ISO 20022 Basic Level - Training Program Quiz

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What flows are in scope of the ISO20022 migration? 
All MT messages
Only Free Format Messages (MTx99)
Securities Messages (MT5xx)
Payment and Reporting Messages (MT1xx, MT2xx & MT9xx)
What is the strongly advised deadline for sending out Reporting Messages (MT9xx) in MX format?
March 2025
November 2026
Same deadline as for Payments (MT1xx & MT2xx) in November 2025, after which MT9xx will no longer be maintained
There is no MX equivalent for Reporting Messages
What is the relation between ISO 20022, MX, CBPR+ and HVPS+? 
ISO 20022, MX, CBPR+ and HVPS+ are interchangeable, they can be used as synonyms
ISO 20022 is a standard, which MX messages are following. CBPR+ and HVPS+ are 2 market practices sets with different guidelines
ISO 20022 is a standard, which MX messages are following. CBPR+ and HVPS+ are synonyms and refer to the same market practice set and same guidelines
MX is a standard, which ISO 20022 messages are following. CBPR+ and HVPS+ are synonyms and refer to the same market practice set and same guidelines
How many types of pacs.009 are defined by CBPR+ guidelines? 
Two: core and COV
Three: core, COV & Advice (ADV)
Three: core, COV and Treasury (TRY)
Three: core, COV and Reversal (REV)
What is the equivalent flow in MX world of a MT103 sent via cover method?
A pacs.008 is sent together with multiple pacs.009 COV across the transaction chain
A pacs.009 ADV is sent together with multiple pacs.009 COV across the transaction chain.
A pacs.009 COV is sent together with multiple pacs.008 across the transaction chain.
The cover method only exists in MT, MX messages are always sent via the serial method
What key data can be found in the Business Application Header (BAH) of an MX message?
From, To, Business Message Identifier, Message Definition Identifier
BAH is only present in some types of MX messages and therefore does not contain any key data
Amount, Currency, Sender Reference, Beneficiary
Message Identification, Number of Transactions, Settlement, Batch Booking Information
What are the allowed Settlement Method codes in a pacs.008 for a CBPR+ transaction?
Imagine bank A servicing an account opened for bank B. Bank A sends a payment to bank B, which sentence is true? 
Bank A is Instructed Agent, bank B is Instructing Agent. Settlement Method is INDA
Bank A is Instructing Agent, bank B is Instructed Agent. Settlement Method is INDA
Bank A is Instructed Agent, bank B is Instructing Agent. Settlement Method is INGA
Bank A is Instructing Agent, bank B is Instructed Agent. Settlement Method is INGA
What parties (agents) of a pacs.008 change at each leg of a payment through correspondent banking? 
Instructing Agent only
Instructing & Instructed Agents
Ultimate Creditor only
Ultimate Debtor & Creditor
What is the MX equivalent of Tag 57a in a MT103? 
Debtor Agent
Instructing Agent
Creditor Agent
Instructed Agent
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