Properties of TeSe2 allotropes
[2012.03872] A. V. Shumilin, D. S. Smirnov: Dynamics and noise of nuclear spins in box model
[2012.03875] Sang Hyun Park, Shengxuan Xia, Sang-Hyun Oh et al.: Graphene plasmon-phonon coupled modes at the exceptional point
[2012.03884] Omri Gat, Michael Wilkinson: Correlations of quantum curvature and variance of Chern numbers
[2012.03887] Pratyaksh Karan, Jeevanjyoti Chakraborty, Suman Chakraborty et al.: Profiling a soft solid layer to passively control the conduit shape in a compliant microchannel during flow
[2012.03888] Emil Karshalev, Cristian Silva-Lopez, Kyle Chan et al.: Self-Healing Small-Scale Swimmers
[2012.03922] Pierluigi Contucci, Federico Corberi, Jorge Kurchan et al.: Stationarization and Multithermalization in spin glasses
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 8 Dec 20","img":""}
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