Magnetism and Circuit Theory Quiz

A detailed illustration of magnetic fields, circuit diagrams, and electrical components, showcasing the intricate relationships in electrical engineering and physics, vibrant colors, educational style

Magnetism and Circuit Theory Quiz

Test your knowledge in the fascinating fields of magnetism and circuit theory! This quiz encompasses fundamental concepts and advanced principles, making it perfect for students, researchers, and anyone interested in electrical engineering. Dive into topics such as quadrupoles, resonance in circuits, and more!

  • Challenging questions across multiple subjects
  • Assess your understanding of key principles
  • Perfect for educational purposes or personal growth
66 Questions16 MinutesCreated by ExploringCircuit42
The magnetic field strength calculated with the BiotSavartLaplace formula is defined:
In vacuum
In homogeneous and isotropic media
In conductors traversed by sinusoidal current
All answers are correct
For quadrupoles the relation AD-BC=1 represents:
The symmetry condition
Expression valid in any circuit
Relationship between impedance parameters
Reciprocity condition
Quadrupole existence condition
The derivative of the sinusoidal magnitude corresponds to it in the complex:
Dividing the complex image by π‘—πœ”
Multiplying the complex image by π‘—πœ”
Adding the complex images
Multiplying by the phase of the sinusoidal magnitude
Simplifying by e^π‘—πœ”π‘‘
The real capacitor:
Consumes no active AC power
Consumes AC reactive energy
The phase difference between current and voltage is 90Β°.
The phase difference between current and voltage is less than 90Β°.
The phase difference between current and voltage is greater than 90Β°.
Which of the following statements is true when a circuit is at resonance:
The absorbed reactive power (Q) across the supply terminals is zero
The reactance of the series circuit is 0
The phase difference between the current in the circuit and the voltage at the circuit terminals is 0
The susceptance of the parallel circuit is 0
Magnetic field strength, current density and electrical inductance are related to each other by:
The magnetic circuit law
The law of electrical conduction
The law of the connection between magnetic induction, magnetic field strength and magnetization
The law of transformation of energy into conductors
Y=𝛼 +j𝛽 is the complex quadrupole propagation constant
Determine as the ratio of the voltages at the two gates of the quadrupole
𝛼 is called the propagation constant
�� is called the phase constant
If 𝛼 < 0 the signal is amplified at the output
If 𝛽 > 0 the signal is attenuated at the output
To realize the generator load matching condition is used:
The idle impedance
Image impedances
Characteristic impedance
Short circuit impedance
Series impedance
The even function contains in development:
Only harmonics in sin
Only harmonics in cos
Continuous component and harmonics in cos
Continuous component and harmonics in sin
Continuous component
Apparent power in the non-sinusoidal regime:
Is defined as in the sinusoidal regime
Equal to the product of the actual values of the voltages and currents
Is equal to 𝑃^2 + 𝑄^2
None of the alternatives is correct
The equipotential surfaces are:
Surfaces having at any point the same electric field value
Surfaces which have at any point the same electric potential
Parallel to the field lines
None of the alternatives is correct
The odd function contains in development:
Continuous component and harmonics in cos
Only harmonics in sin
Continuous component
Only cosine harmonics
Continuous component and sine harmonics
Instantaneous voltage at the terminals of the ideal coil:
Н��𝝿 = 𝝿𝑖
Н��𝝿 = 𝑅 𝑑𝑖/𝑑𝑑
Н��𝝿 = πœ”πΏπ‘–
Н��𝝿 = 𝝿 𝑑𝑖/𝑑𝑑
Н��𝝿 = 1/𝝿 ∫ 𝑖d𝑑
In the case of triangle connection:
Н��𝑙 = 𝝼𝑓
Н��𝑙 = (rad)2𝝼𝑓
Н��𝑙 = (rad)3𝝼𝑓
Н��𝑓 = (rad)3𝝼𝑙
Н��𝑓 = π‘ˆπ‘™
The equivalent inductance can be:
In phase
Negative only
Only positive
Positive or negative
The fundamental constants of the quadrupole determined in the secondary idle test are:
A, C
B, D
A, C, D
A, D
For a parallel circuit consider the phase origin:
The current
Current and voltage
Instantaneous power
In the case of parallel resonance:
The current is maximum
It is also called voltage resonance
Overcurrents can occur
The voltages on the coil and capacitor are different
The resonance pulsation is different from that in the series circuit
Magnetic forces are defined at:
Magnetic fluxes and constant currents in circuits
Constant electric charges
Constant charges and potentials
Only at constant magnetic fluxes in circuits
Magnetic reluctance or resistance is defined as:
The ratio of electric voltage to electric flux
the product of magnetic voltage and magnetic flux density
The ratio of magnetic voltage to magnetic flux density
Equal to the magnetic permeance
Complex impedance has:
Modulus equal to the circuit impedance
Argument equal to the phase shift with changed sign
The real part equal to the circuit conductance
The imaginary part equal to the circuit reactance
Imaginary part equal to (????????)
For quadripoles, the relation A=D represents:
Relationship between impedance parameters
Reciprocity condition
Quadrupole existence condition
Expression valid in any circuit
Symmetry condition
The symmetric quadrupole is characterised by: (not sure)
Two independent constants
Three independent constants
One independent constant
Four independent constants
The relation 𝟝/𝝎π‘ͺ = πŽπ‘³ represents:
The equivalent impedance of a series circuit
Is not a resonance condition
Resonance condition only for parallel circuit
Resonance condition for series circuit only
Resonance condition for both circuits
Choose the equation describing the deforming power:
�� = (all rad)𝑆^2 + 𝑃^2 + 𝑄^2
�� = 𝑆 + 𝑃 + 𝑄
�� =(all rad) 𝑆^2 - 𝑃^2 - 𝑄^2
�� = 𝑃 + 𝑄 - 𝑆
Vaschy's theorem:
Applies to sides meeting at a node
Applies to loops in a circuit
Applies to real current sources
Refers to real voltage sources
Applies to coupled sides
The rms value of a non-sinusoidal wave is:
�� = (all rad)1/𝑇 ∫(from 0 to T) 𝑒^2 (𝑑)𝑑𝑑
�� = (all rad)π‘ˆ0^2 + π‘ˆ1^2 + π‘ˆ2^2 + β‹―
Н��𝑀𝝴𝑋 = (rad)2π‘ˆ
��0 = (rad)2π‘ˆ
�� = (all rad)π‘ˆ1^2 + π‘ˆ2^2 + β‹―
Which one of the following represents a series RC circuit operating in the transient regime:
�� = 𝑅𝝢
𝜝 = 𝝿/𝑅
�� = 𝑅
𝜝 = 𝝿/𝝢
The developed integral form of the law of induction is composed of:
Only one component induced by transformation
A transformation-induced electromotive voltage and a motion-induced electromotive voltage
Has only one component
A pulsation-induced electromotive voltage and a rotation-induced electromotive voltage
Which of the following expressions is the characteristic impedance of a symmetrical quadrupole:
Н��0 = 1/(rad)𝝿𝝢
Н��𝝿 = 1/πœ”πΆ
Zc=+-(all rad) B/C
Zi1= +-(all rad) AB/CD
Zi2 =(all rad) DB/CA
Instantaneous power:
Is measured in watts
Is a sinusoidal quantity
Is a constant
Cannot be measured
Is a non-sinusoidal quantity
In a circuit supplied with non-sinusoidal voltage:
The capacitor makes the waveform worse
The capacitor enhances the waveform
Does not change the current shape
No phase shift
Resistance increases current distortion
The instantaneous expression of the complex image I=-2j is:
I(𝑑)= -2sinπœ”π‘‘
I(𝑑)= 2𝑒^(𝑗(πœ”π‘‘+πœ‹))
I(𝑑)= 2(rad)2cosπœ”π‘‘
i(𝑑)=2(rad)2sin (πœ”π‘‘ - πœ‹ βˆ• 2)
I(𝑑)=2/(rad)2*sin (πœ”π‘‘ - πœ‹ βˆ• 2)
Gauss's theorem:
Establishes the relationship between the electric field strength flux in the vacuum, the electric charge located within the surface, and the absolute permittivity of the vacuum
Can only be applied to closed surfaces
Establishes the relationship between the magnetic field strength flux in the vacuum and the total electric charge inside the surface
Does not apply to bodies with cylindrical symmetry
Active power transfer:
Occurs in purely resistive circuits
Is maximum when the phase difference between currents is πœ‹/2
Is maximum when currents are in phase
Occurs in inductively coupled circuits
There is no such transfer
Node potential method:
Applies to loops in a circuit
The unknowns are cyclic currents
The admittance of a node is equal to the sum of the impedances of the sides connected to that node
The short circuit current is calculated by Kirchhoff's theorem
The self admittance of a node is given by the sum of the admittances of the sides connected to the node
The series connection of impedances can be used as:
Voltage and current divider
Voltage multiplier
Current multiplier
Voltage divider
Current divider
The amplitude of the harmonics of a signal with respect to the spectral complex modulus is:
Can be either
In a circuit supplied with non-sinusoidal voltage:
The coil attenuates current distortion
The coil increases the current distortion
The coil does not change the shape of the current
The resistance changes the shape of the current
Resistance increases current distortion
The complex picture of the quantity i(𝒕) = 𝟝𝝬𝝒𝝧 (πŸπ…πŸ“πŸŽπ’• + πŸ”πŸŽΒ°) is:
I(𝑑) = 2𝑒^(𝑗 (2πœ‹50𝑑+πœ‹βˆ•3))
I = 2𝑒^-j60Β°
I = 2/(rad)2 * 𝑒^π‘—πœ‹ βˆ•3
I = 2(rad)2e
I(𝑑) = 2/(rad)2 * 𝑒^60Β°
The instantaneous voltage across the terminals of the ideal capacitor is:
Н��𝝢 = 𝝢𝑖
Н��𝝢 = 1/C ∫ 𝑖𝑑𝑑
Н��𝝢 = 𝝢 di/𝑑𝑑
Н��𝝢 = πœ”πΆπ‘–
Н��𝝢 = 1/πœ”πΆ 𝑖
Deriving a sinusoidal quantity with respect to time results in:
A sinusoidal quantity phase-shifted backwards by πœ‹/2
A non-sinusoidal quantity
A forward phase-shifted quantity with πœ‹
The effective value is πœ” times smaller
Forward phase-shifted magnitude by πœ‹/2
In the case of series resonance:
The value of the current is dictated only by the resistance in the circuit
It is also called current resonance
Overcurrents can occur
The current is maximum
Coil and capacitor voltages are different
In the case of a series electrical circuit, the phase origin is taken as the magnitude:
Instantaneous power
Voltage or current
The positive ratio of the total flux in a circuit, produced by the current of that circuit, to the current producing it is called:
Mutual inductance between two circuits
The self inductance of the circuit
Coupling inductance between two circuits
In the case of long electrical lines:
The first-order equation gives the variations of voltage and current with time
The first order equation gives the voltage and current variations as a function of distance
The voltage decreases along the line, while the value of the current increases
Current decreases along the line while voltage increases
Undistorted lines are those for which 𝑅0
2. The active power is measured in:
N-unit of measurement
An electric capacitor is:
A device consisting of two homogeneous conductors charged with equal charges and of opposite signs, called armatures, and containing inside a dielectric not charged with charge
A device consisting of two equally and oppositely charged homogeneous conductors, called armatures, which contains inside a conducting material charged with an electrical charge
A device consisting of two homogeneous conductors, not charged with electric charges, called armatures, containing a dielectric material inside
None of the above is correct
The losses in the dielectric of capacitors are determined by:
Amplitude permittivity
Elastic permittivity
Viscous permittivity
Dielectric inductance
Complex permeability
In the three-phase symmetrical direct system:
The phasors are phasors with πœ‹ βˆ• 6 between them
The phasors rotate to the right
The sum of the phasors is equal to the sum of the moduli
The phasors form a symmetric star
The phase shifts between the phasors are different
Which of the following expressions represents the commutation theorems for circuits operating in the transient regime:
Which of the following is not a material law of the magnetic field:
The law of temporary magnetization
The law of temporary electric polarization
The law of electromagnetic induction
The law of electrical conduction
Which of the following equations is correct:
Y= G + jB
Y= B + jG
Y= B - jG
Y= B - jG
Let a series RL circuit, initially supplied with a DC voltage source. The circuit is coupled to the source at time t=0. What is the transient expression for the current in the circuit:
�� = 𝝸/𝑅
�� = 𝝸/𝑅 *(1 - 𝑒^(-𝑑/𝜝))
�� = 0
�� = 𝝸 β‹… 𝑒(-𝑑/𝜝)
The expression (all rad)𝑹^𝟝 + (𝟝/𝝎π‘ͺ - πŽπ‘³)^𝟝 represents:
The impedance of a series circuit
The admittance of a parallel circuit
Impedance of a parallel circuit
Impedance of a random circuit
The admittance of a series circuit
The active power is:
The average value over a period of the instantaneous power (in the periodic regime)
The positive product of the effective values of voltage and current
The product of the effective values of voltage and current multiplied by the sine of the phase angle
The product of the actual values of voltage and current multiplied by the cosine of the phase angle
In applying Thevenin's theorem, the following must be known (calculated):
The short-circuit operating current
Impedance of the passivated circuit
Open-circuit voltage
The no-load impedance
Short-circuit operating voltage
Equations U1=AU2+BI2, I1=CU2+DI2:
Are called the fundamental equations of coreless transformer
Are the long line equations
Has no meaning
Are the fundamental quadrupole equations
Highlight the impedance parameters
The unit of measure of deforming power is: (Not sure)
The phasor U= π’‹πŽπ‘ΏI is:
Backward by πœ‹/2 with respect to I
Any phase shift
��/2 ahead of I
In phase with I
In antiphase
The period average value of a sinusoidal quantity is:
The resonance is obtained by the variation of the following parameters:
only the variation of the frequency
Resistance, frequency, inductivity
Only the variation of the inductivity and capacitance
frequency. inductance, capacitance
The electrical conductance:
Is analogic to the electric resistance
Is the inverse of the electric resistance
The resistors, inductors (coils) and capacitors:
Are active elements of circuit
Are the parameters of the circuit elements
Are passive elements of circuit
Are not element of circuit
The measurement unit of the electric field intensity is:
When applying the cyclic (loop) currents method:
the currents on the circuit branches have their values equal with the chosen fictive currents
The directions of the fictive currents are chosen based on some rules
The specific method equations system has b=l-n+s equations
The self-impedance values have all the negative sign when explicitly written
{"name":"Magnetism and Circuit Theory Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in the fascinating fields of magnetism and circuit theory! This quiz encompasses fundamental concepts and advanced principles, making it perfect for students, researchers, and anyone interested in electrical engineering. Dive into topics such as quadrupoles, resonance in circuits, and more!Challenging questions across multiple subjectsAssess your understanding of key principlesPerfect for educational purposes or personal growth","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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