Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 21 Feb 22
[2202.08840] David McKeen, Marianne Moore, David E. Morrissey et al.: Accelerating Earth-Bound Dark Matter
[2202.08843] Iftah Galon, David Shih, Isaac R. Wang: Dark Photons and Displaced Vertices at the MUonE Experiment
[2202.08847] João Barata, Andrey V. Sadofyev, Carlos A. Salgado: Jet broadening in dense inhomogeneous matter
[2202.08854] Julian Heeck, Anil Thapa: Explaining lepton-flavor non-universality and self-interacting dark matter with $L_μ-L_τ$
[2202.08857] Tanech Klangburam, Areef Waeming, Predee Tantirangsri et al.: Mixing Particle Production for Relaxion Mechanism
[2202.08858] Ricardo Z. Ferreira, M.C. David Marsh, Eike Müller: Do direct detection experiments constrain axionlike particles coupled to electrons?
[2202.08873] M. Loewe, R. Zamora: Renormalons in a scalar self interacting theory: thermal, thermomagnetic and thermoelectric corrections for all values of temperature
[2202.09066] Jung-Min Suh, Yu-Son Jun, Hyun-Chul Kim: Axial-vector transition form factors of the baryon octet to the baryon decuplet with flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking
[2202.09103] A. Bernal, J. A. Casas, J.M. Moreno: Fine-Tuning in the 2HDM
[2202.09142] Peter Lowdon, Ralf-Arno Tripolt: Real-time observables from Euclidean thermal correlation functions
[2202.09181] Chao-Qi Zhang, Jia-Ming Li, Meng-Kun Jia et al.: Nonleptonic two-body decays of $Λ_b\rightarrow Λ_c π, Λ_cK$ in the perturbative QCD approach
[2202.09217] S. Carbajal, A. M. Gago: Indirect search of Heavy Neutral Leptons using the DUNE Near Detector
[2202.09218] I.V. Anikin, L. Szymanowski: Archetypal Factorization and Gluon Poles in semi-exclusive reactions
[2202.09246] Marco Ardu, Sacha Davidson, Martin Gorbahn: The sensitivity of $μ\to e$ processes to $τ$ flavour change
[2202.09358] S. Deser: The Anthropic (and Mis-) Principle revisited, Steven Weinberg in Memoriam
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 21 Feb 22","img":""}
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