How Much Do You Know About Tangerine Oil?

What is the main constituent of Tangerine essential oil?
Linalyl acetate
What is the botanical name for Tangerine?
Citrus limonum
Citrus maxima
Citrus reticulata
Citrus paradisi
What are health benefits that come with using Tangerine oil?
Lifts mood, boosts immunity, and purifies the air
Aids in healthy digestion, reduces stress, and cleanses surface areas
Protects against seasonal threats, promotes respiration, and provides antioxidants
All of the answers are correct
What is the origin of the tangerine?
Essential oils, like Tangerine, with high levels of monoterpene limonene are known for producing which ability in its user?
Promotes feelings of relaxation
Stimulates and enhances mood
Calms and grounds emotions
Promotes healthy, smooth looking skin
Which culture holds a longstanding history of the use of tangerine for herbal practices?
Eastern Indians
Tangerine possesses powerful antioxidants. How do they benefit you?
They primarily boost metabolism, allowing for effective weight loss.
They neutralize free radicals in the bloodstream, allowing for immune support.
They promote movement of material through the digestive system
They can measure your health.
Tangerine oil can promote feelings happiness when applied to a specific flex point of the body. What is that area?
Soles of the feet
The temples of the head
The abdomen
The insides of the wrists
What is one thing you should avoid doing after you’ve topically applied a citrus oil, like Tangerine?
Taking a hot shower
Going out into UV light
Getting a massage
Eating Mexican food
If your skin is sensitive, what is something you can do to reduce sensitivity when topically applying your Tangerine oil, and other oils as well?
Dilute with water
Only apply a little
Never apply the oil
Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil
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