Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 11 Feb 21
[2102.05043] Jaejin Shin, Jong-Hak Woo, Minjin Kim et al.: Revisiting the complex kinematics of ionized gas at the central region of NGC 1068: evidence of an additional active galactic nucleus?
[2102.05045] Zhoujian Zhang, Michael C. Liu, William M. J. Best et al.: The Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program. V. New T-Dwarf Members and Candidate Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups
[2102.05049] Adrian E. Bayer, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Elena Massara et al.: Detecting neutrino mass by combining matter clustering, halos, and voids
[2102.05050] Devontae C. Baxter, M. C. Cooper, Sean P. Fillingham: A Machine Learning Approach to Measuring the Quenched Fraction of Low-Mass Satellites Beyond the Local Group
[2102.05051] Alessandro Lupi, Zoltan Haiman, Marta Volonteri: Forming massive seed black holes in high-redshift quasar host progenitors
[2102.05056] Sebastian Turner, Małgorzata Siudek, Samir Salim et al.: Synergies between low- and intermediate-redshift galaxy populations revealed with unsupervised machine learning
[2102.05058] Vedant Chandra, Kevin C. Schlaufman: Searching for Low-mass Population III Stars Disguised as White Dwarfs
[2102.05061] Stephanie Tonnesen, Greg L. Bryan: It's Cloud's Illusions I Recall: Mixing Drives the Acceleration of Clouds from Ram Pressure Stripped Galaxies
[2102.05064] Jonathan J. Fortney, Rebekah I. Dawson, Thaddeus D. Komacek: Hot Jupiters: Origins, Structure, Atmospheres
[2102.05065] Pratyush Anshul, Anand Narayanan, Sowgat Muzahid et al.: Pair Lines of Sight Observations of Multiphase Gas Bearing O VI in a Galaxy Environment
[2102.05066] José Luis Bernal, Licia Verde, Raul Jimenez et al.: The trouble beyond $H_0$ and the new cosmic triangles
[2102.05068] Chikako Yasui, Naoto Kobayashi, Masao Saito et al.: Low-metallicity Young Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. III. Sh 2-127
[2102.05069] David Rubin, Aleksandar Cikota, Greg Aldering et al.: Going Forward with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Transient Survey: Validation of Precision Forward-Modeling Photometry for Undersampled...
[2102.05070] Nikita Blinov, Matthew J. Dolan, Patrick Draper et al.: Dark Matter Microhalos From Simplified Models
[2102.05074] Francisco X. Linares Cedeño, L. Arturo Ureña-López: One-parametric description for scalar field dark matter potentials
[2102.05076] Tom Seccull, Wesley C. Fraser, Thomas H. Puzia: The Reflectance of Cold Classical Trans-Neptunian Objects in the Nearest Infrared
[2102.05079] Gerrit S. Farren, Bruce Partridge, Rüdiger Kneissl et al.: Confirming ALMA Calibration using Planck and ACT Observations
[2102.05086] Daniel Sobral-Blanco, Camille Bonvin: Measuring anisotropic stress with relativistic effects
[2102.05087] A. J. Frost, R. D. Oudmaijer, W. J. de Wit et al.: Unveiling the traits of massive young stellar objects through a multi-scale survey
[2102.05097] McKinley C. Brumback, Ryan C. Hickox, Felix S. Fürst et al.: A broad-band X-ray view of the precessing accretion disk and pre-eclipse dip in the pulsar Her X-1 with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton
[2102.05141] B. J. Anthony-Twarog, C. P. Deliyannis. B. A. Twarog: WIYN Open Cluster Study LXXXV. Li in NGC 2243 -- Implications for Stellar and Galactic Evolution
[2102.05159] K. Wagner, A. Boehle, P. Pathak et al.: Imaging low-mass planets within the habitable zone of α Centauri
[2102.05160] M. Kramer, I.H. Stairs, V. Venkatraman-Krishnan et al.: The Relativistic Binary Programme on MeerKAT: Science objectives and first results
[2102.05173] Bin Chen, Marina Battaglia, Säm Krucker et al.: Energetic Electron Distribution of the Coronal Acceleration Region: First results from Joint Microwave and Hard X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy
[2102.05182] Skanda Koppula, Victor Bapst, Marc Huertas-Company et al.: A Deep Learning Approach for Characterizing Major Galaxy Mergers
[2102.05244] M. L. Buzzo, B. Ziegler, P. Amram et al.: Physical and kinematic conditions of the local merging galaxy NGC 1487
[2102.05280] Rampei Kimura, Teruaki Suyama, Masahide Yamaguchi et al.: Reconstruction of Primordial Power Spectrum of curvature perturbation from the merger rate of Primordial Black Hole Binaries
[2102.05300] Hei Yin Jowett Chan, Elisa G. M. Ferreira, Kohei Hayashi: Narrowing the mass range of Fuzzy Dark Matter with Ultra-faint Dwarfs
[2102.05305] Sagnick Mukherjee, Natasha E. Batalha, Mark S. Marley: Cloud Parameterizations and their Effect on Retrievals of Exoplanet Reflection Spectroscopy
[2102.05330] Mariusz Tarnopolski, Volodymyr Marchenko: A Comprehensive Power Spectral Density Analysis of Astronomical Time Series. II. The Swift/BAT Long Gamma-Ray Bursts
[2102.05353] D. Mesa, S. Marino, M. Bonavita et al.: Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris disks: HD 92945 and HD 107146
[2102.05384] Benoît Seignovert, Pascal Rannou, Robert A. West et al.: Haze seasonal variations of Titan's upper atmosphere during the Cassini Mission
[2102.05395] Yogesh, D. Chakrabarty, N. Srivastava: Evidence for distinctive changes in the solar wind helium abundance in cycle 24
[2102.05403] Sungwook E. Hong, Sangnam Park, M. James Jee et al.: Weak-lensing Mass Reconstruction of Galaxy Clusters with Convolutional Neural Network
[2102.05410] Lise du Buisson, Sara E. Motta, Rob P. Fender: Very low-frequency oscillations from the 11 Hz pulsar in Terzan 5: frame-dragging back on the table
[2102.05420] Emma M. C. Louden, Joel D. Hartman: HATS-34b and HATS-46b: Re-characterisation Using TESS and Gaia
[2102.05458] Toru Okuda, Chandra B. Singh: Radiative Shocks around Super-Eddington Accreting Black Holes
[2102.05464] J. Brand, A. Giannetti, F. Massi et al.: A possible far-ultraviolet flux-dependent core mass function in NGC 6357
[2102.05476] A. Vrublevskis, B. I. Ryabov, S. M. White: Reduced Microwave Brightness Temperature in a Sunspot Atmosphere due to Open Magnetic Fields
[2102.05482] Alexander W. Raymond, Daniel Palumbo, Scott N. Paine et al.: Evaluation of New Submillimeter VLBI Sites for the Event Horizon Telescope
[2102.05484] J. M. Pacheco-Arias, C. R. Carvajal-Bohorquez, Juan C. B. Pineda et al.: Systematic effects on the diversity of dwarf galaxies rotation curves
[2102.05514] Erika Palmerio, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Olivier Witasse et al.: CME Magnetic Structure and IMF Preconditioning Affecting SEP Transport
[2102.05516] Roland Bacon, David Mary, Thibault Garel et al.: The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: the Cosmic Web in Emission at High Redshift
[2102.05520] James M. Dawson, Timothy A. Davis, Edward L. Gomez et al.: A self-supervised, physics-aware, Bayesian neural network architecture for modelling galaxy emission-line kinematics
[2102.05521] Gabriel Jung, Toshiya Namikawa, Michele Liguori et al.: The integrated angular bispectrum of weak lensing
[2102.05534] David Droz, Andrii Tykhonov, Xin Wu et al.: A neural network classifier for electron identification on the DAMPE experiment
[2102.05552] A. M. Ryan, P. T. Gallagher, E. P. Carley et al.: LOFAR imaging of the solar corona during the 2015 March 20 solar eclipse
[2102.05589] K. Kubiak, K. Mužić, I. Sousa et al.: New low-mass members of Chamaeleon I and $ε$ Cha
[2102.05601] K. J. Napier, D. W. Gerdes, Hsing Wen Lin et al.: No Evidence for Orbital Clustering in the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects
[2102.05615] Jian Li, Ruo-Yu Liu, Emma de Ona Wilhelmi et al.: Investigating the nature of MGRO J1908+06 with multiwavelength observations
[2102.05618] Ronald M. Caplan, Cooper Downs, Jon A. Linker et al.: Variations in Finite Difference Potential Fields
[2102.05620] Kin-Wang Ng, Yi-Peng Wu: Constant-rate inflation: primordial black holes from conformal weight transitions
[2102.05625] Simone Marchi: A new martian crater chronology: Implications for Jezero crater
[2102.05636] Chandra B. Singh, David Garofalo, Benjamin Lang: Powerful Jets from Radiatively Efficient Disks, a Decades-Old Unresolved Problem in High Energy Astrophysics
[2102.05637] Zahra Sattari, Bahram Mobasher, Nima Chartab et al.: Evidence for gas-phase metal deficiency in massive protocluster galaxies at z~2.2
[2102.05641] Eleonora Di Valentino, Supriya Pan, Weiqiang Yang et al.: The touch of Neutrinos on the Vacuum Metamorphosis: is the $H_0$ Solution Back?
[2102.05647] Siyao Xu, Yue Hu: Measuring magnetization with rotation measures and velocity centroids in supersonic MHD turbulence
[2102.05648] Oscar Macias, Harm van Leijen, Deheng Song et al.: Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the putative millisecond pulsar population responsible for the Galactic center excess
[2102.05649] Aleksandra Olejak, Krzysztof Belczynski, Natalia Ivanova: The impact of common envelope development criteria on the formation of LIGO/Virgo sources
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 11 Feb 21","img":""}
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