Which /ftmg/ tripfag are (You)?

A vibrant and colorful illustration of diverse ftm individuals expressing different personalities and lifestyles, set against a backdrop of an online community, with elements of humor and camaraderie

Find Your Inner ftmg Character

Discover which ftmg tripfag aligns with your personality! This engaging quiz will help you reflect on your experiences and perspectives related to gender identity and community.

Answer thought-provoking questions and see how you relate to others in the ftm community.

12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ChillVibe42
Would you argue that your personality and mannerisms pass as male?
Yes/Kind of
No, not really
Unsure/Don't care
Do you believe you relate better to other ftms than any other gender category?
Yes, I prefer to be around my ftm brethren
No, I'd rather avoid other ftms
I don't see them as any different than cis men
When you're in an argument and the other person insults you, do you believe in the phrase "kill 'em with kindness"?
Yes, either that or just give the silent treatment
No, that's gay
I'd rather continue to argue, but not insult them back
In what age range did you lose your virginity?
I was under 20 years old
I was over 20 years old
I'm still a virgin
Do you like being the center of attention?
It's not a party until I show up
Attention gives me anxiety
I don't seek attention but don't particularly care if I get it
How intense would you describe your current state of dysphoria?
I'm on the verge of just ending it
Dysphoria is not a thing on my mind at the moment
I'm somewhat discontent but I'm not stressing
On a lonesome Tuesday night after school or work, which activity sounds like cozy unwinding for you?
Shitposting on some website till 2am, maybe join a Discord VC before bed
Binge watching my favorite anime or TV show
Partaking in my autistic hobbies
You made an edgy joke you thought was funny, but your friend is offended by it. What do you do?
Apologize profusely and genuinely mean it
Apologize, and then tell it to three more people who I know will think it's funny
Tell them pushing the envelope now and then ain't so bad
How would you rate your self confidence?
Borderline narcissistic
My brain may as well be nicknamed Arrakis
Pretty neutral, got a few insecurities but nothing that prevents me from living
What do you like about a platform like 4chan?
I can say whatever I want without many (if any) consequences
It's nice to talk to other internet misfits and exchange discords occasionally
I hate this shithole but I can't leave for some fucking reason
Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
Living the high life as a fully transitioned muscle daddy (I hope)
I have a lot of things to improve in the present before I even begin to think about the future
{"name":"Which \/ftmg\/ tripfag are (You)?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover which ftmg tripfag aligns with your personality! This engaging quiz will help you reflect on your experiences and perspectives related to gender identity and community. Answer thought-provoking questions and see how you relate to others in the ftm community.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5107145/img-hfqfnyveg50h40ziokyuznga.jpg"}
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