Maternal and Child

Patient has noted a positive ballottement on the prenatal record. You understand that it indicates
A. Periodic uterine contractions
B. Passive movement of the fetus
C. Fetal kicking felt by you
D. Softening of the uterus
Nurse is measuring the funddic height of Mae who is 36 weeks gestation, and Mae complain of light headedness. The complaint is most likely caused by.
A. Fear
B. Compression of Vena cava
C. Anemia
D. Full bladder
Yvonne was schedule for pregnancy test. Nuse that most pregnancy test measure which hormone?
A. "Helps fetus obtain nourishment from placenta"
B. "It protects the fetus skin"
C. "It maintain the fetus temperature"
D. "It contain nutrients for the fetus"
Nurse Jessica is reviewing the record of Ericka, she saw the Doctor documented Goodel's Sign, which indicates.
A. Softening of the cervix
B. Presence of the fetal movement
C. Presence of HGGD hormone
D. Shuffle sounds
Nurse Janna observed her clients now rupture spontaneously and the umbilical cord is protruding from the vagina, her highest priority of nursing care is:
A. Raising the foot of the bed
B. Prepare for cesarian birth
C. Administering oxygen by mask
D. Auscultating the fetal heart beats
A woman in labor with her 3rd child is 4cm. Dilated fetal head engaged, suddenly bow rupture, Nurse Michell should first:
A. Notify the physician
B. Check the fetal heart rate
C. Assess the fluid color
D. Put towel under buttocks
Because of high discomfort level during transition phase of labor, nursing care should be directed toward.
A. Administering medication
B. Helping client maintain control
C. Decreasing the rate of the IVF
D. Left client breath in uniform patters
A primigravida ask Nurse Razeth, when she can expect her baby, Razeth reply that quickening occur in the:
A. 12th week
B. 16th week
C. 20th week
D. 24th week
The patient explain the FHR will be first heard with
A. A fetoscope around 8 weeks
B. A fetoscope at 12-14 weeks
C. An electronic device after 17 weeks
D. An electronic device at 10-12 weeks
In the uterine stretching theory, the hormone that facilitate uterine muscle stretching is:
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Syntocinon
D. Prostaglandin
Fetal lung maturity occur at:
A. 16 weeks
B. 20 weeks
C. 30 weeks
D. 38 weeks
Which of the following is considered in inhibiting uterine motility.
A. Increase estrogen
B. Increase HCG
C. Decreased estrogen
D. Decreased progesterone
Which of the following lead to placental maturity:
A. Na
B. Fe
C. K
D. Ca
The following are characteristics of normal labor except,
A. Fetus is at term
B. Spontaneous labor process
C. No arising complications
D. Oblique fetal presentation
Descent of the fetal presenting into the pelvis 10-14 days before labor begins,
A. Braxton's Hick Contraction
B. Show
C. Lightening
D. Cervical Dilation
Which of the following hormone that is responsible for decrease weight of pregnant woman before labor.
a. Decrease estrogen
B. Increase prostaglandin
C. Decrease Progesterone
D. Increase Relaxing Hormone
An oval shape pelvis which is favorable for fetal birth.
A. Android
B. Gynecoid
C. Anthropoid
D. Platypelloid
The following features are related to Breech fetal presentation except:
A. Sacrum
B. Genitalia
C. Fontanelle
D. Anus
Which of the following superion cranial bone is the fusion of 2 bones.
A. Parietal bone
B. Occipital
C. Frontal
D. Sphenoid
At birth the posterior fontanelle closes at:
A. 12-18 months
B. 2-3months
C. 6-9 months
D. 1 month
Which of the following compress during baby's birth that aid in the molding of fetal skull during
A. Suture
B. Occipital Bone
C. Ethmoid
D. Fontanel
The full cervical dilatation is
A. 5cm
B. 10 cm
C. 15 cm
A systematic method to determine fetal presentation and position thru palpation
A. Review of system
B. Leopold Maneuver
C. Cephalo-Caudal Approach
All of the above
Which of the following Leopold Maneuver determine fetal attitude and degree of fetal extension on the pelvis.
A. 1st
B. 4th
C. 2nd
D. 3rd
Which of the following drugs introduce uterine contractions.
A. Methergine
B. Syntocinon
C. Oxytocin
D. All
The following are considered point of direction in the fetus
A. Vertex presentation
B. Face presentation
C. Breech Presentation
D. Oblique Presentation
Which of the following is not a criteria for external Cephalvic version.
A. Engaged presenting part
B. Intact amniotic membrane
C. Fetus is not in distress Condition
D. Abdominal wall is thin to allow accurate palpation.
In cephalic presentation which is not a high risk for cervical spine injury.
A. Vertex
B. Military
C. Brow
D. Face
Fetal head that is in contact in the cervix that becomes edematous
Caput Succedaneum
Relationship of the fetal spire to the maternal spine.
Fetal lie
Fetal attitude
Relations of fetal parts to each other.
Fetal lie
Fetal attitude
Body parts that is in contact with the cervix, 1st born part.
Fetal Presentation
Relationship of the fetal parts to a specific quadrant of the female pelvis.
Relationship of the presentation part of the fetus to the level of ischial spine
Encirclement of the largest diameter of the fetal head by vulva ring.
Largest diameter of presenting part is at the level of the ischial
Shortening and thinning of the cervical canal as distinct from the uterus that is expressed in %
Enlargement of the external cervical OS up to 10cm
Cervical Dilatation
Cervical Dilation
The branch of medicine that deals with Parturient of Child Birth Caring.
A. Obstetrics
B. Pediatric
C. Geriatric
D. Gynecology
The health goal of MCH to eliminate Health Disparities are the following except:
A. Health Promotion
B. Curative Mgmt.
C. Health Prevention
D. Health counseling
The concepts of nursing knowledge in MCH practices are the following, the least consider is
A. Person
B. Health
C. Profession
D. Environment
The nursing theory that focus on values and beliefs of MCH clients is
A. Self care deficit
B. Human care model
C. Adaptation model
D. Transcultural Model
QSEN as phases of MCH health care develop Nurses competencies in
A. Teamwork and Collaboration
B. Quality improvement
C. Patient centered care
D. All of the above
The number of Pregnancy of a woman that reached viability.
A. Nulligravida
B. Primipara
C. Parity
D. Parturient
The normal range of Fetal Heart Sound is
A. 100-120bpm
B. 120-160bpm
C. 60-100bpm
D. 160-180bpm
The pelvis is a bony ring form by the following, except.
A. 1 innominate bone
B. 2 innominate bone
C. 1 sacrum
D. 1 coccyx
A well rounded, forward and backwards pelvis that is ideal for normal child birth.
A. Gynecoid
B. Android
C. Anthropoid
D. Platypelloid
Presence of sugar in the urine
Counting from the first day of LMP, the following are the duration of pregnancy except.
A. 280 days
B. 9 calendar months
C. 12 lunar months
D. 40 weeks
First perceptible fetal movement felt by a pregnant woman is
A. Lightening
B. Grieving
C. Extraversion
D. Narcism
Nausea and vomiting is known as:
A. Morning Sickness
C. Diastasis
D. Talenciestasis
Nausea and vomiting caused by:
A.high blood sugar
B. Increase estrogen
C. Adequate ader vitamins
D. Increase pyridoxine
Which of the following drug may cause fluid retention of taken during pregnancy.
A. Antipyretic
B. Anticonvulsant
C. Antacids
D. Analgesic
Which of the following is important to Ana's diet
A. Increase chon
B. More fluids during meals
C. Both B and D
D. Increase CHO
{"name":"Maternal and Child", "url":"","txt":"Patient has noted a positive ballottement on the prenatal record. You understand that it indicates, Nurse is measuring the funddic height of Mae who is 36 weeks gestation, and Mae complain of light headedness. The complaint is most likely caused by.","img":""}
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