UCSP Reviewer
Understanding Political Science and Family Dynamics
Test your knowledge of political science concepts and family dynamics with our comprehensive 81-question quiz! This quiz will challenge your understanding of political theories, government types, and kinship systems in a structured way.
Key Features:
- Wide range of questions covering political systems and family structures
- In-depth exploration of key terms and concepts
- Suitable for students, educators, and anyone interested in political science
Deיִned its discipline as “the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior” (2013).
Examines the contemporary application of political concepts such as human rights, equality, peace, and justice.
Is a branch of political science that aims to provide context to the differences in government and political systems
The study of state-to-state relations and the wider margin of the impacts of globalization and climate change such as terrorism, piracy, and democratization of non-Western territories fall into the category of international relations.
This יִeld covers the attitudes, knowledge, and actions of an individual in response to political variables such as policies created by the government, behavior of politicians, and general political environment.
This יִeld inquires on the types of governmental policies and the underlying motivations for their enactment and implementation.
Pervades all of its subdisciplines as they all address contemporary issues on politics, ethics, and governance.
Consists of the historical, social, and economic conditions of the society that affects the types of policies accepted and declined by the electorate.
This refers to the forms of political events or products that are needed by society from its government.
This is a category of Input where it refers to the perceived needs of the population that could better their lives. This may include better wages, equality in the workplace, and lowered taxes, to name a few.
This is a category of Input where it refers to mechanisms within the system that would allow for such demands to be facilitated.
The decision of the government toward an input. This includes policies, rules, laws, regulations, and projects.
Refers to the “web of social relationships” that humans form as part of a family, which is the smallest unit of society.
They defined family as “a social and economic unit that consists of one or more parents and their children.” There are several points that you can learn from this definition.
This allows an individual to be affiliated to the descent of one sex group only—either the male or the female.
An expansion of unilineal descent groups. This type of kinship is observed among groups of people who believe that they have unilineal relations based on a common ancestor.
Is defined as the “socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws”.
This society is chiefly based on foraging, which is also known as hunting and gathering. It is the least complex form of political organization, typically consists of 20–50 individuals who are usually related to one another by virtue of kinship.
This type of kinship relation is marked by loyalty per family cluster or segment. Less mobile than bands, as their form of economic subsistence requires a degree of settlement. Is a political organization that consists of segmentary lineages.
It embodied its characteristics that include a political leader with an advisory council, a leader who exercises power that is based on legitimacy, and the existence of social stratification. More Complex than a tribe.
Is achieved by a leader through the process of following established codes and procedures governing the allocation and distribution of power and resources within a society.
Is a form of leadership legitimacy that highlights the right of a leader to rule based on inheritance of the title.
Creates a type of leadership that is based on the personal attachment of the subordinates to the ruler whose characteristics, experiences, or even skills are believed to be extraordinary, or maybe even supernatural.
This economic process entails the exchange of commodities between parties, often on an individual basis.
Expecting immediate return from any given favor. The value of the commodities is expected to be equal.
The exchange tends to favor one party over the other, as the value of goods for exchange is unequal.
When resources from one individual or organization are given to another with no expectation of return.
Occurs when the resources of one, several individuals, or groups are collected and distributed proportionally or equally to participating members.
Hunting and gathering on foot was the simplest way of living and survival. Mostly Occupies riversides, valleys, and grasslands.
Is a combination of small-scale farming and domesticating animals for the purpose of food and prestige.
Most large-scale societies are dependent on agriculture as their primary mode of economic subsistence.
The man is expected to take residence with his wife’s mother’s area, where they are expected to raise their children and integrate them to the maternal line, creating a matrilineal descent.
This is an arrangement that requires both spouses to leave their households and create their own at times even in a different locality.
This type of residency rule arises when the father is economically and physically unable to provide support for the family, thereby ascribing the role of sole provider and caregiver to the woman.
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