Which one of my ocs are you

A whimsical illustration of diverse original characters, each representing different personality traits, in a vibrant, cartoonish style, set against a colorful background that conveys creativity and imagination.

Discover Your OC Personality!

Have you ever wondered which one of your original characters (OCs) you resonate with the most? Take our engaging quiz to find out!

  • 10 insightful multiple-choice questions
  • Fun and relatable scenarios
  • Get a better understanding of your personality traits
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CuriousArtist102
What kind of student are you
I have thirty different colored pens and I do homework as soon as I get home. People pretend to bully me but theyre actually just jealous of my work ethic
Im so close to dropping out you have no idea
I make okay grades, nothing special. I dont really talk in class but if im called on I can probably give the right answer
I try so hard. So hard. but I cannot make above a C+. Such is the folly of the education system
What do you do in your free time
Be gay do crimes
Free time?????
I try to make myself handy. cleaning, cooking, that stuff
Expanding my skillset. Just taught myself basic plumbing. Last week it was lockpicking. Week before was watercolors. I may have too many hobbies
Youre on a deserted island. Provided you have food, water, and shelter, what else do you bring?
I thought this was a quiz not animal crossing
First aid kit, firestarters, a map of the island
All the work that im probably behind on now, oh no...
Look how fast I can eat this sand
Why were you bullied in middle school
Emo hair
I brought my pet rat to school one day on accident and someone spread a rumor that I had rabies
I was really quiet in middle school
I suppose I was what you'd call a teacher's pet
You have one day left to live
Oh thank god
Guess I need to hurry and get my will set up
Reverse uno card
I had so many dreams...
What would you major in college
Biochemistry or other natural science
Elementary education or something with humanities
Criminology or something with law
Undeclared or exploratory studies
Favorite type of weather
I love the snow!
If the wind isnt strong enough to blow down my house I dont want it
I prefer to bake like an oven-ready pizza
A crisp, sunny fall day sounds perfect to me
Someone is bullying your friend in the hallway
Diffuse the situation and get my friend to a safe place before unleashing my fury
Personally see to it that the bully's social life is over
Immediately get into a physical altercation that I might lose and will definitey
Later ask my friend if they want me to do anything about it in the first place
Whats the title of your playlist
Beats to slowly pass away to
Greatest classical hits
You're standing in an open field, sun warm on your face, grass tickling your toes. It's spring and life is good
Songs for long nights
Opinions about your family
Theyre cool. We can hang
Too many expectations for me
Prefer not to answer
My friends ARE my family
{"name":"Which one of my ocs are you", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which one of your original characters (OCs) you resonate with the most? Take our engaging quiz to find out!10 insightful multiple-choice questionsFun and relatable scenariosGet a better understanding of your personality traits","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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