A2 | Lesson 6 | Mini-grammar quiz

Watch the video and take a quiz about everyday English phrases.
Watch the video and take a quiz about everyday English phrases.
Which phrases can you use when meeting someone? (зустріч)
Like what
What have you been up to?
Long time no see
On the one hand,
Take care
How is it going?
Can't complain
Which phrases can you use when supporting someone? (для підтримки)
Calm down and pull yourself together.
This is a no-brainer
Thank you in advance
Don’t take it to heart
Fingers crossed!
Good for you
It’s not the end of the world
Finish the sentence: "You're driving me _________" . (Ти мене бісиш)
Finish the sentence: "I’d __________ be going" . (Мені вже час йти)
Finish the sentence: "Sorry __________ you" . (Вибачте, що турбую / даруйте)
Well done! Send your name and surname, please.
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