Access to the Arts A Human Right for Students

In the Rouffignac cave there is evidence of children being involved in art making dating back to __________.
5,000 years ago
13,000 years ago
9,000 years ago
True or False. A quality art education only includes art classes to educate about the Arts
The Arts and dropout prevention study noted that for every year of arts studied students were __% less likely to have and out-of-school suspension.
In the Edutopia video "Arts Integration: Deepening Understanding of Core Content" the Jackson Pollock painting project is an example of ________.
Education through the Arts
Education in the Arts
A lack of art education
Why the Arts do not belong in education
{"name":"Access to the Arts A Human Right for Students", "url":"","txt":"In the Rouffignac cave there is evidence of children being involved in art making dating back to __________., True or False. A quality art education only includes art classes to educate about the Arts, The Arts and dropout prevention study noted that for every year of arts studied students were __% less likely to have and out-of-school suspension.","img":""}
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